

A Pattern For Love...

Love Inspired

After inheriting her great-aunt's failing yarn shop, Lilly Barnes is determined to make it a success. All she wants is stability, something she doesn't think possible in the small town of Corinthia, Georgia. Then Pastor Daniel Foreman rents space in her store to hold meetings for his growing congregation, and this proves to be her lifeline. At first Lilly wants nothing to do with Daniel's big dreams, but she soon finds herself starting to share his goals. Yet trouble between her customers and his congregation make them both doubt the path they're on. That is, until practical Lilly shows him that love is a risk worth taking.

Missy Tippens, a pastor’s wife and mom of three from near Atlanta, Georgia, made her first sale to Love Inspired in 2007. Her books have since been nominated for the Booksellers Best, ACFW Carol Award, Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, Beacon Contest and a 2013 RT Reviewer’s Choice Award. A House Full of Hope was a Romance Writers of America 2013 RITA® Nominee. Her most recent from Love Inspired, Georgia Sweethearts was an April 2013 release. Visit Missy at her website.

ANGI: How often to you get lost in a story?
MISSY Not nearly as often as I would like! I try to spend a little time reading on Sundays and also a couple of evenings a week. The main problem I have, though, is that once I start a really good book, I truly do get lost in the story. My kids used to always groan and say, “Oh, no. Mom’s started another book.” They knew I wouldn't come up for air until it was finished! :)
ANGI: In the beginning, I didn't finish some of my stories. It got to the point where my daughter refused to start reading one until I finished it. LOL 

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
MISSYThe first memories I have are of nursery rhymes. My dad read them to me from the Childcraft Encyclopedia. And I would read the rhymes myself later and work to memorize them.
ANGI: What’s your favorite cartoon character?
MISSYI can’t name one favorite character. But growing up, my favorite cartoon was The Jetsons. I can still sing the intro music!
ANGI: What’s your favorite “love” word?
MISSY: Cherish. I think I love it so much because I have a need to be cherished. I imagine we all do.

ANGI: What do you like about the hero of your book?
MISSYI like his humor. I love a guy who can make me laugh. And yes, my earliest memories from dating my husband include lots of laughter.

ANGI: Where do you read and how often?
MISSYMy favorite place to read is at the beach. I take my favorite beach chair and sit under an umbrella. I load up a huge bag of books plus my Kindle when we go on vacation, and I plow through story after story. When I’m at home, I read in the corner of my sectional sofa. I love to get comfy and cozy for reading.

ANGI: What sound or noise do you love?
MISSY I love the sound of ocean waves. They relax me. Plus, the sound inspires me. I do some of my best writing at beach writing retreats.

ANGI: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
MISSYFairy tale, definitely. Especially those with happy endings.

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing?
MISSYActually, it was science fiction! It had something to do with outer space and cars that ran on tracks up in the air, spaced out so no one would have a wreck. I was a wannabe inventor, and I think I was heavily influenced by The Jetsons. :)

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
MISSY: E.T. I adore that movie. I cry--and I’m talking MAJOR sobbing (sloppy and ugly)--every single time. Just watched it again in June and embarrassed myself.

ANGI: What is your biggest vice?
MISSY: Snacking at night and being a couch potato. Oops…I guess that was two. I’m revealing my weaknesses to y’all. Be kind, okay? :)

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK: Have you always lived in Georgia? If so, what's your favorite thing about the state?

MISSY'S GOTTA ANSWER: No. I was actually born and raised in Kentucky. I headed to Georgia for graduate school at Emory University, where I met my husband who was in seminary at the time. I loved Georgia before I even met him, though. Loved the excitement of Atlanta and the cultural arts. I loved meeting new people from all over the world. It didn’t take me long to realize I wanted to stay. Meeting hubby just sealed the deal. I’ve now been here for almost 30 years and still love it. Although, I have to say I feel as if I’m truly home when I head to Kentucky to visit my parents and start seeing those beautiful rolling hills along I-65.

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My next release date is TBA. I just recently signed a new two-book contract with Love Inspired! The working title of the first one is Hoping for Prince Charming. I’m nearly done writing the first draft.
(for a complete list, visit her website)

Love Inspired
RT Reviewers' Choice Award Nominee

Love Inspired

MISSY is giving away  a signed copy of her most recent release, Georgia Sweethearts. (North America Readers…leave your email) 

Note: COMMENTERS are encouraged to leave a contact email address to speed the prize notification process. Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only unless specifically mentioned in the post. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Winners of drawings are responsible for checking this site in a timely manner. If prizes are not claimed in a timely manner, the author may not have a prize available. Get Lost In A Story cannot be responsible for an author's failure to mail the listed prize. GLIAS does not automatically pass email addresses to guest authors unless the commenter publicly posts their email address.

DON'T FORGET to FOLLOW us on Twitter #GetLostStories or LIKE us on Facebook to keep up with all our guest authors and their prizes. Join us tomorrow when we introduce our new crew member, E.E. Burke. And next Wednesday I'll return with three of my favorites: Donna Kaufman, Kate Angell & Kimberly Kincaid. ~Angi 

MISSY WANTS TO KNOW: What’s your biggest vice (so I won’t feel embarrassed for sharing mine!)?


  1. I eat tons of gummy bears if I buy them. I have to stop buying them in bulk!

    Your book sounds terrific!

    maybe31 at

  2. Good morning and welcome to GLIAS, Missy. Thanks for stopping by again and for the giveaway.

    I can relate to being a couch potato... Recently I discovered JUSTIFIED and that the first two seasons were on Amazon for free. I think I stayed up half a night watching episode after episode to see the "end" of the story.


  3. I'm so excited to be here! Thanks for having me, Angi.

    I just realized on re-reading that maybe your first question was talking about writing and not reading (getting lost in a story). I answered about reading! If you're talking about writing, I do that every week day. And yes, I do get lost in those stories as well. :)

    1. It's an open-ended question.
      I wish I could get lost in a story (other than my own) every day. It's so rare...but it's also such a treat. I definitely don't do it enough.


  4. May, my daughter loves gummi bears, too. And if she buys them, they're hard to resist! Some of my favorite gummies are the Lifesavers kind. YUM!

  5. My biggest vice is chocolate. I have to have some every day. Maybe I'm a chocolate addict. lol


    1. Well, Rita, if it's dark chocolate, you can call it health food. Just think of it as sort of taking a vitamin each day. :)

  6. Guess I love RS candy too much!!
    Just wanted to stop by Missy's books and have read them all but Her Unlikely Family. She is a great writer, great person, and (now) a Georgia me! lol
    Actually I live about an hour from her, and hope to meet her one day!
    You can drop my name in the drawing if the book I have not read yet is available?!! lol
    jacsmi75 [at] gmail [dot] com

    1. Hi, Jackie! I'm so glad you dropped by! If you win, I may be able to find you a used copy of Her Unlikely Family (or send you an e-copy if you have an e-reader). I don't even have enough copies to have one for each of my kids! I gave away too many. :)

  7. I like reality TV. There, I've said it. *hangs head*

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Marcy, I like several reality shows, too. :) My favorite is probably American Idol.

  8. Congrats on your new contract--very exciting! :)

  9. chocolate

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. bn100, that's a good one, I think. And very common. :)

  10. I used a number randomizer, and the winner of the signed copy of Georgia Sweethearts is Rita! Rita, I'll email you to get your address.

    Thanks to all who commented and entered!
