

Presenting Kim Law

Turtle Island
Kindle Serial
October 8th

Oh, Santa baby!
Turtle Island’s Yummy Santa contest is underway, and master of ceremonies Roni Templeman is ready to rock around the Christmas tree. After years of hiding the pain of loss behind her carefree lifestyle, she’s shocked to find one broad-shouldered contestant is much more than just a hot body. But is she ready to finally let someone unwrap her guarded heart?

Single dad (and gorgeous nerd) Lucas Alexander would do anything to help the charity that’s done so much to help him-even if that means stripping down and suiting up as a sexy Santa. His battle to keep his daughter healthy has been a long, lonely one, but in Roni he’s met the easy, breezy beach girl that he wants by his side. Now he has twelve days to prove to her that their love is worth the risk, and this Santa is determined to claim his Mrs. Claus.


KIM LAW is an award-winning author who wrote her first story, "The Gigantic Talking Raisin," in elementary school. Although it was never published, it was enough to whet her appetite for a career in writing. First, however, she would try her hand at a few other passions: baton twirling, softball, and music, to name a few. Voted "Bookworm" and "Most Likely to Succeed" in high school, she went on to earn a college degree in mathematics. 

Law spent years working as a computer programmer and raising her son, and she now devotes her time and energy to writing romance novels (none of which feature talking raisins). 

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
KIM: I know this isn’t the first book because I remember reading much younger than this, but in my early teens (probably pre-teen), I read a book called Deenie, by Judy Blume. It was about a girl with scoliosis who has to wear a body brace. There was also young love in that book. I LOVED that story with a passion, and I remember knowing, even then, that I wanted to be able to write stories that could make people feel as much as I did while reading that book.

Oh…and I just remembered what was probably my first book. The Three Bears. My grandmother used to read it to me all the time, and years before I could read, I could recite it word for word. I still have that copy of the book. It’s sewn together from where it fell apart years ago. 

ANGI: What do you like about the hero of your book?
KIM: I love that he’s a fully devoted dad. It gives him a tender spot that you don’t necessarily see when you first meet him, but everything he does is done with his daughter in mind.

ANGI: Where do you read and how often?
KIM: Not nearly often enough!!! I read while lying in bed, or in the recliner while watching TV. Or sometimes out on my deck. Or grocery store lines, while waiting to get the oil changed, or at doctor’s offices. Basically, anywhere I can steal a minute. And if you can’t guess, I’m so thrilled for eReaders! I can whip out my phone while bored in any line and get lost in a story!

 ANGI: What’s your favorite cartoon character?
KIM: Ha! I haven’t thought about this in years, but when I was growing up, it was either Popeye or Winnie the Pooh. I loved to watch Popeye, but I loved Winnie the Pooh coloring books >>grin<<  These days? I’d have to say Merida from Brave. That chick kicks butt!

ANGI: What sound or noise do you love?
KIM: Love? What about hate? Can I talk about that? Because I hate repetitive noises. Coughing, dogs barking, someone clicking a pen. Those kinds of things. If I was prone to seizures, I swear they would send me into one every time.
ANGI: I completely and totally get this !!!!!!!

ANGI: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
KIM: Fairy Tale >>grin<<  With a happily ever after, of course!

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing?
KIM: The Gigantic Talking Raisin >>>grin<<< I was eleven. And I wrote several stories at that age. The Jumping Socks is another that I remember. I even submitted them to the Highlights magazine. I just knew they would be published! But…no. *sigh*

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
KIM: Easy. Pretty Woman. I’m a total romantic at heart and that movie will catch my attention every single time I see it on.
ANGI: What is your biggest vice?
KIM: Procrastination. It’s going to eventually give me a heart attack if I don’t beat it!

ANGI: How is it working with hot guys and sexy women all day?
KIM: Ha! How do you think? What could be wrong with hot guys, and pretending you’re the sexy woman who has him? Love. It!!!

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK: I noticed on your website that you were an all-star softball player in High School. I only played as an adult, but my daughter pitched four years on her HS team. Man, do we have stories… What position did you play and is there one particular game you remember?

KIM'S GOTTA ANSWER:   OK, I need to fix that. It flubbed up a reporter from my hometown newspaper too. I didn’t actually play on the high school team. I played softball on one of the local teams—while I was in high school. And I was (for many years) on the all-star team that was chosen at the end of each season. Mostly we played other local teams, but there was a season or two that we traveled around and played other high-level teams in the region. And as far as what position (like I can remember back that far!), I changed up every year. But it was almost always infield. I pitched some, but mostly I’d play one of the bases. 

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Sugar Springs Series, Book 2
Montlake Romance
available January 1st

Joanie Bigbee, cupcake baker extraordinaire, likes to keep her options open—and she’s good at it. She's started and sold some 30 businesses in her postage stamp-sized Tennessee town, and at the moment she can be found in a short skirt and go-go boots, selling cupcakes out of the back of a converted Volkswagen van. What she moves on to next is anybody’s guess. She knows better than to be tied down. In any way. She's watched every woman in her family fall head-over-heels, only to find themselves wondering how to pick up the pieces when love is lost.
When Nick Dalton shows up at the groovy cupcakery, all Joanie wants is a taste; a fling with no strings suits her just fine. But for Nick, a bite is not enough; he wants the whole cake: a big house, a family, true love. But love only makes you stupid, right? Joanie has to decide whether to follow where her free-spirit leads… or hold on to the sweetest thing she’s ever known.

