

Get Lost in Brenna Aubrey's At Any Price.

She can't tell if he's playing her...or if he's playing for keeps.

Achievement Unlocked: Geek Virgin

When Mia Strong, proud geek-girl and popular gaming blogger, auctions off her virginity online, she knows she'll make waves. But what she will not be making is a love connection. Her rules are set in stone: One night. No further contact.

It's a desperate step, but it's the only way she can go to medical school and pay her mother's mounting hospital bills.

Difficulty Level: Millionaire CEO 

Adam Drake, the enigmatic auction winner, is a software prodigy who made his first million at seventeen. Now, in his mid-twenties, he's sexy, driven and--as CEO of his own gaming company--he's used to making the rules. Before Mia knows what's happening, he's found the loophole in the rules of her auction. Every stipulation she's made to protect her heart gets tossed by the wayside.

Brenna Aubrey is an author of New Adult contemporary romance stories that center on geek culture. Her debut novel, AT ANY PRICE, just released in December.

She has always sought comfort in good books and the long, involved stories she weaves in her head. Brenna is a city girl with a nature-lover’s heart. She therefore finds herself out in green open spaces any chance she can get. A mommy to two little kids and teacher to many more older kids, she juggles schedules to find time to pursue her love of storycrafting. 

She currently resides on the west coast with her husband, two children, two adorable golden retriever pups, two birds and some fish.  

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Jillian: Is there a playlist you’d recommend for reading your latest release?
Brenna: If I were to pick one “theme song” from my playlist to exemplify the story I’d say it was “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak for obvious reasons.

I actually made a playlist of three songs mentioned in the novel and pinned it at pinterest ( They are “Pleasure Little Treasure” by Depeche Mode, “Walk Away From Love” by Yaz, and “Keeps Getting Better” by Christina Aguilera.  On the playlist I created for inspiration, there are a lot more songs but those three were also included. 

I’ll post the whole playlist on my webpage for the book.

Jillian: Where do you read and how often?
Brenna: Every night. Mostly before I go to sleep but pretty much everywhere I can. I’m an eBook hoarder and very rarely read paper books nowadays!

Jillian: Describe your favorite kind of hero to read/write?
Brenna: Alpha heroes all the way! They are my favorite. But they can’t be “over the top.”  They have to be modern men who like smart, strong, independent women. But they also have to be men who know what they want, go after it and do not settle for anything less.  Adam is very much this type of hero.

Jillian: Be honest, when reading 1st you miss the hero’s POV?
Brenna: Many New Adult Novels, though written in first person, do offer alternating points of view. For story-telling reasons, I made the choice to stick entirely with the heroine, Mia’s POV for this first novel in the series. The second novel will be in the hero’s POV.  I love sticking with one character throughout the duration of a story and experiencing the events through their eyes. I think the first person POV offers a lot of intimacy for the reader that isn’t readily available in third person.
Jillian: I agree! There is a kind of intimacy in first person than you don't quite get in third person. I love writing in first person for my contemporary romance novels.

Buy links:  Amazon  Barnes & Noble  iTunes  All Romance  Kobo 

Jillian: What do you do to unwind and relax?
Brenna: Mostly I love to read—all genres, but mostly romance, science fiction or fantasy. I geek out to online video games, watch nerdy movies or reruns of old TV shows like Firefly and Star Trek. Or go camping. I have wide and eclectic range of interests. 

Jillian: Which of your characters would you most/least like to invite to dinner, and why?
Brenna: Adam because he’d take me somewhere expensive and then pick up the bill. HAHA.  Actually, I think it would be more fun to dine with Mia’s best friend Heath because he’s so hilarious. I’d probably laugh the entire night.

Brenna has a question for readers: Who is your favorite “alpha-hero” or “book-boyfriend” and why? One lucky commenter chosen by randomizer, will win an ebook copy of AT ANY PRICE.

For more about Brenna and her novels:

***Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America  addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.


  1. Roarke.. he and eve are the main reason why I love the in death series. He is gorgeous. .. has a sexy accent. .. he is rich... smart... what is not to love? :)

  2. Welcome to GLIAS, Brenna. Best of luck with your books.

  3. Congrats on your new book Brenna. Geek romance sounds like a neat idea.
    One of my favoirite fictional alpha heroes is Daniel Day‑Lewis who plays Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans.

  4. Zsadist because he's caring

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. Great having you back at GLIAS! For me, a hero can't just be all alpha male hotness. He's got to have interesting vulnerabilities and he must read fiction. It's the sign of a great mind. LOL! ;) Jillian

  6. Hey sorry I'm late to the party! Had computer issues this morning but I'm good to go now. How is everybody?

    @May Roark is so incredibly yummy. And that accent! swoon!
    @Brenda Hawkeye is an awesome choice! And the definition of a heroic hero!
    @bn100 Caring alpha heroes are the best kind, IMO!
    @Jillian I agree our hottie alpha dude has to have a great brain, too. The smarter the better! Adam (in AT ANY PRICE) was a child prodigy with computer software programming. It was fun writing a character who is WAYYYY smarter than me, but also a little intimidating!

  7. I've heard great things about this book, Brenna.

    As for a book boyfriend, I'm still a bit hung up on Brian Newburgh from THE STORY GUY by Mary Ann Rivers. He's strong, smart, caring, has hidden vulnerabilities...and apparently he's a great kisser! ;)

    Marcy Shuler

  8. Marcy, I've heard so much about that book! I think I need to pick up a copy! Thanks for stopping by the blog.
