

Our Darling Donnell


(left) RITA award winning Young Adult author Rosemary Clement-Moore, Margie Lawson, Jean Willet, Angi Morgan and Donnell. (right) Donnell, Lynda Bailey & Jean Willett.

Thanks, Angi, you and the wonderful women pictured above have always got my back ;) and I so appreciate your lovely header.

What's the one thing you learned at conference last year you wish everyone knew?

DONNELL: Wow, why do I get the tough questions? I learned so much being a two-time Golden Heart finalist. The first time, I earned the GH nod, I walked around with that try-to-be savvy, try-not-to-impersonate-a-deer-in-the-headlight-look. And it wasn't even the harsh-element experienced deer either, darn it. For this Colorado girl, I wore a corralled *rein* deer expression. Rudolph had nothing on me.

So what have I learned from conferences? That you have to *make it what it is.* If you go there clutching for your comfort zone and your friends' shirtsleeves... Big mistake. Get out there. Walk up to people, introduce yourselves. Try to engage colleagues in conversation.

You'll find that most people are just that--people. Don't monopolize the conversation, of course. Ask them about themselves. Find out what they write. If you know and love their writing, let them know about it. If you don't know what they write, tell them you'll have to check out their books, and then make a point to do so. Show them you mean it and write down their title's name or ask them for a business card. Then slip them one of your own, and say let's keep in touch.

Most of all, have fun!

Networking is our friend in this business. Pictured below with me is my buddy Joelle Charbonneau who was one of our first bloggers at GET LOST IN A STORY. Below Joelle is my fabulous critique group and the flowers they brought me when I sold.

Back row: Jude Wilhoff, Sharon Silva & Karen Fox
Jodi Anderson, Pam McCutcheon aka Parker Blue & Angel Smits


Bell Bridge Books

Available September 15, 2011

My promo will be short and sweet right now, dear readers, because the fabulous minds at Bell Bridge Books are working on a title for my debut book (formerly Walk Away Joe). With each new day, I learn something amazing about the publishing industry, and how much *work and creativity* is behind it. I couldn't have sold to a more hands-on company that supports its authors. We're kind of like the story of the three bears right now... We want everything to be .... just right.

To name a few of my Bell Bridge cohorts, the fabulous Parker Blue, author of the very successful Demon Underground series, Ken Casper, author of As the Crow Dies, Lisa Turner, author of A Little Death in Dixie, which recently grabbed # 1 Book on !! these are just a fraction of the talent that surrounds me. To learn more about their releases and those of others, check out

Then, when it's my turn, I hope you'll share in my uncontainable joy as I have my outstanding blog partners at Get Lost in a Story. September's just around the corner. The book was already special. Bell Bridge has made it extraordinarily so.


Her website, Facebook Twitter, @DonnellAnnBell & blogging on Five Scribes.

Leave a comment this week and be eligible for Gift Cards or Books from The Crew and other autographed books they pick up at conference. Drawings to be held on July 4th.

Donnell is adding to the prize pool by donating a $15.00 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift certificate (one lucky commenter's choice.)

Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.

Let's talk heroes: Alpha, Beta or somewhere in between. Who's your favorite hero and why?


  1. Hi Donnell - I love our picture! And I can't wait for your book to hit stands. It will be awesome and I can't wait for the next time you are featured here where you will tell us all your title! The suspense is killing me:)

  2. Killing you? LOL. I love that picture too. I enjoyed so much that you came to stay with me during your fabulous book signing! xxooo

  3. Just have to add one more comment. I love being someone's darling :) That had to be Angi that came up with that headline. My Get Lost in a Story sisters rock!

  4. Heroes? I love them all. Though, I do tend to gravitate towards Alpha males. They are self-assured, strong, resourceful protectors. Just the kind of man to make you feel safe and secure. All these qualities are appealing. Of course, the more tortured they are, the more satisfying their road to salvation.

  5. Donnell, I know the suspense of not having a title and cover just have to be killing you! Can't wait. We're so excited.

    And yes, 'twas me who came up with Darling --should have typed it DARLIN' then there wouldn't be any doubts.

    ANSWER: Alpha enough to be strong, beta enough to be supportive and show he cares.


