


Bravo Family Ties series: Bravo Royales
Harlequin Special Edition

A Bravo princess always gets her man–and she'll settle for nothing less than true love in the newest addition to USA TODAY bestselling author Christine Rimmer's popular miniseries, The Bravo Royales!

Alice Bravo-Calabretti was expected to conduct herself like a proper princess. No more impulsive jaunts to neighboring countries. No more tabloid escapades. But the hot new stable hand was a scandal waiting to happen. His bold blue eyes and come-hither smile could tempt a Bravo Royale to misbehave. Until Alice discovered her "penniless groom" was an American tycoon looking for a princess bride!

Alice was everything Noah Cordell wanted in a wife. But his royal heartthrob refused to say "I do" until he gave up his most carefully guarded secret. And she wouldn't settle for anything less than everything he had to give. Only then could they share a true meeting of minds and hearts—Bravo-Cordell style!

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Bravo Family Ties series: Bravo Royales
Harlequin Special Edition

A playboy prince is roped into giving love lessons to a young, innocent woman–only to find himself falling for his eager pupil, in USA TODAY bestselling author Christine Rimmer's newest addition to her Bravo Royales miniseries…

Up till now, Lucy Cordell has led a pretty sheltered life—but she's ready to burst out of her shell. Still, she has absolutely zero experience with men—so she needs help. Someone to help her shed the cloak that seems to scream "Virgin!" every time she gets within five miles of an eligible guy. Who better than the dashing Player Prince, Damien of Montedoro? He's always come to her rescue before….

True—but Dami only agrees to school Lucy in the fine art of seduction because he's afraid of who she'll ask if he says no! Besides, she needs protection from all the wolves out there. Still, when it comes to Lucy's sweet lit-from-within beauty, Damien has to wonder…who is going to protect him?

Read a little, Want more.

CHRISTINE RIMMER has written more than eighty contemporary romances for Harlequin Books.  A reader favorite, Christine’s stories consistently appear on national bestseller lists, including the USA TODAY and BOOKSCAN lists.  She has won Romantic Times BOOK review’s Reviewer’s Choice Award for best Silhouette Special Edition. She has been nominated five times for the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award and four times for Romantic Times Series Storyteller of the Year.

A California native who first longed to be an actress, Christine earned her theater degree from California State, Sacramento and then went to New York to study acting.  Later, she moved to Southern California, where she began her writing career with short stories, plays, and poems. Her poems and short stories were published in a number of small literary journals. Her plays were produced at The Back Alley and Group Theaters in Southern California and have been published by Dramatists Play Service and West Coast Plays.

Christine lives in Oregon with her family.

ANGI: How often to you get lost in a story?
CHRISTINE:  My own?  Five days a week, eight hours a day.  It’s a full time job and one I adore.  I wouldn’t switch places with anyone—not even Channing Tatum’s wife.  As a reader?  At least a couple of hours a day.  I love to get lost in other people’s stories.  It’s one of the great joys of my life.

ANGI: What’s your favorite cartoon character?
CHRISTINE: I think Merida, in BRAVE. Loved the movie, loved the funny, determined, flawed and wonderful Merida with her amazing caterpillar-curly acres of red, red hair.

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
CHRISTINE: Probably Fun With Dick and Jane when I was like three.  “See Dick run.”  That kind of thing.  Even then, with all the three-word sentences, I loved the idea that those symbols on a page created pictures and worlds inside my head.

ANGI: What do you like about the hero of your book?
CHRISTINE:  About Noah, the hero of HOW TO MARRY A PRINCESS: his boldness and his pain.  He hasn’t had it easy, but he never gives up.  About Damien in HOLIDAY ROYALE?  I love that he’s a really good man—and doesn’t even realize that he is.

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing?
CHRISTINE: It was called The Little Sun.  I was maybe four.  It was illustrated by yours truly for pasting on a felt board.  It was an adventure story, I believe, but the details escape me now….
ANGI: What is your biggest vice?
CHRISTINE:Oreos.  Chocolate Crème Oreos.  Excuse me.  I’ll be right back.  (crunch, crunch, drool)  There.  That’s much better.

ANGI: Is there a “Blooper” in your story (it may have been changed before printing)?
CHRISTINE: I try so very hard to avoid bloopers.  I can’t think of any offhand in HOW TO MARRY A PRINCESS or HOLIDAY ROYALE.  My most memorable blooper was in the second book in my long-running Bravo series.  I mentioned that the heroine, Meggie, had a favorite gelding.  Then later I mentioned how that gelding had sired a colt.  I got several letters on that one.  And a few reader friends still tease me about it to this day.

