


Formulas. Science. Mathmatics. Chemistry.

Really, not my favorite subjects. In fact, I was told by professors--seriously, not once, but twice--"Here's your 'D', don't come back." Not so with our award-winning, unsinkable sister, Get Lost In A Story crew member, mother of two, complete over-achiever, loveable, Heather Snow, author of SWEET ENEMY.

This romance writer doesn't just HAVE a degree in chemistry--she LOVES it and works her knowledge and magic into her romances. Instead of formulas in the chem-lab, Heather chieves putting the Formula of Romance onto the page, sparking more than just chemistry between her characters.

So, what's the Formula for Love?

Take a gal with a chemistry degree writing about what she knows, add in a love for Happy Endings and you have Heather Snow.

A mystery, murder, two people who desire different things, but who also desire each other. And then there's the chemistry...both in the lab and, well, not in the lab.

the HERO
Geoffrey Wentworth, Earl of Stratford is not only a war hero on the battlefield but also in Parliement, fighting for ex-soldier's (doesn't he already claim your heart?).

Lillian Claremont is a chemist who refuses to be "just a wife." She's investigating her father's death and using science in a world on the brink of discovery but still full of prejudice.

Throw them carefully together with a supporting cast and you have instant, explosive chemistry in SWEET ENEMY.

Leave a blog comment and be entered in a drawing for a $20 gift-card in honor of Heather's debut week. Be entered a second (and maybe even a third) time when you send a friend to "Like" us on Facebook or Tweet this message: SWEET ENEMY The Formula of Romance #GetLostStories @HeatherSnowRW @Penquin

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Don't forget to come back the rest of this week for more give-aways and secrets about Heather! LIKE us on Facebook. FOLLOW us on Twitter #GetLostStories.

today's QUESTION
What are your thoughts on Chemistry...either in the lab or other places >>grin<<  ??


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the book !
    (and the author even with the chemistry degree!)

    So happy you can see your book on the shelf !
    Have fun with your debut!


  2. My thoughts on chemistry in the lab: if there is chemistry taking place under controlled conditions with, say, flames, beakers, scales and a need for protective eyewear, rest assured I will be at the furthest possible point AWAY from this activity. Really, it's for the best, I swear.

    happily started reading my very own copy of SWEET ENEMY yesterday. Best of luck and happy release week, Heather!

  3. Awww, thanks! Great post, Angi. You made even ME want to go buy the book... :)

  4. Congrats on your new release heard a lot of good things about it. My thoughts on chemistry is a the hero and heroine have to have chemistry to work in a book.

  5. Heather, you don't have to buy the book, silly. You're such a chemist. You wrote the book so it's in your head, along with a whole lot of other combustible stuff, which is why this book is so great. It's on my TBR stand and I'm working as fast I can to get to SWEET ENEMY ... WAHOO!

    Just gotta say I'm biased about this chemistry biz, I'm married to a chemical engineer so I have a deep and abiding respect for the processes that work in and out of the lab. You go, Heather! See you more this week!

  6. My favorite chemistry is between and man and a woman. The class I took in high school was not my favorite!

    Congrats, Heather!

  7. I do think there has to be spark between a couple to last.

  8. Congrats on your release! I love explosive chemistry in books. When the characters are so attracted to each other that nothing can stop them from being together.

  9. I think there are different types of chemistry. Really great friends usually have a chemistry. Romantic chemistry can be overpowering. I think lots of liasons are brought about by very strong chemistry.

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  10. I got mine! I went to B&N and bought this book. It sounds fantastic and my teen daughter already stole it from me so she could read it first.

  11. I think chemistry is really important, between two people when attraction sparks, and in ordinary life as well. I'm glad there are people out there who know all about it because I'm not very well versed in the science.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  12. Chemistry is important in any relationship, but mutual respect is more so.
