

Flirting with Fortune with Erin Knightley!!!


Sir Colin Tate has never imagined marrying for money. But debts left by his artist father have put his siblings’ futures in danger. To wed an eligible heiress, this independent-minded Scot must play by restrictive rules—until an irresistible lady dares to pursue her passion for art…and him.

Lady Beatrice Moore can spy a fortune hunter as expertly as she captures subjects on canvas. But when she meets the striking son of Britain’s most celebrated painter, the attraction is instantaneous—blinding her to the possibility that he could ever be one of those schemers.…

Then the truth comes out, shattering Lady Beatrice’s faith in the mischievous yet kind man who has captured her heart. With reputations and fortunes hanging in the balance, Colin and she must find a way to trust in a love that cannot be proven—or face an unfathomable loss

I am beyond THRILLED to welcome back historical romance author, Erin Knightley, to the blog today, even though we are currently mortal enemies… (At least until October. We are both up for the Book Buyer’s Best award for Best Published Historical Romance—my Sweet Enemy and Sweet Deception vs her A Taste For Scandal…a Battle of the Besties, so to speak!)

However, we’re here to celebrate the release of her latest, Flirting With Fortune! Perhaps next year, she and I will be duking it out with her new book and Sweet Madness ;)

For now, let’s get to know Erin a little better!

Despite being an avid reader and closet writer her whole life, Erin Knightley decided to pursue a sensible career in science.  It was only after earning her B.S. and working in the field for years that she realized doing the sensible thing wasn't any fun at all.  Following her dreams, Erin left her practical side behind and now spends her days writing. Together with her tall, dark, and handsome husband and their three spoiled mutts, she is living her own Happily Ever After in North Carolina.

And now, the GET LOST interview…

HEATHER: What do you do to unwind and relax?

ERIN: Anything that involves water! Boat rides, watersports, swimming, sitting on the dock, or even just soaking in the tub. I’ve always been a water baby, and I even have a bachelor of science in Marine Science!

HEATHER: Where do you read and how often?

ERIN: I read every night before I go to bed. Sometimes its just a page or two, but I try to get something in. I go to bed around 2am, so I love my Nook glow – it doesn’t bother the hubby at all.

HEATHER: Do you write while listening to music? If so what kind?

ERIN: Normally, I need absolute quiet. It’s helpful that I don’t have kids and work from home! The exception to this is when I was writing a pivotal scene for THE BARON NEXT DOOR (Jun ’14), where the heroine was playing a song for the hero that was dark and moving. My brother is a composer, and I listened to his song A Galaxy Dies over 70 times when crafting that scene! It’s such a part of the scene, I hate that readers won’t experience the music while reading that scene. Perhaps I tell them to do just that in an Author Note!

HEATHER: Have you ever written a character who wasn’t meant to be a hero/heroine but he/she wouldn’t go away?

ERIN: Yes! Charity, a character in A TASTE FOR SCANDAL. I loved her so much, I had to give her her own book. Luckily, I got emails from fans asking for just that, so I’m happy to deliver. She’s actually the heroine from THE BARON NEXT DOOR, mentioned above.

HEATHER: What is your favorite thing about you? J

ERIN: My work ethic. It’s a gift from my parents, I think. I’m proud of the fact that no matter what the job is that needs doing, I’ll find a way to do it. I’ve held a dozen different jobs in my life (pizza maker, dry cleaner clerk, lab assistant, resident adviser, real estate agent, maid, day care worker, babysitter, environmental specialist, GIS technician, diamontologist, baker), but hopefully this writer gig will be my last!

HEATHER: Which is your favorite language other than your native language?

ERIN: For me, it’s not so much different languages as it is accents! I lurve me some Scottish, English, and southern accents :) In fact, I gave Colin in FLIRTING WITH FORTUNE a Scottish father for the sole purpose of hearing his gorgeous accent in my head, lol.

HEATHER: Which era would you least like to have lived in, fashion-wise and why? Most?

ERIN: Ugh – I haaaate 80’s fashion. Was there ever a less fashionable era? On the flip side of the question, though I adore the gorgeous big dresses of old, I’d have to say the 1940’s fashions would have suited me best. Beautiful style, but much less restrictive than, say, the Victorian era. Plus, I like to show a little leg ;)

HEATHER: How much money does it take to be happy?

ERIN: $3.99: The cost of Ghirardelli’s dark chocolate salted caramel squares!    


HEATHER: If you could visit any place on earth tomorrow, where would it be?

ERIN: Scotland. No, make that the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Ooh, or the Swiss Alps. Or the Great Pyramids in Egypt. Or an island in the South Pacific! *sigh* Sorry – there’s no way to pick just one! I guess that’s why I stick to books ;)


ERIN: So let’s turn the tables. If you could visit anywhere, all expense paid, where would it be?



  1. Welcome back, Erin! I'd also love to go to Scotland--it's definitely on my bucket list! :)

    1. Is it the beauty of the land, the accent, or the men? ;) I hope to get there soon - while it can still be a tax write-off!

  2. Great interview! Erin, I totally agree with you about the accents. It'll leave me in a puddle to hear a Scottish accent or an Irish brogue. :)

    1. If only they knew the power they held over us American girls ;)

  3. Scotland, New Zealand, Australia. I love The Amazing Race just to get a taste of the country.

    Thanks for being with us today, Erin.

    1. Thanks for having me, Angi! And boy, would I love to be on the Amazing Race - you know, *without* the terrifying challenges ;)

  4. Welcome back, my friend! So lovely to have you here today and HUGE congrats on your new release.

    I'd love to go back to England, visit London again (LOVE IT) but also see more of the countryside than I did last time. There are so many places I'd love to see, but right now I'd really love to visit Budapest.

    1. Budapest?! That's the first time I've heard anyone say that, lol. But I did see a House Hunters International there, and it looked quite lovely :)

      As for the Battle of the Besties... IT'S ON!

  5. I'd be headed back to the UK in a flash!!

    1. *waves hand* I'll be your companion!! Would LOVE to go back to the UK again. Although, I could do without the 8 hour flight over a vast ocean ;)

  6. I would love to re-visit Tokyo again... especially around the Olympics!

    BUT I would also love to see Hawaii... I have never been there before but the beaches look amazing!

    Congrats on your new book! I read your books!

    1. My dad went to college in Hawaii, and talked frequently of its beauty (and the surfing that caused him to flunk out, lol). I so hope to go there someday, too!

  7. Hi Erin, welcome to GLIAS. What a great interview and amazing books. And congrats on the BB finals -- maybe they'll find a way to have dual winners this time??

    We had the extreme thrill of walking in northern England for three weeks last summer--I would love to go back there a) for the exquisite scenery and fabulous accents --oh yeah, I'm so with you there-- and b) to see the wonderful friends we made on that trip. And then we'd come home via Australia so I could show hubby some koalas and wombats and the gorgeous country.

  8. Walking tour in England followed by a koala and wombat tour of Australia? That is made of win! Thanks so much for having me on today!

  9. I'd love to go to Scotland. The castle ruins, the accents and the kilted men. *sigh*

    Marcy Shuler

  10. New Zealand. Do you think it really looks like Middle Earth? Maybe I'd get to meet a hobbit or a dwarf. I'd settle for Richard Armitage anytime! I'm a big fan after watching him in The Hobbit.

  11. HI Erin! So glad to have you with us today. Congrats on the new release. I'd love to return to France, tour Provence again, eat and drink my way through that beautiful country. Take time out for museums, of course. Thanks for the fun post! May you have the blessing of many sales.
