

Jennifer Delamere

Love's Grace Series, Book 2
Forever, Grand Central Publishing

A Heart of Gold

Socialite Margaret Vaughn is the wealthiest heiress in London-or so everybody thinks. Saddled with debt left by her father, she agrees to marry a rich man who can save her family's estate. But when her fiancé turns out to be just another poor social climber, Margaret faces financial ruin-and social humiliation. Just when she thinks all is lost, she finds an unlikely angel in Tom Poole...

After amassing a fortune in the gold fields of Australia and surviving a harrowing shipwreck, Tom Poole is the toast of London society. Yet despite his newfound fame, he's never forgotten his own humble beginnings. When he learns of Margaret's plight, he offers her financial assistance-but his interest is not strictly business. Taken with her beauty and grace, the rugged adventurer wants nothing more than to win Margaret's heart. But can he convince the proper, refined lady that, despite their social differences, they are a match made in heaven?

JENNIFER DELAMERE has traveled widely both as a child and an adult, and remains of the firm opinion that just about any place is worth visiting if you've never been there before. Jennifer earned her B.A. in English from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where she also gained her fluency in French and developed an abiding passion for winter sports. She's been an editor of educational materials for over a decade. An avid reader of both classic novels and historical fiction, she also enjoys biographies and histories, which she mines for the vivid details to bring to life the characters and places in her books.

ANGI: How often do you get lost in a story?
JENNIFER: Every day! I’m always dreaming up new adventures for my characters. Also, like most writers I am an avid reader. Even if I’m too busy to sit down and read, I listen to an audio book during my commute to work.

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
JENNIFER: I read many books before I discovered the Nancy Drew mystery series at the age of eight, but those were the first that I can recall with real clarity. No doubt it’s where I got my love of adventure and appreciation for smart heroines. [Note: I’m speaking of the original Nancy Drew stories. Please, please, please accept no substitutes.]
ANGI: What do you like about the hero of your book?
JENNIFER: I like that he’s a self-made man. He gained his wealth through hard work and tenacity. I love that he always strives to do the right thing (even though he’s not always perfect at it) and that he’s fiercely loyal to those he loves.

ANGI: What’s your favorite fairy tale?
JENNIFER: Since I’m a romance writer, it’s probably no surprise that I was enamored of Cinderella pretty early on. The musical version starring Lesley Ann Warren came on TV every year and made an indelible impression on me. Love is real! Magic can happen! Believe in the impossible! Don’t let the mean people get you down! Who doesn't love that message? J

ANGI: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
JENNIFER: Action Adventure

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing?
JENNIFER: The earliest things I recall writing are little poems, which is rather interesting in light of the fact that I don’t attempt to write poetry anymore. But perhaps that experience helps me appreciate a succinct and well-turned phrase.

ANGI: What sound or noise do you love?
JENNIFER: On many ski lifts (especially the older, slower ones), there is a soft clink, clink, as the chair passes by each pole supporting the lift. Traveling above a peaceful, snow-covered mountainside on a still and frosty morning, there is often no other sound. I love those little clink, clinks, because they tell me there’s a grand adventure ahead.

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
JENNIFER: Singing in the Rain. Every minute of it is pure gold.

ANGI: Who’s your favorite villain?
JENNIFER: Ooh, fun question! When it comes to villains, I like ’em nuanced and surprising. Therefore I’d say my top two are Alan Rickman as Severus Snape (Harry Potter moves) and Kevin Spacey as Verbal Kint (The Usual Suspects).

ANGI: Is there a “Blooper” in your story (it may have been changed before printing)?
JENNIFER: There was a reference to gold “bouillon” – “bouillon” is a type of soup! Happily I caught it in page proofs and was able to correct it to “bullion” (i.e., gold bars). Otherwise my hero would not be nearly so rich as he thought.

ANGI: How is it working with hot guys and sexy women all day?
JENNIFER: Well, it’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it! J

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK: What is your favorite bit of research you've uncovered for one of your LOVE'S GRACE SERIES?

