

Rebecca York / Ruth Glick

Meet New York Times, USA Today best-selling novelist, Ruth Glick (aka Rebecca York). She is the author of over 130 books, writing paranormal romantic thrillers for Berkley and romantic thrillers for Harlequin Intrigue. Her many awards include a PRISM Award for “Second Chance” in MIDNIGHT MAGIC (Tor, May 06), receiving two Career Achievement Awards from RT BOOK REVIEW magazine. Her KILLING MOON was a launch book for Berkley’s Sensation Imprint. Her latest Berkley book is DAY OF THE DRAGON, released this month. We'll get lost in her January Harlequin Intrigue, SOLID AS STEELE on January. Also the author of 15 cookbooks, Ruth loves cooking, craft projects and watching defunct TV series on DVD. Her garden contains rocks she’s collected from around the world. 

  Let's Get Lost in a DAY OF THE DRAGONBerkley Sensation, December 2010

ISBN: 978-0425238189

I first wrote about Ramsey Gallagher in Dragon Moon. I was so fascinated with him, that I wanted to give him his own story. He's the hero of Day of the Dragon, which I hope is the start of a new series.

The search for clues to an ancient civilization sends Ramsey to an archaeology conference in Las Vegas where he meets Dr. Madison Dartmoor. Her current dig in Italy has put her in mortal danger, and when Ramsey saves her from thugs bent on stealing a copy of a startling artifact, the two of them team up to unearth the secrets of an ancient civilization. As their relationship heats up, Ramsey guards his own secrets that may tear him and Madison apart or save their lives.

Read an excerpt of Day of the Dragon:

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ANGI: How often do you get lost in a story? REBECCA: It’s hard to get lost in a story when you’re a writer because you’re always analyzing the writing, the plot, the characters. But dh and I were listening to THE KILLING FLOOR by Lee Child last week. It was due back at the library, and I chained him to the recorder so we could finish it. When we pull up to the curb in front of the house, he always reaches to flick off the ignition—even in the middle of an exciting scene. I often stop him so we can find out what happened.

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? RUTH: I’m dyslexic which made reading difficult for me when I was young. My mom saved me by reading books to me that were way above my reading level. I particularly remember the FREDDY THE PIG books.

ANGI: What’s your favorite fairy tale? REBECCA: It must be BEAUTY AND THE BEAST since I love writing about women falling in love with werewolves and dragon-shifters.

ANGI: What’s your favorite cartoon character? RUTH: I always did like The Phantom. He’s long gone from the comic pages, but when I was in Orlando for RWA, I went to Universal Studio’s Islands of Adventure—to visit Hogwarts. On the way back to the entrance, they had a comic character section, and it was like a walk down memory lane. The Phantom was definitely featured.

ANGI: Where do you read and how often? REBECCA: I read thrillers (the new sexy word for suspense) more than anything else. I listen to more books than I read because I’m busy writing. But I always have a book going in the car.

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing? RUTH: I remember writing a “myth” for an assignment in eighth grade. And I remember the first sentence. “Many myths of the Greek gods and the wonders of Mt. Olympus have been lost since the countless ages when they were first told.” I loved that sentence. After I wrote it, I had to figure out how I could be telling about a myth that had been lost.

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time? REBECCA: I guess it’s a tie between STARMAN and CHARIOTS OF FIRE.

ANGI: Be honest, when reading 1st you miss the hero’s POV? RUTH: I’m reading a book now that my niece recommended. It’s HALTING STATE, by Charles Stross. It’s written in—wait for it— 2nd person. But it has multiple points of view. At the beginning of each chapter it gives you which character is telling his or her part of the story. So it would be possible to write in first person the same way—with the writer telling the reader who’s speaking.

ANGI: What’s something you’d like to tell your fans? REBECCA: I loved getting to know Ramsey Gallagher, and I hope you’ll be as in love with him as I am. The book trailer for DAY OF THE DRAGON is on my Web site. In it are two pictures that my husband took. One is the thumbnail, showing people and snake-like monsters. It’s from a crumbling fort in India. The other is the cliff cave. He took that picture in Sedona, Arizona, when we were researching my next Berkley book, DARK WARRIOR.

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK -- REBECCA’S GOTTA ANSWER QUESTION: So, Rebecca. You write for Harlequin Intrigue and for Berkley Sensation and I gotta ask (big grin) How many times is your husband asked if he’s your inspiration for your love scenes? And, okay, I’ll ask... IS HE?

ANSWER: Of course he is! And if I describe a hero who doesn’t LOOK like him, I’m lying. All my sexy guys are a slightly slimmer, younger, and taller version of him. Also, you’re giving me an opportunity to deliver one of my favorite lines. As a romance writer, I’m often asked if I practice my love scenes. Nobody asks suspense writer Rebecca York if she practices murder. GOT A QUESTION YOU’D LIKE TO ASK YOUR FANS? I love writing novellas. How do you feel about novellas vs. full-length books? WILL YOU HAVE A DRAWING FROM THOSE LEAVING COMMENTS? Yes, I’ll be giving away a copy of DRAGON MOON, where readers meet Ramsey Gallagher. THANKS AGAIN FOR JOINING US TODAY, RUTH. Readers, don’t forget to leave a comment today to be eligible for Rebecca’s book, DRAGON MOON. You can find Rebecca (& Ruth) at her website: On Twitter: Rebeccayork43 On Facebook: Ruth Glick and see her new Book Trailer for DAY OF THE DRAGON: AND BE CERTAIN to return this week when we Get Lost in the stories of Elizabeth Essex, Kathleen Eagle & Angel Smits. Til Next Time, ~~Angi


  1. Ruth, thanks for joining us here today. I just finished listening to Lee Child's Killing Floor this weekend. I find it's easier to get lost in a book if I'm listening to it. I use my eyes too much all day. It's nice to give them a break.