ANGI: How is it working with hot guys and sexy women all day?
CHRISTINE: It is a very tough job and one I take seriously.  Especially challenging is trolling the internet for great pictures of amazing looking guys.  So difficult.  But it has to be done so that I get the descriptions of all that hotness just right….

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK: What is your favorite thing about living in Oregon and have you been able to work it into one of your books?

CHRISTINE'S GOTTA ANSWER: I love the beauty here.  It’s just incredibly gorgeous.  I’m in Portland and it’s this totally charming city all wrapped up in mountains and trees with a couple of spectacular rivers running through it. In spring, summer and early fall, I love the wonderful farmers markets we have here.  I love the flowers—rhododendrons, roses and dahlias especially.  They grow in lush abundance here.   I also actually like a lot of cloudy, rainy days in my year.  Makes me feel cozy.  Makes me want to write.  Years ago, when I lived in Oklahoma, I wrote a series of books with buddies Susan Mallery and Christine Flynn called Prescription: Marriage for Special Edition.  Those books were set in Oregon’s Willamette Valley.  I remember researching the setting and thinking it would be a dream-come-true to live in Oregon.  And now, over a decade later, here I am.

Previous GLIAS features

Bravo Royale’s miniseries, book 7
Harlequin Special Edition

May 2014


CHRISTINE is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one commenter. North America Readers please leave your email.

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Don’t forget to FOLLOW us on Twitter #GetLostStories or LIKE us on Facebook to keep up with all our guest authors and their prizes. Donnell will be back tomorrow with Lisa Scott. Please join me Wednesday when I help Lara Lacombe debut her DEADLY CONTACT! ~Angi 

CHRISTINE WANTS TO KNOW: Where do you live?  What do you love about it?  Do you enjoy stories set in your hometown?


  1. I live in Canada but there's never really any stories set in my hometown. I love everything about it - it's not a huge city but it's not a town either. I think it's just perfect.

    1. Oops, always forget to leave my email address haha

      ahui89 at hotmail dot com

    2. Ada, I went to Canada for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Just up to Vancouver, where my husband and I stayed for four days, visited Granville Island, Gastown, Queen Victoria beautiful. All of it!

  2. Congratulations to Christine on her two new stories coming out! They look great. I live in southeast Pennsylvania and the town I live in is along the Delaware River. One of the great things about our town is the location. You can take a day trip to New York or Philadelphia. You can go to the Jersey shore for the day or you can stay in the area where there are parks and lakes where you can hike, fish or go boating.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

    1. Maureen, thanks! I'm excited to have two in a row coming out. Yes! on Pennsyvania, you're close to so many great places. :D

  3. Good morning, Christine and welcome to GLIAS. I love Texas. There's everything here. But my specific town's motto is: The City in a Park.

    There are parks and roses everywhere, on every corner. The City's won awards for their parks where the kids play ball. Dallas is nearby and I enjoy reading stories about it that actually get it correct. Don't tell me you pulled over in an OAK GROVE ten minutes north of Dallas on 75. That doesn't exist. If you write about it, they have this great thing called GOOGLE EARTH. Everyone should you use it. >>>grin<<<

    1. Angi, hi. Thanks for having me. :D I hear you on accuracy. It does matter. I also love to make up towns, though, to create a whole community from scratch. There can be a lot of freedom in that. And hey, I couldn't have written my Bravo Royales serie without making up their principality. If I tried to have them running Monaco, people would be asking, "What happened to the Grimaldis?" ;)

  4. Hi Christine, welcome! Loved your interview and I think the books look fabulous--can't wait to read them. I live in southern Minnesota and what I love about it is the mix of biomes here. We are a meeting place for coniferous forest, big woods, and prairie, and where I am you can get to all three very easily. And, of course, we have stunning color in the fall and 10,000 lakes (15,000+ in reality) in the summer. Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area are just a couple of hours away--it's really beautiful country too. I like it enough that I made up my own small town situated just miles from where I live (it's country here--you can stick in a town somewhere and nobody will think twice-lol) and set my books there!

    1. Libeth! Oh, I'll bet your setting for your books is fabulous. Because where you live is spectacular. :D

  5. Hi Chrstine,
    So wonderful to see you here. I live in Charlotte, NC now. It would be fun to read a book set here. I have read some NASCAR themed books set in this area. yenastone at aol dot com

    1. Hi Tammy! Great as always to "see" you. I hear that Charlotte is beautiful. The DH and I keep meaning to spend some time there one of these days...

