


Today, we’ll get an update on our current projects and exciting announcements, as well as discover what’s inspiring our authors as we go through the fall season and into the holidays.

Clover Autry
I love the fall. It's the beginning of cooler weather, rich color, and of course, the beginning of the holiday season, almost like a culmination of celebrations one after the other that finishes off with the newness of a bright shiny new year. 

My only daughter is getting married so it's been a recent flurry of gown shopping, picking colors and floral arrangements, but through it all, the romance and young love surfaces like a delicate shining crystal amid all the busy details.

Watching her face light up at the mention of her fiance's name is a wonderful reminder of all the things young love represents. No wonder we revisit it in romance novel after romance novel. And being able to write that blossoming love on a daily basis is such a treat. 

Donnell Bell

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. While everyone was trick or treating, I was dressing up my November release, Betrayed, brought to you by Bell Bridge Books. 

Betrayed will be available for purchase November 18, 2014.  But right now it’s available for preorder on Amazon.

Here’s a little reveal about the book.   

Betrayed by Donnell Ann Bell
When Oklahoma City resident, Irene Turner learns the incomprehensible, that the stillborn baby she delivered 28-years earlier is alive, she takes the evidence to where her daughter now lives—Denver Colorado. 

Detective Nate Paxton can’t believe what Irene’s evidence shows him.  Kinsey Masters, a world-class athlete, raised by a prominent Denver family, an unattainable woman he’s known and loved for years, was stolen at birth. 

Irene Turner, Nate Paxton, and Kinsey Masters are united in a sordid conspiracy.  But, it’s who the conspirators turn out to be that will leave the trio shaken and in disbelief.  Irene’s foundation of trust will be ripped from its core, as kidnapping, murder, and a thirst for revenge lead her to learn she’s been betrayed.

Also, good things have been happening for my sophomore release Deadly Recall

I’m pleased to announce that Deadly Recall is a finalist in the 2014 EPIC Awards for Suspense/Thrillers. 

Alexa Bourne

Believe it or not, what's been inspiring me lately is Eminem's song Lose Yourself. Why? Because it's about pushing to make your dream come true. I am making my dream come true with every book, so when I get overwhelmed with edits and promotion and I feel like I've been run over by a truck, I play that song while I'm working. Then I'm able to focus and act like a professional again. 

At the moment I'm working on edits for my next 2 books and making plans to revamp my website. In the meantime, I'm reminding everyone I have a holiday book out. 

Simple Treasures, one of my romantic suspense novellas, takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland during New Year's celebrations and is a great contemporary romance for your holidays!

Okay, I think I better get back to those edits so I can meet my deadlines! Have a great weekend!

E.E. Burke

This fall, I’ve been rubbernecking. Seriously, I’ve been driving around gawking at the beautiful color. Let me give you a sample:

You’ve probably guessed by now, my inspiration comes from nature. Sometimes I sit on my screen porch so I can see and hear and smell the outdoors as I write. Sometimes I go to a park, or an outdoor cafĂ©. I relish being outdoors because it energizes me.

When I’m getting ready to write, I like travel to the place I’m writing about so I can connect with it. Yes, I really do connect with places. They have their own personality, just like people. 

For instance, when I started researching Her Bodyguard, I visited Fort Scott and went all over town looking at old homes, visiting the Fort, taking pictures of old buildings, as well as researching the history and looking at photographs. 

I’ve just released Her Bodyguard, part of the series Steam! Romance and Rails, and I’m running a Goodreads giveaway this month, as well as special promotions on my website.

Up next are True Tales from Buffalo Creek. The first two books are about brothers who take very different roads during a time of war and must come to terms with their decisions as they try to rebuild their lives. 

These stories are set in the foothills of the Ozarks and based on oral history handed down through my husband’s family. Interviewing his parents and relatives while researching these books has given me (and our children) an unexpected blessing.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Maureen McGowan

Fall is off to a great start for me. 

On October 18th, I was thrilled (and shocked) to learn that Compliance won the 2013 Golden Leaf for best YA. 

It's especially gratifying since Compliance is book 2 in The Dust Chronicles trilogy. I really hoped Compliance wouldn't fall prey to "middle book syndrome". I also learned a few days later that Compliance would be included in the Fall 2013 "Best Books" list put out by the CCBC. 

Compliance is available on Amazon 

I'm also giving my website a much-overdue renovation. Stop by and take a look if you have a chance. I'd love to hear what you think!