    Your book sounds fascinating. I've always had a soft spot for archeologists. I think it would be amazing to discover things about people who've been dead thousands of years.

    Until recently I hadn't read a lot of novellas, but I found I liked the shorter length because I could finish something in a single setting. And for me, finishing anything is a major accomplishment.

  2. Some people hate listening to book. I love it, probably because my mom read to me so much when I couldn't read well myself.

    I think novellas are hard to write and many people don't have the skill.


  3. My parents read to me a lot when I was growing up. It definitely cemented my love of the "heard" word.

    I totally agree that novellas are hard to write. It requires tight plotting and tighter writing. I admire those who do it well.

  4. Good morning, Ruth, and welcome to Get Lost. (everytime I type that sentence it makes me smile.

    I can tell that my TBR pile is growing with every guest we host. Ramsey sounds like "my" kind of hero. I love a knight in shining armor who can't leave the girl.

    As for Novellas vs Novels? I haven't really tried many novellas. I like to get lost in the story for longer than the story I tend to choose very thick books. My mother read to me when I was very young, but I soon became too independent and began reading above my grade level. Reading was very private (get lost) time for me...still is.

    But now that I'm so darn busy...I might just have to give novellas a try.


  5. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for joining us at Get Lost in a Story today :)

    I think it's fascinating that on top of your very prolific fiction career, you've also written 15 cookbooks! Incredible. I also laughed when I read that your garden was full of rocks that you've collected...mine is full of rocks, too. Sadly, not that I've collected but because I'm a horrific gardner who finally gave up and had river stones placed in all of my plant beds in lieu of flowers. I do have one rock in the garden that holds meaning. It's a stone my mom bought for me. It says "I tried, but it died."

    As for novels vs. novellas, I haven't read enough novellas to know...though Cat makes a good point. Maybe I should try more because I might actually have time to finish them :)

    Thanks again for coming by!

  6. Welcome Rebecca! I can't believe you actually remember a sentence you wrote in 8th grade. That is a seriously good memory you have!

    I got my mother hooked on Lee Child and now she's just as addicted as I am :)

  7. Good morning, Rebecca, first I have to say I've been a fan of your work forever, and second I never new you were dyslexic. How fortunate you were to have a mother to take that disability (for lack of a better word) and turn it into a positive.

    Also, I fully concur on your definition of thrillers. It's a sexy name for suspense. And you do both well. Thanks for joining the Get Lost crew and talking about your stories!

  8. Welcome Rebecca! I love a good novella and really admire if an author can convince me that a couple is falling in love in such a short format.

    I've read a few books in 2nd person, too and it can really work if it's purposeful. I read one a few years ago that was a Victorian set sexual awakening story... It made sense to me because the heroine was (in my mind) using 2nd person to detach herself from the things she was doing...

    Danielle Younge-Ullman's debut FALLING UNDER was mostly in 1st person, but had childhood flashbacks in 2nd person that were very effective, I thought.

  9. Thanks for the great comments. A construction company has been building a back porch for me (just in time for winter), and there are tons of rocks that came out of the ground. Ugly, heavy rocks that don't do anything for the garden. They've been cleaning up today, and it's driving me crazy that I can't go out and beautify the view. It will be bla until spring.

  10. What a great interview. Rebecca - I admit that I don't read novellas as often as I read single titles - mostly because when I fall in love with a character I want to spend LOTS of time with them...novellas always feel too short.

    And wow - 2nd person. I can't come up with any books I've read lately in 2nd. I'm going to have to make a point of finding one!

  11. I'm not sure you will love reading a book in second person. It's not my first choice!

  12. I love novellas, particularly within anthologies with a common theme. Those are great for getting to know new authors.

    deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

  13. Ancient civilizations and dragon tattoos, the book sounds great!

    As for novels vs. novellas, I prefer the meatier story of a novel. Novellas rarely go deep enough to satisfy me.

  14. I'm a fan of novellas because I tend to be a one-sit reader, and a novel takes half the day! That said, I tend to do "fluff reads" with novellas. When I want to sink into a story, novels all the way.

  15. Loved the video, Rebecca. Very clean, easy to read and follow !

  16. Thanks for the great interview, Rebecca! I am definitely going to use that line about practicing love and murder scenes the next time someone makes a snide comment!

  17. Rebecca, what a stunning cover!

    We love audio books, too--all that time shuffling three kids around is actually fun with a good book! Great interview, ladies!

  18. I Love all size books but my Faves or Series that go on and on Love a long series to get into.I love your books there Great Can't wait to get the the rest of your books that i do not have Yet.Love the cover Art To Looking Great.

  19. THE WINNER OF REBECCA'S DRAGON MOON is Stacey. Send an email to and with your mailing address.

