

All That Matters and Loralee Lillibridge

Get Lost in a Story Readers.  I'm so excited to host Loralee Lillibridge today, even though I had to drag her out of her writing cave and away from her deadline for this interview.   She's got a lot going on, a new mystery series.  But for now she's goint go tell us about her contemporary romance, ALL THAT MATTERS.

  All the money in the world won’t bring happiness if the strings attached are pulled so tight you can’t breathe. FAITH MORGAN couldn’t breathe. Controlled by a dominating father whose wealth influenced his actions and prejudices, Faith spent her teen years breaking every rule Lionel Morgan made.  BUDDY LEE WALKER’s life is just the opposite. His no-account daddy’s been behind bars since Buddy Lee was sixteen. He’s had to work hard to overcome the shame of being Boyd’s boy. The first time he took the blame for one of Faith’s escapades, he knew the alligators would be snapping at his heels. She knew she had a friend for life. He didn’t care. Being Faith’s friend was the only good thing in his life right then. The worst thing was falling in love with her. The town’s bad boy never expected his love to be returned by the banker’s daughter. Now six years have passed and Faith returns to ask a favor that messes with his emotions and challenges his honor…and his heart. Faith learns an unexpected lesson about true love and the things in life that really matter.


DONNELL:  Good morning, Loralee, thank you for joining us today.  This is going to be fun.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?

LORALEE: I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to be here, Donnell. Thanks so much for inviting me.  And “Hi, y’all” to all your followers.

DONNELL:  What’s your favorite room in your house?

LORALEE:  I guess I’d have to say my office when I’m writing, because I can shut the door and lose myself in my current project. I have so many outside distractions that can’t be helped, so I cherish my quiet time and guard it ferociously. Sometimes, the wee hours of the morning are my only time to write. I’m learning to grab them whenever I can.

DONNELL:  What’s your favorite beverage?

LORALEE: well,  I grew up in Texas drinking sweet tea and loving it, but unfortunately, now I must omit the sugar. It just isn’t the same, either, I don’t care what “they” say.   And black coffee first thing in the morning is a must.  Love my Keurig!

DONNELL:  Love sweet tea & Keurig  What’s in your refrigerator right now?
LORALEE: Thank goodness, you didn’t ask me what’s in my purse. That would take all day to list. (grins sheepishly)  My refrigerator is rather boring right now. Salad fixin’s, mini-carrots, celery, cauliflower, zucchini and summer squash, Chobani yogurt, and of course, the basic milk, eggs, not-real  butter, O J, and some lovely wines. After reading this list, I think I need to splurge on some chocolate, don’t you?

DONNELL:   Ha, Loralee, I have a new question "What's in your purse?"  But for next vic--I mean author ;)  In spite of their conflict, I can tell Faith and Buddy are made for each other.  Has there ever been a “bad boy” in your life?  And why do you think women are so drawn to them?

LORALEE: You had to ask, didn’t you? Well, let me just say that would depend on your definition of “bad boy”, okay? But Buddy Lee is my all-time favorite. He’s not really as bad as his reputation. And oh, my, can he slow dance to those country ballads! Faith can’t help but love him. 

DONNELL:  Are your organized?

LORALEE:  Organized?  Wait a minute while I look up that word.  I do a pretty good job of filing bills, writing business, etc., but organizing my time?  A whole ‘nother story there. And my desk and writing area look like a small tornado hatched there and multiplied. Have any helpful tips for me?

DONNELL:   If you’re not writing, where will we find you?

LORALEE:   I’d love to say something exciting like , “Oh, having tea on the verandah of my plantation home, y’all” or “Lounging on a beach in the tropics”, but hey, everyone who knows me would crack up If they heard that. Realistically, I’d probably be running errands or keeping doctor appointments. See how boring I am without writing? I do love to travel, though, and have been out of the country several times. My personal bucket list is endless.

DONNELL:  How many hats do you have in your closet?

LORALEE:  Materially, only two – a wide-brimmed straw I bought in Hawaii and a Detroit Tigers baseball cap. Not sure why I don’t have a cowboy had to wear with my boots. We all know in real life that a wife, mom and grandma wears lots more than two, so I stopped counting a long time ago.  But I haven’t stopped collecting them. I’m proud to wear a Published Author hat now.

DONNELL:  If you could talk with any person in the world, past or present, who would it be?

LORALEE: From the past, my dad. He died when I was only eleven and I have so many questions I never got to ask him.  He was an artist who wrote poetry and opened up the world of books to me at an early age.   From the present, Maya Angelou, whose wisdom and beautiful words are always an inspiration.


LORALEE LILLIBRIDGE:  Oh, I love to ask questions. So here goes.  Readers, what influences your decision to take a chance on an author you’ve never read, and is that writer’s online presence, such as a website, blog or Facebook page, important in helping you make your choice?  (See how I made that all into one question?)

