

Celebrate Fall with Lara Lacombe!

Happy Fall, everyone!  It's finally starting to cool off here in Texas, which makes me happy--I get to wear sweaters, eat soup, and curl up on the couch with a blanket.  I love most things about this season (with a few notable exceptions), and so I was especially thrilled when I found out my debut novel, DEADLY CONTACT, would be released in November.

A graphical representation of how I spend the holidays...
In my day job, I'm a college science professor.  I've reached the point in the semester where I'm counting the days until Thanksgiving break--not just because of my love of all things pie-related, but because I'm looking forward to having a couple of uninterrupted days to read. My TBR pile (well, okay--mountain) needs a little attention, and I can't wait to spend a day (or two) with a book in one hand and a fork in the other.  Bliss!

I should probably stretch before tackling this...
What about you?  What are you looking forward to this holiday season?

And before I go, I wanted to let you all know that I'm holding a contest to celebrate the release of DEADLY CONTACT!  Simply post a picture of you and the book (Tweet me or post it on my Facebook page) and you're entered to win a gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes & Noble!  The more pictures you submit, the better your chances of winning, so get out there and start snapping!


  1. Congratulations, LARA !!
    Best of luck with the book. Still under dealine and haven't gotten to read it yet, but it's at the top of my stack !!

    1. Thanks, Angi! Good luck with your deadline--my book will keep :)

  2. Huge congrats, Lara. And the lemon pie image made me drool. ;)

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I love lemon pie, but I have to say my absolute favorite is buttermilk pie--so good!