Sugar Springs Series, Book Three
July 2014
Turtle Island
Kindle Serial

Sugar Springs Series, Book One
2013 RITA® finalist for Best Contemporary Single Title Romance

KIM is giving away a Turtle Island prize pack! It includes a sea turtle coffee mug filled with rum taffy, an EX ON THE BEACH audio book, and a recipe card for Hot Buttered Rum!  North America Readers be sure to leave your email!
Note: COMMENTERS are encouraged to leave a contact email address to speed the prize notification process. Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only unless specifically mentioned in the post. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Winners of drawings are responsible for checking this site in a timely manner. If prizes are not claimed in a timely manner, the author may not have a prize available. Get Lost In A Story cannot be responsible for an author's failure to mail the listed prize. GLIAS does not automatically pass email addresses to guest authors unless the commenter publicly posts their email address.

KIM WANTS TO KNOW: What was the first book you remember loving? As I was talking about Deenie above, I got to thinking about all the young love books I read back then. So what about you? Did you have favorites as a teen? Or did you not fall in love until later? And with what book?


  1. Congratulations Kim on your new book! The first book I remember loving was Anne of Green Gables which I read a bunch of times before giving it to my sister.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  2. Congrats on your new book!

    The World of Og. It was so funny and I felt that the author was talking directly to me. :) Later on, I fell in love with Anne of Green Gables. That's my first real book romance.... :)

    maybe31 at

    1. Thanks May! And I've never heard of the World of Og (don't laugh if I should know what it is and not knowing makes me look stupid!). I must check it out.

      And this post totally had be ordering Deenie, btw :)

  3. Hey Maureen! Thanks!!

    And just to prove my point about Pretty Woman...I clicked the YouTube video that Angi posted above, and before I knew it, I was sucked in. Totally forgot I'd just popped over here for a second to check out the post. Now I want to go watch the whole movie again. Man, I wish I'd come up with that!

  4. My name is Beverly, Merida is my favorite too!! The first book I remember loving was the Rainbow fish.

    1. Hi Beverly. Thanks for stopping by! Hmmm...rainbow fish. I just looked that up. I love the cover! Very eye catching.

  5. Hi Kim,
    Fun post. I especially like that I've found another procrastinator. Holy moly--I need a 12-step program for self-discipline! As for books--my dad was and is an amazingly prolific reader and would read to us and bring us books from the library that we hadn't "requested." We would whine and then discover that it was always the "best book ever." He read a book once called "The Long Way Home" about three siblings whose parents didn't show up at daycare one evening to pick them up, so they started to walk home--it took them a month. I'll never forget all their wacky adventures. I was always a huge Black Stallion fan, too. My first romantic hero was Alec Ramsay--The Black's owner!

    Fun post--thanks. Can't wait to read "Hot Buttered Yum" -- great title!

    1. Oh, that sounds like such a fun book! And I love that your dad did that. I had a librarian "force" me to read Pearl S Buck's The Good Earth one time. That was a huge book, and I was certain it was going to be hours and hours of boring. But still today, I'll tell people what a good book it was. Funny how those grown up know us better than we thought, huh? ;)

      And yes to the 12-step program. I'm working on one. But I keep putting it off :)

      Hope you love YUM!!!

  6. I just started your book last night. This is my first series book. I am enjoying it.

    1. I loved the book Lorna Doone. My 6th grade librarian got me interested in reading and I haven't stopped.

    2. Thanks for reading by my book Laura! Reading a serial is a whole different thing, huh? But it can be fun too. Hopefully you'll find it fun :)

      I love librarians. They're so smart. I totally didn't give them proper credit when I was in school. Kudos to yours!

  7. I've loved reading my entire life and I just turned 43, so that is A LOT of books! THe first books I remember really loving were the Misty of Chincoteague series. The books inspired me so much that I started visiting Assateague and Chincoteague in the late 90s and still today just to see those ponies! I too loved Deenie. I have so many memories attached to a lot of great books.I even just bought the Misty books for my 8 year old daughter to read and I want to read them all over again!

    I would highly recommend Kim's books to everyone....they are all incredible!



    1. Ah...thank you Staci!!! You're a sweetheart :)

      And don't you just love when books inspire you to go seek out where they're written? Then after you go there, you have to read the books again. *sigh*

      I hope your daughter loves the Misty books!!

    2. Loved the Judy Blume books, and the Nancy Drew books had them all and passed on to my nieces to enjoy! Lori Nash

  8. Congrats Kim!!

    The first book I remembered loving and reading over and over was "Beautiful Joe." Not something most people would love - it's America's version of "Black Beauty," only the protagonist is a dog, Joe. Sad but uplifting. I found the book recently, an old copy because it's out of print now. It is sitting proudly on my book shelf in a place of honor.

    1. I love that it's sitting on your shelf in a place of honor! I intend to do that when my copy of Deenie arrives :) It's kind of amazing what books can do for us as kids, isn't it? Opens whole new worlds. Thanks for stopping by Cheryl!

  9. pride and prejudice

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. Jean and Johnny by Beverly Cleary. Once I read that I had my own love affair. Reading books!!!

  11. I love the sound of your new book and I love the title!

    The first book I remember falling in love with as a preteen was Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman. I adored the RCMP hero and remember wishing someone would call me their "little cabbage" in French. *dreamy sigh*

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Thanks Marcy! It's one of my favorite titles :)

      I've never read Mrs. Mike, but you just made me want to! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. The winner from yesterday is May! Thanks everyone, and congrats May. I'll be contacting you via email.
