

Spend a PERFECT Day with Barbara Longley

Publisher: Montlake Romance

Barbara Longley is a friend and fellow Minnesota author I’m very proud to introduce. Her current contemporary series set in Perfect, Indiana is one of the most popular new series today. She not only writes wonderful love stories, but she also deals with the serious theme of military heroes coming home to face loss, fear, and painful memories. I hope you’ll welcome Barbara to Get Lost in a Story. I know you’ll be swept away by her stories.

Cory Marcel built a successful military career over eight grueling years. But after a brutal assault, she's lost everything. Shattered, Cory reluctantly agrees to work at a furniture company in the picturesque town of Perfect…but she wonders if she can ever escape the demons haunting her.

Ted Lovejoy may have cofounded Langford & Lovejoy Heritage Furniture, but these days, everyone makes decisions without him. He's ready to walk away from his beloved business…until he sees Cory. Now he finds himself determined to help the fragile brunette rebuild her life.

Every time Ted gets too close to Cory's heart, she pushes him away. But this kind, soft-spoken man could hold the key to healing her past and to creating a loving future for both of them—if only Cory can learn to trust once more.

You can read the first chapter on my website  or on Amazon.

Award winning author Barbara Longley and each of her four siblings were all born in different states, and because her family moved so frequently, she learned early on how to entertain herself with stories. As an adult, she has lived on a commune in the Appalachians, taught on an Indian reservation, and traveled from coast to coast. When her own children came along, she decided to try something new--staying put. She has made Minnesota her home ever since.

By day, Barbara is a teacher. She holds a Masters in Education, and has taught for many years. By night, she likes to explore things mythical, metaphysical, paranormal, and/or newsworthy. Much of what she learns makes its way into her stories, where all things are possible. While she loves teaching, reading and writing are her passions.


LIZ: How often do you get lost in a story?
BARB: I read a book a week, generally, unless I'm in the midst of edits.

LIZ: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
BARB: See Dick and Jane books in first grade. They didn't make that great an impression. The first book that made an impression was Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell.

LIZ: What’s your favorite “love” word?
BARB: Um, are we talking between the sheets, or…not. Cherish?

LIZ: What are the next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?
BARB: Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts is my current read. As far a to-be-read, I have this problem with that "One Touch" buying feature over at amazon. I have about 182 books in my Kindle Fire queue, and deciding what to read next is like spending the afternoon at the bookstore!

LIZ: What’s your favorite fairy tale?
BARB: Cinderella. Great trope, and still as relevant today as when the fairy tale was originally written, in any era.

LIZ: What one thing about your hero drives his heroine crazy? And what one thing about your heroine drives her hero nuts?
BARB: Cory's desire to protect Ted from the demons haunting her (PTSD, not paranormal) drives Ted nuts. Cory won't let Ted get close enough to be annoyed by anything he does. His persistence is what gets to her, but in a good way.

LIZ: Name three things that are, at this moment, in your heroine’s purse.
BARB: 1. A canister of pepper/mace spray; 2. The keys to Fred, her classic pickup truck; 3. A wallet. She's not a real girly-girl.

LIZ: What sound or noise do you love?
BARB: I love the sound of a train whistle at night, and the sound of trains in general.
LIZ: If you were given a chance to travel to the past where would you go and specifically why?
BARB: I'd go to the Scottish Highlands during the Renaissance period, and I'd be of noble birth with a big fat dowry. Why? Well, kilts, braw warriors, and adventure, of course. Oh, and during the trip back there, I'd go backwards in age, too.

LIZ: What will always make you smile, even on a bad day?
BARB: It's my go to site whenever I need a chuckle.

LIZ: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
BARB: There are too many to list here. Like potato chips, I can never choose just one.

LIZ: Who’s your favorite villain?
BARB: Mega Mind

LIZ: What is your biggest vice?
BARB: A love of things sweet, especially those things including chocolate.

LIZ: What do you hope for the future of romance publishing?
BARB: Stability! Not going to happen, and I know that.

LIZ HAS GOTTA ASK: What’s the most personal thing you’ve ever put in one of your books?
BARB: I don't think writers can help but draw on personal experience when they write, and emotions, but I can't really think of anything personal I've included in my books. The experiences and emotions belong to the characters, not me. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

I'd like to give away three copies of book #1, FAR FROM PERFECT to those who leave comments for me today. (U.S. only, please).

Twitter: @barbaralongley

I have a time travel/historical trilogy coming out beginning February 18, 2014 with TRUE TO THE HIGHLANDER




  1. I went to your goodreads page, Barbara, to check out your Pleasant, Indiana series and they sound like my kind of books. I love wounded warriors. Maybe it's because I'm a nurse, but I like the depth it gives, especially to military characters.

    Marcy Shuler

  2. Congratulations to Barbara on her new book. It looks like a lovely story. I do reading stories about characters who find happiness after such sorrow.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Maureen and Mary! And thank you for hosting me today, Liz! I love writing and reading stories where the redemptive power of love plays a huge role!

  4. It's so nice to have you here today, Barb. Your books have really touched a lot of people and it's wonderful that you've found such a true following. Good luck with this book--and all the books to come!

  5. Nice to have you back, Barbara. Sounds like another great one!

    1. Thanks, Angi! It's nice to be here again! You guys have such a gorgeous site!

  6. Thank you for the interview, I enjoyed learning more about you.


  7. Thanks, Kit! My life is an open book...pun intended!

  8. I am reading Far From Perfect right now... almost have it finished. What a wonderful story and characters. Thank you Barbara, I look forward to reading more from you!
    (No need to enter giveaway... just wanted to let everyone know what an enjoyable book this is)

  9. Very nice interview

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. Thank you Julie O! and thanks for stopping by BN100!