  6. I live in upstate New York in one of the most historically rich areas in the country. I absolutely love it here, though it makes me sad that very little people know about the history here unless they've seen Last of the Mohicans. A lot of the American Revolutionary War took place here. I did read a story written by an author friend {who only knew I lived in New York} that had an Englishman sent off to the Battle of Saratoga - I wore a cheesy grin for seeing that!

    1. Angie, I lived in Manhattan for a couple of years and twice, to get out of the city, I drove with friends upstate. Once on the spring, once in the fall. Beautiful!

  7. How wonderful to have written and shared so many books with us. Thank you!
    I live in Oklahoma and love how much variety there is here. The weather can change from 99 degrees to 45 all in the same day. We experience the beauty of all four seasons. You only have to go a few miles to experience big cities, small towns, and "hole in the road" truck stops. We have mountains, rivers, plains, caves, and salt mines....even stories of a squatch here and there. Makes for some great adventures.

    1. Brenda! Well, I love Oklahoma, too. We lived in Norman for 13 years. Came here to Oregon in 2010. I do miss it sometimes, though I love my new home. You're right. OK has it all!

  8. I've lived in Indiana all my life. We get the changing seasons and all their beauty. We have numerous state parks and recreation areas, along with the usual city life. There's every kind of food available from homestyle breaded tenderloin sandwiches to Tiebetian in my locale, along with winerys and brew pubs!

    1. Girlygirl, Indiana sounds terrific to me. Yum on the breaded tenderloin sandwiches!

  9. USA- a lot of things
    No preference for settings in books

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. I live right smack dab in the middle of Canada. It's great but we don't get a whole lot of stories set in Manitoba unless it's a Canadian author. But I love how diverse we are here. There's so many different pockets within the city you can travel and be immersed in other cultures. And we get the range of weather from the hottest of hots in the summer to freezing cold temperatures in the winter. I wouldn't live elsewhere!

    1. thebigbluewall77(at)gmail(dot)com

    2. Anita, we do need more Canada settings. Now I'll be watching for them in movies and books. :)

  11. I live in SW lower Michigan about 30 mins from Lake Michigan. There are very few books set in Michigan that I've read, but when I find them they're usually about Northern Michigan. LOL

    I like the seasons (except the lake effect snow) and abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables here as we're in a big agricultural area.

    Marcy Shuler

    1. I forgot to say that I love the whole Bravo series and I think I've read them all so far...except for these new ones. But I will!

      Marcy Shuler

    2. Marcy! So cool to see you here. And thank you! I've always wanted to experience the lake effect snow. Extremes of nature fascinate me. I hear it's just brutal, though...

  12. I live in Toronto. We all complain about the weather here. It's too hot, too cold, too rainy...etc...etc. But at the end of the day, it's HOME. I don't think I can imagine living anywhere else.

    Kelley Armstrong writes about Toronto sometimes. It's nice to read her version of Toronto. :)

    1. oops.. forget to add email address:

      maybe31 at

    2. May, I've read the Kelley Armstrong werewolf series and loved it, the one that begins with Bitten. So good. I know what you mean about home. Nothin' quite like it...

  13. Everyone, yikes! I'm a day late. Somehow, I got it on my calendar wrong. Thanks you all for dropping in and answering my question. XOXOX!

  14. born in Cumberland, Md and lived most of my life in Bakersfiel, Ca and in Dec i will have lived in The Dalles, Or for 24 years... love to books that continue with the same families and if they take place somwhere i've lived or been it just adds that personal touch... it's like watching a movie filmed right where i've visited..

    1. Dotty! The Dalles. Yes! I haven't visited yet, but they do tempt me... XOXO!

  15. hi Christine!!!! I live in Chattanooga tn, which you already know, I don't think theres any romance books set here that I know of. I like that's its rich in civil war history :) LOVE AND OREOS!!

    1. Amy, Chattanooga. Oh, I so agree on the rich history where you live. :D Love and Oreos right back at ya,my friend! XOXO!

  16. I live in Wasola, Mo - you blink and drive right on by. No - I don't want stories set here but my hometown I grew up in okay. I prefer Arizona where I lived for 4 1/2 years and Texas as I lived there a year. Enjoyed my times there. You can write about the Ozarks but nothing in Wasola to write about.
    Love you, Christine. Hugs
    jrs362 at Hotmail dot com (Jane)

  17. And...Marcy Shuler wins the gift card. Congrats, Marcy. I will contact you now. Thanks everyone, for a wonderful visit!
