

Get Lost With Sabrina Garie!

Hi, folks! Please help me welcome Sabrina Garie to the blog! I'm friends with her sister and through our writing we've gotten to know each other, too. She's a great lady and an awesome writer! So let's get busy...


Sabrina Garie is on a journey to create the most kick-ass heroine romance fiction has ever known and the hero who can take her. A believer that big, audacious goals spice up life, she relies on coffee, red wine and laughter to make those goals (and her characters) come alive. When not at the computer, she wrangles vegetables and extra helpings of homework into her fashion-loving progeny, kowtows to a fat cat and reads, a lot. Since it is more fun to travel in packs, come along for the ride.

Annie’s always been different. An empathic Amazon, she hides her emotional anomaly beneath her legendary fighting skills. To avoid passing on her genetic disorder, she’s always avoided the Thirteen Nights Ritual—the annual breeding rite among the warrior races of the Greek Pantheon. Only months away from 30, she is now duty-bound to participate. When she meets Tai, a half-human warrior who revs her up beyond legal limits and nurtures the gentleness she’s had to keep secret, thirteen nights of pleasure don’t seem nearly enough.
As a half human, Tai has survived by being faster, more lethal, and a whole lot smarter than his brethren. While the male warriors accept him for his achievements, the Amazons have never given him a second look. Until he meets Annie, whose smile is warm and real and whose body shudders with desire—for him. Determined to have her, he hacks into the Thirteen Nights database and rearranges the pairings to make Annie his breeding partner. Together, their strength and tenderness combust into pure love.
But Tai’s actions are forbidden under Amazon law, subject to a death. To stay together and alive, they must take on the Greek Pantheon and win.
Find Sabrina on the Web
Twitter: @sabrinagarie
And now, Sabrina in her own words...
ALEXA: How often do you get lost in a story?
SABRINA: Whenever I possibly can. Being a single parent with a full-time job and my writing, finding time to actually read can be a challenge. So I’ve learned to take 10 minute lose-myself breaks. Even if I can zone into a story for five-ten minutes a day, I will do so. It is most likely to happen either before I go to bed or on the metro on the way home. Thank goodness for the kindle app on my phone.
ALEXA:  What’s the first book you remember reading? 
SABRINA:  The first book that really made an impression and remains one of my favorite books is Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. I really related to the geeky high school heroine Meg Murray. She was awkward, smart, doggedly loyal to her family and socially isolated, like I felt in my youth. She was the kind of friend I had always hoped to have and gave me hope that life would end up happy, even if the journey was hard.
ALEXA:  What is your biggest vice?
SABRINA: Ice cream, hands down. I love the stuff. I’ve been known to eat it in pint-sized portions.
ALEXA:   I can totally understand that. Do you write while listening to music? If so what kind?
SABRINA:  I write in silence. I don’t think that’s all that common, but I find music can be distracting. I like the quiet, it helps me stay focused, and allows space for ideas to come.
ALEXA: Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?
SABRINA:  Yes, I read them. I want to see how people feel about my stories and how they interpret them. Their opinions and insights help me think about my writing and think through my writing. I still write to meet my own expectations, but the writer is only one teller of a story. Readers also co-create the narrative. I write what I write but each person reads it through their own lens. It’s exciting to see how they add to its possible interpretation.
ALEXA: What will always make you smile, even on a bad day?
SABRINA:  My daughter’s laugh. That never fails to cheer me up.
ALEXA: There's just something awesome about children's laughter that affects all of us, I think. What’s the best present you ever received?
SABRINA: Of course, everything my daughter gives is the best. But I have a great story here, especially for a romance audience, which I have to share. When I was in college, I went to Mexico with my grandmother over winter break.  When I returned home from the airport, there was a huge wrapped box on our driveway.  My boyfriend had wrapped himself up as my holiday present because he thought we should spend the holidays together.
ALEXA:   What drew you to write in the genre(s) you do?
SABRINA: I love to make stuff up, so genres like fantasy, paranormal and science fiction (I am hoping to publish a sci fi romance next year) that allow me free reign in world-building are the places for me. I have written one contemporary. While that was fun, it was missing something for me in the creativity space.
ALEXA:   Which already filmed movie represents your writing style?
SABRINA:  Any kids film, because they tend to be shorter and more precisely packaged. So if you prefer shorter books but with complete stories, I’m your author.

ALEXA: What's up next for you?
SABRINA: Life Reignited (Book 2: Divine Temptation) 
We return to the world of the Pantheons with Phoebe, another Amazon warrior, and Sander, a human. They are Tai’s parents, who meet again for the first time in thirty years, for a second chance at love. This is still very much a work in progress but expected publication date is September 2014.

Thanks for visiting with use today, Sabrina! Folks, Sabrina will give away one ecopy of a book from her back list to one commenter, so share your thoughts!


  1. Thanks for hosting me Alexa. It's always great to visit get lost in a story.

  2. Sabrina, welcome to Get Lost in a Story. Love Amazon stories (and I'm not talking about he bookstore). 13th Nights sounds compelling. As a blog member I can't win, so off to add to my TBR pile. I guess if you have an Amazon (empathetic or not) she'd be a truly kick-ass warrior, right?

  3. Yes to ice cream! Nothing beats a tub of ice cream & a hot romance!

  4. Always happy to have you stop by, Sabrina! Good luck with sales!

  5. Welcome back Sabrina. Best of luck with your books.

  6. Nice interview

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. I can relate to the ice cream. :) I can eat tons too. :)

  8. Thanks everyone. Yes, I always find partners in crime with the ice cream. :)