Angi Morgan

I’m currently working on a three-book series for Harlequin Intrigue: West Texas Protectors

The Sheriff has a fun couple: Pete & Andrea. Pete is the Sheriff (or as he refers to himself, the “acting” sheriff). He’s been in law enforcement his entire life, following in the footsteps of his father. He’s been raised around the MarfaLights, the university studies and those who believe in extra-terrestrial visitors. The phenomenon dating back to 1883 generates tourism, kooks and legitimate studies—and for my hero, a major distraction sometimes.

Andrea is working at the McDonald Observatory on her PhD in Star Studies. Researching what an astronomer would be interested in has been fun. It’s brought all sorts of discoveries to my attention.  For instance, a Texas astronomer recently discovered Most Distant Known Galaxy.” Reading a paragraph about their study is sometimes like reading a foreign language. The trick when writing the book is to have the character use the knowledge they have without overwhelming and boring the reader. Authenticity without boredom is sometimes a tricky balance, but I’m working on it. 

I’ve visited the observatory, near Fort Davis, Texas. I want to return again and spend more time in the region. It’s beautiful, harsh country and at night, the sky sparkles like nothing you’ve ever seen. 

Up next: The Marine's Last Defense 

To the rest of the world, Sabrina Watkins doesn't exist. But to this cop, she is very much alive in Angi Morgan's The Marine's Last Defense.
After escaping a killer, playing dead was the only way Sabrina Watkins could get out of Amarillo alive. Now she's living in Dallas, where no one knows her true identity. Until homicide cop Jake Craig shows up. 
A half-frozen pup he finds at a crime scene brings Jake to Sabrina's doorstep. Suddenly, the former marine is playing hero to a desperate woman on the run. Sworn to clear her name, Jake's already falling for the stunning brunette with the amethyst eyes. Can he keep her safe and turn a rescue mission into a last chance at love?

The Marine's Last Defense is available for pre-order on Amazon.

Lizbeth Selvig

I’m busy on the next book in my small-town series about the folks in Kennison Falls, Minnesota. Anyone who’s read my brand new release Rescued by a Stranger has met David Pitts-Matherson, the owner of Bridge Creek Stables where Jill Carpenter rides and teaches.

David is an accidentally transplanted Brit, and he’s the hero of this next book. His heroine is a feisty inner city girl named Rio (short for Arionna) who is raising her younger sister and gang-member brother, working toward her goal of leaving the city and its violence and broken promises, and finding a quiet, secluded place of her own—preferably far from too many other people.

David has a strict, ten-year plan to make his business a success, and he’s almost there. But when his world collides with Rio’s, their goals fly almost out of reach.

Some of the things I’ve been looking at for inspiration these days are, surprisingly, tattoos. I’m not a fan of all-over body art, but I do have one tattoo of my own and my new heroine Rio has five of them—a couple fairly good-sized, much to David’s uncertainty—until he gets to, um, trace them!

But, what are Rio’s tats? 

I know three of them for sure: a gorgeous, elegant horse head on the small of her back...

A feather—somewhere—to remind her that her troubles are lighter than a lot of peoples’.

And an owl so she remembers to keep her head and be wise. 

The other two I’m still looking for. She doesn’t like dark or macabre images, she eschews violence and she loves color. So—what do you think?

Any ideas of wonderful tattoos for Rio?

Here’s wishing everyone a gorgeous fall and a blessed Thanksgiving.


  1. Loved doing the Crew Day roundup and finding out what everyone is up to. Sounds like Rio has plenty of tattoos. How about having her take up knitting and make a peace scarf :)

  2. E.E. great summation of what we've all been up to. And that tree! My gosh, I'd love to have that in my back yard!

  3. E.E. thanks for putting the post together. It's great to see what everyone's up to!

  4. E.E. I love the fall colors too! Mine have smacked the forest floor already and winter is stalking through my valley. Too soon! I want it back. So the picture really made me smile.
    Lizbeth, I love the tattoo ideas--that feather is amazing! Best work I've seen in a really long time.

    1. Hi Kacey,
      Thanks! I thought that feather was gorgeous too -- wish I'd found it when I was looking for my tattoo eight years ago!

  5. Hi Ladies,
    I was gone all day and just got a chance to come comment on our crew blog. Great, great job E.E. -- thanks for an inspiring topic. Maureen, congrats on the Golden Leaf award; Clover, congrats on your daughter's wedding--such a special time; Angi and Donnell your new books sound fabulous; and Alexa--I wish I could work on your edits and you could do my first draft :-P Thanks for the tattoo love! It's great to see what everyone's up to.
