

Maid Marian and The Lawman by Deb Stover

Get Lost in a Story readers, since publication of her first novel in 1995, Deb Stover has received dozens of awards for her cross-genre fiction, including ten RT Book Reviews nominations and a Career Achievement Award.  Today she’s our guest, and we get to learn more about her.  Please welcome Deb Stover as she promotes her new release Maid Marian and the Lawman

1896 Oklahoma Indian Territory
Mary Goode has spent nearly a decade hiding her sweetly off-kilter brother, Robin, and two fellow misfits after she rescued them from a brutal institution. But unknown to Mary, the trio's fascination with Robin Hood and their hero's crusade to "steal from the rich and give to the poor" may have led to a few actual robberies.

U.S. Marshal Shane Latimer is on the trail of the inept Robin Hood and his shabby band of not-so-tough Merry Men when his rattlesnake-spooked-horse lands him in the care of Robin's fiercely protective sister, Mary, aka Maid Marian.

He's instantly charmed by Mary's devotion to her whimsical brood but worries that she may be hiding the truth. Still, for a cynical loner like Shane, the appeal of their family affection, love, and loyalty, combined with Mary's growing hold on his heart, is hard to resist.

Mary is equally torn. This wounded stranger could be the man of her dreams, and for the first time in her life she has someone to share the challenges of keeping her brigands out of trouble.

But will her quest for happiness forever shatter the idyllic life she's forged for her special family?

And how will Shane reconcile his duties as a lawman with his love for Maid Marian and her outlaws?

~ ~

Now let's meet Deb Stover! 

DONNELL:  Welcome, Deb! I don’t know anyone who isn’t a fan of Robin Hood so I have to ask, are you a fan of the fable, the American version, or, like me, did Errol Flynn have anything to do with your inspiration?

DEB: Thanks, Donnell. I’ve loved the tale of Robin Hood all my life, including the Errol Flynn version. Okay, yes, even MEN IN TIGHTS. Ahem…

DONNELL:  You write cross genre and Maid Marian and the Lawman is a Historical.  Break it down for us.  Fantasy, Historical, Contemporary, Other?  Do you have a favorite genre?

DEB: Time-travel Romance is probably my favorite genre. I love seeing history from a contemporary viewpoint. I also enjoy reincarnation stories with a parallel story, like I wrote in my MULLIGAN series. MAID MARIAN AND THE LAWMAN is one of only two “straight” Historicals I’ve written. 

DONNELL:  Your books are known for great story telling and sexual tension, but you also always add a sense of right and wrong, e.g. an education concerning people with disabilities.  You have a beautiful daughter named Bonnie – is she your inspiration for this, or does it go even deeper?

DEB: Thanks, Donnell. I guess I’ve always had a strong sense of right and wrong and justice, and I always love to fight for the underdog. I learned that from my parents, who used to leave food out for a homeless man who lived over on the river near our home when I was a child. Back then we called them “hobos.” He lived near the river and railroad track. I also had an aunt with a disability who lived at home with my grandparents and was always treated as just another member of the family. When we were children, we rarely saw kids with disabilities at school or even out in public at stores, etc. When we brought Bonnie into our family at 11 days of age, my late husband and I made it a mission to learn as much as we could to ensure all her rights were honored and that she received all the benefits society intended her to have. I went through training in Colorado to learn about Special Education Rights and Responsibilities and worked as a Parent Trainer for a while before becoming a full-time writer. Inclusion, acceptance, and remembering that disabilities are natural are important to me. So, yes, Bonnie is an inspiration. :)

DONNELL:  Speaking of heroic people ;) you’ve written a lot of heroes in your day.  What is something they all generally possess, and how do you make them unique?

DEB: My heroes are honorable, loyal, dedicated, and often have a wicked sense of humor. They are unique because their personal situations are different. Each hero—or any character—I create is a unique individual with his or her own set of traits, strengths, and challenges. 

DONNELL:  What’s your favorite room in your house, and if you’re not writing, where will we find you?

DEB:LOL! Well, my favorite room in my house is my office, so you’ll usually find me right here even when I’m not writing. If not here, then in the kitchen. I’ve discovered the joy of cooking since arthritis has stolen the joy of sewing and crocheting. I can still type and cook, though.

DONNELL:  What’s the most unusual thing you have in your closet?

DEB: An antique mirror that belonged to my great-grandmother. It’s probably about 160 years old, approximately six feet tall, and very heavy. It has a white plaster frame—very ornate—and warped, stained silver glass. I plan to hang it in my dining room beside my great-grandfather’s writing desk, so they’ll be “together” again.

DONNELL:  What’s in your refrigerator right now?

DEB: Everything? Almond milk, leftover Christmas ham, pecan pie, half-n-half, butter, eggs, brie, salmon, fresh mozzarella, lettuce, green peppers, cabbage, Kale, carrots, garlic, scallions, gluten-free hot dogs and buns for Bonnie, mustard, ketchup, unfiltered vinegar, molasses, yeast, sour cream, ginger root, hot sauce, red pepper jelly (yum), and that’s all I can think of without going to look.

