

Get Lost in Sandy Loyd's Time Travel Story: Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell
Sandy Loyd

Romance and adventure...and a trip to where an American tradition began…

Libby Edwards, a gifted horsewoman, unwittingly wishes herself back in time to Louisville, Kentucky just before Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby become a reality. During Libby’s journey in the past, she stumbles upon her destiny. Unfortunately, he’s in the wrong century. In 1874, there’s no electricity, no internet, no modern medicine, no antibiotics—no Starbucks! And even worse than that, women have no rights. Libby has no desire to stay. 

Widower, Colin Thorpe, a renaissance man of his time, has big dreams. He is a horse breeder who names his thoroughbreds after Mythological Gods because he has a reverence for past cultures and an appreciation for the unexplainable.

Libby and Colin can’t resist falling in love with each other. After all, Colin accepts Libby for who she is and she understands Colin’s dreams better than his deceased wife ever did. Yet he grasps early on that Libby doesn’t belong in 1874. And because his wife never adapted to the move from Virginia to Kentucky, becoming bitter and unhappy in the process, he won’t take the chance of the same thing happening to Libby. Can these two lovers find a way to be together despite their challenges?

Purchase link for Time Will Tell:  Amazon 

Getting to know Sandy Loyd

Sandy Loyd considers herself a Western girl through and through. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, she's worked and lived in some fabulous places in the US, including San Francisco and West Palm Beach. She now resides in Kentucky and writes full time. As much as she loves her current hometown, she misses the mountains and has to go back to her roots to get her mountain and skiing fix at least once a year. Otherwise her muse suffers.

Sandy is now an empty nester and writes full time. To date, she has published eleven books - four contemporary romances, four romantic mystery/suspense /thrillers, a time travel contemporary/historical romance and two historical romances that are sequels. She strives to come up with fun characters – people you would love to call friends and she always tries to weave a warm love story into her work, while providing enough twists and turns to entertain any reader. 

When friends ask her what she loves best about living in Kentucky, the list is long. The people are warm and welcoming. The weather isn’t too bad. Louisville is big enough to provide a cosmopolitan feel without the downside of larger cities like congestion and traffic. But what she loves most about living there is having a thoroughbred racetrack right in her back yard. Not just any racetrack, mind you, but Churchill Downs, home to the Kentucky Derby, a horserace that’s run every first Saturday in May and is the beginning leg of the triple crown of thoroughbred horse racing.

Back when she was a newcomer to Louisville, Churchill Down’s beginning interested her, so she researched it never realizing how difficult the early 1870s were in US history. Citizens were still recovering from the War between the States as well as a recession. In her opinion, the country needed a reason to celebrate and Louisville gave it to them in the form of the Kentucky Derby. It’s been a big party from that first race when an estimated 10,000 people watched fifteen horses compete for the win that has only grown in size and popularity. 2012 was a record breaking year for the Derby when nineteen thoroughbreds raced for a crowd of over 165,000. It’s been touted as being the most exciting two minutes in sports and anyone who has watched those fast majestic animals race can surely understand why. 

As a writer, she became more intrigued and decided it would be a fun topic to write a story about it. Her main goal was to show that time through today’s eyes, so the reader can appreciate the vision a few men had for their city and that of the racetrack they built. Time Will Tell, the first book in the Timeless Series, gives the reader a glimpse of what went on in the summer of 1874, when visionaries put their dreams into motion.

Currently, she's working on the fourth book in the Timeless Series and hopes to have it out by the middle of October. 