JENNIFER'S GOTTA ANSWER:  When doing research for A Lady Most Lovely, I came across an amazing tidbit about a shipwreck off the southern coast of Australia in the 1800s. A racehorse aboard that ship survived by swimming seven miles to the shore. That’s how the story of Tom Poole and his stallion was born.

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Love’s Grace Series, Book 3
Forever, Grand Central Publishing

Coming 2014

Love's Grace Series, Book 2
Forever, Grand Central Publishing

JENNIFER IS GIVING AWAY  A LADY MOST LOVELY to one blog commenter. (Be sure to leave your email.) International giveaway.

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DON’T FORGET to FOLLOW us on Twitter #GetLostStories or LIKE us on Facebook to keep up with all our guest authors and their prizes. Come back tomorrow when Alexa hosts Collette Cameron. And join me Wednesday when Kim Law will be my guest. ~Angi 

JENNIFER WANTS TO KNOW: In all my books I try to write heroes that in one way or another are just a little bit different from the norm. What quality of a hero do you think would make him stand out from the crowd, and/or what quality do you like most in a hero (aside from fabulous good looks)?


  1. Great to meet you here today Jennifer.

    I love your choice of favorite villains. Snape is quite extraordinary.

    I think that soup can only take you so far, best to go with the gold. I had to laugh.

    I like a hero who doesn't take himself too seriously. A sense of humor & a sensitive side & I swoon.


    1. Mary, Thanks for commenting! I love a hero with a sense of humor too. My next book "A Bride for All Seasons" stars just such a man. It was lots of fun to write!

  2. I love Snape too! :)

    Btw, I love the cover. Such a gorgeous dress. :)

    1. Thank you, May! I think my publisher did such a great job with both covers. I would happily wear those beautiful gowns.

  3. Good morning, Jennifer and welcome to GLIAS !

    I love heroes with 100% loyalty. They keep their word, no matter the cost.

    1. Thanks for having me here today, Angi. I agree that loyalty is a great quality.

  4. My idea of a good hero is one who is one who is masculine, yet not overbearing. Protective but not pig-headed :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. I think you will like Tom in A LADY MOST LOVELY. He's a real take-charge kind of guy, and fiercely protective of those he loves. He's not perfect, though--like many heroes, he has to learn where that line is between protective and overbearing. A great heroine will always help him see that!

  5. The type of hero that I think would stand out from the crowd is the tortured hero. Dark, broody and withdrawn, and losing themselves in liquor. It’s those very layers that need to be peeled away very slowly, and reveal what he's trying to hide. Some more qualities that I love to see in a hero is his protective nature, his loyalty, protectiveness and gentleness just to name a few. But what I love the most is how he loves, completely and utterly and so very, very passionately. Who wouldn't want to be the woman to heal him?

    Thank you for this opportunity to win. I love the cover art.


    1. Those are some great qualities, Diane. The best heroes are multi-faceted, admirable if imperfect, and definitely passionate! :)

  6. alpha, tortured

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. The tortured alpha male is always popular! Maybe because we see ourselves as the heroine who can heal him? :)

  7. I like a hero that is highly intelligent, a scholar who isn't always the most practical. I think that makes him interesting in a fun way.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

    1. I admit I can go for a hero who maybe has a bit of whimsy in him. Someone willing to take chances instead of always sticking to the tried and true.

  8. Hmm. I enjoy heroes who are adventurous, and have an exciting past. The kind who starts telling a story and you think, "Wow, he did that?" Surprises are good in a hero too.I really enjoyed your first book, and would love to win the second one. Thanks Becky
    boernerb (at) fuse (dot) com

    1. I love an adventurous hero, which is one reason why I wrote Tom Poole as a man with such an exciting past. I picture him as the sort who could make your jaw drop if he told you all the things he has done. So glad you enjoyed "An Heiress at Heart"!

  9. I love the honorable hero, the one who always tries to do what is right.

    1. That is one of the most admirable qualities in a hero. I love heroes who will do the right thing. It may take them a while to figure out what that is, but it's fun to go on that journey with them.