DONNELL:  (wow, you sound organized) What are you working on now?

DEB: This interview. :) Okay, I am plotting a hybrid sequel of both The Gift and Mulligan Magic. My Mulligan series is the one readers write to me the most asking for another story, and my agent would like to see a sequel to The Gift, so I have an idea to send Sam Dearborn to Ireland, where he will meet Ailish from Mulligan Magic. My working title will be Mulligan Secret.

Deb, thanks for being our guest.  And now it’s your turn to ask readers a question. 

DEB STOVER:  I’d love to know what makes readers download books online. Is it reviews, pricing, word of mouth, past experience with the author, or something else? There are no wrong answers.

I would love to give away a book. How about a paperback copy of Maid Marian and The Lawman? If the winner has already read this book, they may choose another if I have copies from my bibliography (   U.S. Residents only please for paperback -- Digital international winners.

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  1. Great post, Deb. Maid Marian and the Lawman sounds really intriguing. The new book sounds great too. The things that make me want to buy online are author, word of mouth and if it's a new to me author, if the blurb or description sounds interesting. I'm a reader as well as an author, as my TBR pile on my Kindle and books all over my house will attest.:)

  2. Deb, I'm so excited you joined us today! I buy a lot of books, that unfortunately, I don't have time to read. I want to, I plan to, but life is incredibly busy for the writer. When I do settle back in a book, it's such a luxury and I sigh and spend the day smiling! Wishing you great success with Maid Marian and The Lawman!

  3. Hi Deb! So glad Donnell is guesting you today. What a wonderful story line for Maid Marian and The Lawman. And a hybrid combo of your other books sounds intriguing. All will be 'must haves' for me. Just need reading time. :) As to your question about online buying, since I don't leave the house often now, convenience is a #1 option I really appreciate. I have books on my Kindle as well as paperbacks and hard covers on shelves. Lately, I buy more books online.

  4. Thanks, all. Sounds like we use similar criteria to choose books. I do not download free books unless it's something I want. Heaven will be more time to read. Yes?

  5. To answer your question regarding downloading books my primary go-to is "word of mouth" from a trusted source of course, my #2 would be previous reads by the author. I am intrigued and love your idea of mixing Sam with Ailish can't wait to read the story you create, hope it hits the proverbial shelf sooner than later. Regards, Annie Parnell

  6. depends on the story/blurb

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. Thanks. A good blurb can reel me in, too. So can a catchy title. Word of mouth might make me look, but doesn't necessarily make me buy. I'm intrigued by Sam and Ailish, too, Annie. :) We'll see how that goes. Riley Mulligan may have a wee word or two with Sam. ;)

  8. Can any of you name the four books and/or novellas that include the character US Marshall Sam Weathers? He has an important role in MAID MARIAN AND THE LAWMAN. Oh, and do you know what other book of mine Shane Latimer--the hero of this book--first made an appearance? :)

  9. "The Gift" was the first Deb Stover book I read (in paperback) and I loved it. So when I bought my Nook, I downloaded all other Deb Stover books available and have picked up a couple at used book stores. I admire your creativity, Deb. Not many would think to put a story together about Robin Hood and championing the rights of the disabled. I will have to get this one too! And of course I love your Mulligan series so will be anxiously awaiting your newest inspiration!

  10. Hi Deb! I love the sound of this book. Historical romances are my first love. LOL

    If I don't know the author, I read the blurb first. I may read some reviews, mostly the negative ones to see what they felt was "wrong" with the book. I may not agree with them and will always make up my own opinion. I also try to find out if it's part of a series or a stand alone title. I dislike reading series out of order. I also look at the page count. I find I'm less willing to pay $1.99 for a novella that's less than 150 pages since I know some of those *pages* won't be actual story. I'll also go to the author's website to read an excerpt if I'm still interested in the book. I hope this helps.

    Marcy Shuler

  11. That sounds like such a fun book and your answers about your daughter and your grandparents' mirror and desk are heart-warming.

  12. Great post, Deb. Love the premise of this book. Blurbs often pull me in but word of mouth probably carries the most weight with book purchases. Best of luck with Maid Marian and the Lawman!

  13. Thank you, all, and thanks to Donnell for inviting me here. Now I have to plan a big dinner for New Year's Day for my dad's birthday. It must include black-eyed peas for good luck. Since I'm fixing prime rib, it will be a diverse menu. LOL! Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year!
    I buy books online for all the reasons you've listed above. A gorgeous cover is an immediate attention grabber. If the author is new to me I like to have read the blurb & also excerpts to see if I like the author's voice & style. Reviews carry more weight then too.

  15. Deb Stover books always move to the top of my 'to be read pile'! Online books grab my attention in the following order: by known author I enjoy, price point, blurb and cover. Keep them coming, Deb, and I'll keep buying and recommending. Happy New Year!

  16. Thanks, Jodi. Happy New Year, all! May all your days include a breath of magic!