Jillian: What’s the first book you remember reading?  
Sandy: I went to a parochial school with a small library. I think I was in third grade and remember checking out biographies of famous women like Elizabeth Blackwell, Molly Pitcher and Clara Barton. My favorite was Molly Pitcher, because she was as brave as any soldier on the front line defending against the British. Elizabeth Blackwell is my next favorite biography because she overcame great obstacles to become America’s first woman doctor.
Jillian:What turns you off like nothing else? 
Sandy: Inconsideration for others. Whether it’s drivers who don’t signal or people who push into line ahead of others. Rude people are everywhere. I think the world would be a better place if people were more polite and thought of what they looked or sounded like while being rude.
Jillian: Where do you read and how often? 
Sandy: Since I spend so much time on writing, my pleasure reading is limited to before bed, at night with my Kindle so I don’t disturb my husband. I’d love to read more, but if I did, I’d never get anything done.
Jillian: What sound or noise do you love? 
Sandy: I love the sound of waves crashing on the beach. It’s a soothing sound and can be loud or soft, depending on the wind, the tide and the time of the month. Except for hurricanes, I would love to live near or on the ocean.
Jillian: Describe your favorite kind of hero to read/write? 
Sandy: I love a tortured hero. My favorite men are usually well-educated and have lots of options, and are still unlucky at love or have some reason for evading a lasting relationship. I really like it if I can create a diverse character that encompasses several stereotypes. The protector/provider, the rogue or outcast, and a guy with some flaw that makes him all the more loveable are just a few that come to mind.
Jillian: What’s something you’d like to tell your fans? 
Sandy: I’m an avid cat lover. Although I will admit to owning a dog after he found us. I’m a sucker for strays that no one else will adopt. My latest was a scrawny, ugly cat with a crooked tail who turned out to be a beautiful full-furred feline with a lion-like mane. She’s the sweetest cat. And between the cat and the dog, I don’t know which one I could now live without.
Jillian: Tea or Coffee? And how do you take it? 
Sandy: I’m definitely a coffee person. With half & half. I used to mix a little coffee with my half & half, but I’ve learned to just use a dollop now. I don’t need the extra calories. I’ve tried tea, but it’s just not the same. I live for coffee and if I don’t get my morning fix, I’m miserable. Yes, I know!!! I’m addicted. But I heard coffee is an anti-oxidant.
Jillian: What would you say is your most interesting quirk? 
Sandy: Don’t tell anyone, but I’m cheap. This comes from growing up poor. I’m just now learning to not obsess and realize it’s okay to let go of this worry. In some ways it’s great because I love looking for bargains and saving money, but in other ways it can be stifling. I still clip coupons even though a lot of my friends consider it a waste of time. 

Sandy has a question for commenters: Time Will Tell goes back to a time in history that interested me. How about you? Is there any time or place that you’d love to witness first hand if you could go back? If so, let me know. I’d love to hear about it. Who knows, it might spark you to write your own story.

Sandy is offering a signed copy of Time Will Tell (in US only) or an ebook if outside the US to one lucky commenter. Remember to leave your e-mail contact information along with your comment to be included in the raffle giveaway.

You can find more information about Sandy at Like her on Facebook or follow her on twitter at

***Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America  addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.


  1. Good morning and welcome to GLIAS, Sandy.

    I love time travel books. There are too many periods in time I'd love to visit. Not sure I'd ever want to stay there. But visiting would be awesome. Best of luck!


  2. I love them too, but I always think of things not available like antibiotics and electricity in the past, so I wouldn't want to stay there easier. Life had to be hard, especially for women.

  3. I'd love to 'see' the frontier before it was completely settled. Montana, Wyoming, Oregon and California. That is, if I lived through it and didn't die of pestilence, Indians or outlaws. :) If I couldn't, I'd just stay here and research it and then write about it!

    PS-Great interview, Sandy!!

  4. the launching of the Titanic

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. That would be interesting. Thanks forsharing.

  5. I would like to be a traveler in the late 1800's where they went west and made towns and such. But, I would not like to be on the stage coach where I'd have to fear bad guys or in the fields when I'd have to worry about Indian attacks. I also am not strong, so I would probably not survive the harsh weather or be able to do all those things women did back then. I would also like to be a fly on the wall in Abraham Lincoln's head...he seemed so wise in what I've read.
    By the way, thank you for taking an interest in what we, the reader, has to say.

    1. I'm with you. I'd love to see the west being won, but I doubt I'd survive it. Or at least I would not enjoy it. Life was hard back then. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I enjoy time travel romances. I especially like the Scottish Highlands and the Medieval time period because things were so different then.

    Marcy Shuler

    1. I love reading about those times but I don't think visiting them would be enjoyable. Times were too hard. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Love the Interview, Sandy.
    I would love to time travel to a ranch in Texas (real cowboys) in the early 19th century but only for a short while. I'd have to come back for a shower!

    1. That sounds like an adventure. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I doubt anything could make me talented enough to write a story that anyone (including me!) would want to read. I've love to travel to Regency England and attend a ball & dance the night away!

    1. I'd love to dance the night away too, but first I'd have to learn how to ballroom dance. You won't see me on dancing with the stars. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Very interesting interview Sandy. I just finished reading Gone with the Wind and Scarlett. Rhett was into horses and I'm so enamored with him, I can only imagine the romance and suspense with the opening of Churchill downs - the stories could be endless - and with 11 novels under your belt, I'm sure you have lots to tell. This period of time sounds like right where I'd like to be right now - with Rhett Butler - that scoundrel! Your book sounds intriguing.

    1. Oh, I loved GWTW. I've read it at least a dozen times over the years. I fell in love with Rhett the first time I read it at age 15 and still think Clark Gable made a perfect Rhett.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kylie!

  10. I love time travel books and have added the book to my read list.
