

Get Lost in Phyllis Humphrey's New Free Falling Romance

Phyllis Humphrey

Although Jennifer Gray’s job requires her to work with Colin Thomas on a sports promotion for six weeks, that doesn’t mean she has to like it. He’s a pilot, skydiver and owner of Skyway Aviation, and she’s afraid of heights. Colin knows a good thing when he sees it, but can he help Jennifer overcome her fear and convince her their relationship is just what she needs?

“I’ll be glad to give you a lift,” he said. “hop in.’
“That’s a plane.”
“You noticed. I’m taking it to the center and there’s room for two.’
“You don’t understand. I have this thing about heights. I’m afraid of it, them, whatever.”
His laugh came out deep and throaty. “The plane isn’t going to leave the ground.’

Meet Phyllis Humphrey
Thanks to an older sister, I learned to read before I went to school. And never stopped! LOL. I loved stories, so I began to write my own, but didn’t get serious about it until about 30 years ago. I was published by a few well-known houses and also small presses. Now I’m self-publishing my backlist and plan to do the same with new work.

Jillian: How often to you get lost in a story?  
Phyllis: About half the time. If I choose a book, I almost always finish reading it, but not all make me stay up until midnight. 
Jillian: What turns you off like nothing else? 
Phyllis: Bad grammar. I think writers have an obligation to use English correctly, so when they don’t, I won’t read on.
Jillian: What’s your favorite kind of story to get lost in? 
Phyllis: I love mysteries so I often put one in my romance novels. In straight romance, I want the problems to seem almost insurmountable.
Jillian: What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?  
Phyllis: I’m an introvert and that makes me seem shy and unapproachable sometimes.
Jillian: Which era would you least like to have lived in, fashion-wise and why? 
Phyllis: I wouldn’t like to have lived in the Victorian era because women were required to wear too many clothes. That would be a nuisance and expensive.

Phyllis has a question for commenters: What was the most unusual thing you ever did? Skydiving? Flying half-way around the world? Acting in your first play? Donating to a blood bank? The commenter who writes my favorite “unusual thing” will win a copy of FREE FALL. Please remember to leave your e-mail contact information to be considered 
for the giveaway.

For more information about FREE FALL or to contact Phyllis visit: Her blog is posted there every Wednesday. Check it out for news of upcoming books, some free.

***Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America  addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.


  1. I don't know how unusual it is but my husband and I got married in my parent's back yard.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  2. Hi Phylllis! So happy you're back here at GLIAS with another new romance! My most unusual experience to date travel-wise was to Africa––amazing and inspiring. We went on photographic safari for two weeks, plus we stayed in London going and coming back––so that was fun, as well.

  3. Good Morning, Phyllis, and welcome back to GLIAS.

    The most unusual thing... For over 15 years I set and chalked the lines for softball games (10 months a year). The city hired me for college tournaments because I could walk a straight line without following a string. LOL

    (who's ineligible for your great prize)

  4. visited a candy factory on vacation

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. Hold a plank position for 41 minutes in an endeavor to win a month month free gym membership (I won too). I'd love to donate blood but have been rejected multiple times for various reasons. Either for being underweight or that my veins are too fine :(

    1. Linda:
      I'm glad you won the gym membership, and now you've won a copy of FREE FALL. Do you prefer e-book or trade paper?

    2. Yay! Thanks much Phyllis. An epub copy please? I'm an international reader so ebooks are always so much easier.

    3. Linda:
      Please forgive the slow answers, but I'm recovering from knee surgery. Do you want your e-book for a Kindle? Or?