  6. I'm a fan of alpha heroes, but I can appreciate a beta, too. One of my favorite alpha heroes is Loretta Chase's Vere Mallory from "The Last Hellion."

  7. I really love the alphas! They are just so stong, brave, determined to have what they want, when they want it, they don't let anyone mess with them or those they care about. And of course, they are also sexy and just a little arrogent and cocky. I tend to read alot of paranormals and historicals and most of the heros are definate alphas.

  8. Great post and you are a darling with a capital "D".
    I think women are biologically programmed to be attracted to alpha males, but true alphas are the men who are confident, strong, caring and protective. They can be a tiny bit cocky, but anything more than that and they aren't alphas, they're just jerks!

  9. Boy, this kinda goes along with my answer to the historical question. Jamie Fraser. Fitzwilliam Darcy. The End.

    Jamie is most definitely an alpha male. Darcy is harder to pin point. He's definitely not beta, yet he's not all in-your-face. He's like a subtle alpha. :)

  10. The more Alpha the better! I don't want him to be a jerk but he needs to be confident, dominant and protective.

    One of my favorite Alpha heroes is Andrei Solace in Lauren Dane's futuristic story Mesmerized. He is an assassin who has cut himself off from expressing his emotions until he is reunited with his childhood first love. Once he sees Piper again he's a goner. Even though he wants to push her away for her own protection she won't let him.

  11. Hello everyone, yeah, Darling, right ;) That Angi... Good characters so far. I'm trying to think of one in fiction that I love. Elvis Cole, Robert Crais character comes to mind. J.D. Robb's Roark (oh yeah).

    For television, one comes instantly, instantly to mind, and that was Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive. He had a job to do and he was going to do it. Alpha to the core, but showed his softer side when he found out that Harrison Ford aka the Fugitive didn't do it. Harrison Ford got top billing for that movie, as it should have been, but Tommy Lee Jones stole the show.

    Anyone else? Love talking heroes?

  12. Oooh, Abigail, you've just coined a new phrase. Subtle Alpha. I love it!

    Okay, Stacie, adding "Mesmerized" to my must-read list. Love fantasies.

    Kristi, thanks for the nice compliment. You are so right, and my editor would agree with you. My editor constantly toned Joe down in my upcoming release. At first, I thought but he's Alpha male, he's a cop. The result was... oh my... I didn't think I could love him more. I do.

    June, agreed, I love to read about a take charge guy. But he has to have an honorable take charge side. Does that make sense?

    Jane, I'll have to look into The Last Hellion. The title makes me want to read it. Thank you!

  13. I like alphas but I have to say some of my favorite heros have been nerds. I have read all of Vicki Lewis Thompson nerd books and have loved each one. My favorite was Jackson from Nerd in Shining Armor.

  14. Oh, Sherie, thanks for the book referral. Vicki Lewis Thompson was our guest a while back. You're so right. Have you ever watched any of Patrick Dempsey's nerd movies? I absolutely loved the underdog becoming the hero. Well said!

  15. Alpha! I love that "MINE!" quality they have torwards their woman ;-)

  16. I love Alpha's!! Don't get me wrong, Betas are good but nothing beats a great Alpha. I just want a man to tell me I'm his. I love it.

  17. Hi, Chelsea and Danielle, I'm seeing a definitely A pattern here. Thanks for sharing! However, I gotta say, my bad guy in my soon to be released novel is Alpha -- he's also a sociopath of the worst order. Gotta throw in some beta to counteract a guy like him, which is why I like protags like Roarke, NCIS's Gibbs (who would anyone want to be married to?) and DiNozzo ;)))), they gotta be able to turn it off. Ya know? Ya'll are definitely in the drawing!

  18. I love both but I think I am somewhere in between. I do switch around a lot with my books so it whould be hard to choose between the two. There are times I want the hero to be the bad guy then other times I want him to be the sweet boy next door type of guy.

  19. That's what makes reading fun, Virginia. I agree!

  20. I've always had a soft spot for Beta's. Keep in mind, these Betas can't be wimps, they are just not as arrogant and self-aware as Alphas.

  21. I really do like Alpha hero's the best. I love a man who takes charge.

  22. Angi drew a name and it's Ellen. Off to find Ellen :) Thanks for checking us out during RWA National Conference week all