Thanks again to Donnell and everyone at Get Lost In A Story. It’s been fun, y’all!  Keep reading!

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ALL THAT MATTERS is available in e-book or print at 

HILL COUNTRY MAN will be a mid-May e-book release.

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  1. Good morning, Loralee, no personal tips on organization, always yes to chocolate, and love your answers to my hat question. Well done. Welcome to Get Lost in a Story. All That Matters sounds like my kind of read.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Donnell. I loved writing about Buddy Lee and Faith. Texas Hill Country small town, rich girl-bad boy, unlikely romance mixed with humor and a touch of suspense...I hope readers enjoy it.

  3. Loved the interview, ladies! I'd have to look up the word organized too. The house stays in order but my office...that's a whole different story.

    I tend to read books written by authors I've gotten to know. It might be through a RWA chapter or Facebook. Donnell and Avery Flynn are good examples. I've never met them but because of social media felt like I knew them. So I wanted to try their books. Lucky for me I did, because they were awesome reads.

    1. Glad you stopped by, Jerrie. Really glad I'm not the only one un-organized. :) I met Donnell thanks to social media, immediately bought her book and could NOT put it down until I finished it. Definitely my lucky day.

    2. Ah, Jerrie, what's different about us writers is that while we get to know each other on a personal level, we get to know each other as writers. I LOVED Green Eyed Doll. Congratulations on you new release. Have we got you booked here?

    3. Thanks very much for your kind words, Loralee!

  4. I'm a little compulsive so I'm uber-organized. I have labels on my refrigerator shelves. But no one pays any attention to them. It's a bone of contention at my house!! Great interview, Loralee. And in answer to your question, I will say on-line buzz does drive me to try a new author. And ironically as I scrolled to the bottom of this page I saw an intriguing cover with a captivating title, and now I want to read that!! An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, here I come. :)

    1. Hi Tracy! Labels on your fridge shelves? Wow, you're good. Glad you found a new author to read, too. I think finding them is like an adventure. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Enjoyed the interview. Had to chuckle about the question not being about the purse. Isn't that the truth???



    1. Yes, Vicki, and I think Donnell just got more ammo for future interview questions. :) Look out, everyone!

    2. Ha, Loralee gave me a great idea... I guess for the guys, I'll steal the Capital One ad and say, "What's in your wallet?" :)

  6. Loralee, great interview. Now I know we have a lot in common (IE: not knowing the definition of organization). Can't wait to meet you in October.

    Donnelle, I love your interview questions. So much more refreshing than "Where do you get your ideas."

    1. Thanks Marge. Doing the interview with Donnell was fun. I still think she wanted more info about the bad boy question, though. LOL I'll never tell.

      See you in Oct.

    2. Marge, people like Loralee give them to me :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I with you Loralee, I love bad boys and Buddy Lee stole my heart first thing! Social buzz or a good blurb will lead me to examine the first few chapters of a new author but it's the story that causes me to buy.
    Great interview!

    1. Thanks, Teresa. I love those bad boys, too. It was good to see you at Retreat!

  8. Great interview. I like to try new authors based on the book and if it sounds like something I would like to read.


    1. Hi, bn100. Thanks for stopping by.I like trying new authors, too. It's like trying a new flavor of ice cream for me, especially if the title is intriguing. Sometimes the surprise is a real treat.

  9. You will think I am a horrid person. I try new authors all the time, but I chose their books just like I choose any other. I first pick up a book because I like the cover. (Your cover rocks!) Then, I read the blurb, and if it's a print book that I can actually open..gasp..I read the end...I know.. I know.. I don't understand me myself.. but there it is.

    1. Maxine, no one who tries new authors is ever horrid. Every writer was a newbie once. :) And thank you, thank you, thank you for the lovely comment on my cover. I will definitely share it with my cover artist, Pat Lazarus. She is amazing. I'll bet there are lots of readers out there who peek at a book's ending at least once. Tell me, does it ruin the book for you?

    2. Not at all..As a matter of fact, I can't relax and enjoy a book until I've read the end. I think my wierd malfuction stems from the fact I lost a book once before I finished it..I had a total mind melt and couldn't remember the name of the book or the author and have Never gotten closure lol.. So, now I make sure that doesn't happen :)

  10. Love this book! Wonderful interview, Loralee!

    1. Awww, thanks Jennifer. You are a terrific fan!

  11. Wow, I'm not alone in the unorganized world. Great interview, ladies. Loralee, you dodged that question about bad boys too many times. Now, I'm really curious. We'll just have to hogtie you at the next writers' meeting and make you tell all.

  12. Hi Loralee,

    Just wanted to pop in and say Howdy. You rock, girl.

    Christie Craig

    1. Hey, Christie. Sooo sweet of y'all to stop by. Miss seeing you. Hugs.
