

The Amazing Cara Elliott is YOURS

The Hellions of High Street, book 1
Forever, Hatchette Book Group

Proper young ladies of the ton-especially ones who have very small dowries-are not encouraged to have an interest in intellectual pursuits. Indeed, the only thing they are encouraged to pursue is an eligible bachelor. So, the headstrong Sloane sisters must keep their passions a secret. Ah, but secret passions are wont to lead a lady into trouble . . .

The eldest of the three Sloane sisters, Olivia is unafraid to question the boundaries of Society-even if it does frequently land her in trouble. Disdaining the glittery world of balls and courtship, Olivia prefers to spend her time writing fiery political essays under a pseudonym for London's leading newspaper. But when her columns attract the attention of the oh-so-proper Earl of Wrexham, Olivia suddenly finds herself dancing on the razor's edge of scandal. With the help of her sisters, she tries to stay one step ahead of trouble . . .

However, after a series of madcap misadventures, Wrexham, a former military hero who is fighting for social reform in Parliament, discovers Olivia's secret. To her surprise, he proposes a temporary alliance to help win passage of his bill. Passion flares between them, but when a political enemy threatens the earl's young son, they must make some dangerous decisions . . . and trust that love will conquer all.

Read a little, Buy the book  

I started creating books at the age of five, or so my mother tells me. And she has the proof—a neatly penciled story, the pages lavishly illustrated with full color crayon drawings of horses and bound with staples—to back up her claim. I have since moved on from Westerns to writing about Regency England, a time and place that has captured my imagination ever since I opened the covers of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.”

I have a BA and an MFA in Graphic Design from Yale University and now my work as a writer lets me combine my love of the printed word with my love of art. I’m very fortunate in that research for my historical novels allows me to travel to lots interesting destinations around the world—however, my favorite spot is London, where the funky antique markets and used book stores offer a wealth of inspiration for my stories.

ANGI: How often to you get lost in a story?
CARA: Just about every day. I know this may sound crazy, but after a long day of writing, I unwind with a book! I’ve been an avid reader all my life (my mother had to come and take away the flashlight I used to read under the covers after my bedtime when I was in elementary school.) I either read right before going to sleep, or on the exercise bike while I do my daily workout. I’m lucky in that I can read AND work up a sweat . . . and not just because I’m reading about some hunky hero, ha, ha, ha.)

ANGI: What’s the first book you remember reading? 
CARA: I can tell you the first book that left a vivid impression on me—The Fabulous Flight by Robert Lawson. It was so inventive and imaginative, and the characters and plot totally enthralled me. I think it make me realize early on the very magical power of storytelling.

ANGI: What’s your favorite “love” word?
CARA: Hmm—how about a phrase: “You inspire me to believe I can be better than I think I can be.”

ANGI: What’s your favorite fairy tale?
CARA: I can tell you what my LEAST favorite one is! When I was four or five, my mother took me to see a cartoon film of Hansel and Gretel, thinking I would love it. Well, for some reason the witch really frightened me ! I cried so hard, she had to take me home . . . maybe that’s why I’ve never had the urge to write paranormals!

ANGI: What do you like about the hero of your book?
CARA: Lord Wrexham was such a fun character to create! Honorable and duty-minded, he takes his civic and family responsibilities very seriously, so he considers himself  a very disciplined fellow, ruled by reason and self-control. Which is why he’s totally flummoxed to find himself attracted to the headstrong, opinionated Olivia. His head keeps telling him it’s all wrong, but his heart—not to speak of the rest of his body—disagrees! Letting his whimsical, playful side slowly break free from his own preconceptions was something I really enjoyed doing.

ANGI: Is there a playlist you’d recommend for reading your latest release?
CARA: Beethoven’s Third Symphony would start it off—it’s called the Eroica Symphony, (Eroica mean “Heroic” in Italian) It’s the perfect music for Wrexham, who’s nicknamed the Perfect Hero!

ANGI: What sound or noise do you love?
CARA: The sound of the surf rolling up against the beach on a moonlit evening.

ANGI: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
CARA: Action Adventure! (I’ve always been a tomboy)

ANGI: What was the first story you remember writing?
CARA: Ha, ha! See the Gotta Ask below!

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
CARA: Oh, no fair! I can’t pick just one. Here are three (I’m a sucker for to-die for heroes!) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; The Princess Bride; Bringing Up Baby.

ANGI: What is your biggest vice?
CARA: Lindt Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt (though wave any type of chocolate under my nose and I’ll start to froth at the mouth!)

ANGI’S GOTTA ASK: You mention that you began writing westerns at the age of 5. What's your favorite western movie or book and can you tell us why?
CARA’S GOTTA ANSWER: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry.  It’s just such a wonderful, sweeping saga about Life—it’s all about friendship, dreams, loss, love, adventure, heartache, discovery, adventure, laughter and tears. The characters are beautifully drawn, the storyline is gripping, the writing is lovely—it’s always going to be on the keeper shelf.

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The Hellions of High Street, book 2
Forever, Hatchette Book Group
Feb. 2014

The Hellions of High Street, book 3
Forever, Hatchette Book Group
March 14

Too Wicked to Wed, Too Tempting to Resist & Too Dangerous to Desire
To Sin with a Scourdrel, To Surrender to a Rogue & To Tempt a Rake

CARA is giving away a copy of Scandalously Yours (e-book)
U.S. Readers only.

Note: COMMENTERS are encouraged to leave a contact email address to speed the prize notification process. Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only unless specifically mentioned in the post. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Winners of drawings are responsible for checking this site in a timely manner. If prizes are not claimed in a timely manner, the author may not have a prize available. Get Lost In A Story cannot be responsible for an author's failure to mail the listed prize. GLIAS does not automatically pass email addresses to guest authors unless the commenter publicly posts their email address.

DON’T FORGET to FOLLOW us on Twitter #GetLostStories or LIKE us on Facebook to keep up with all our guest authors and their prizes. Join me next week when I host Cheryl Reavis. And come back tomorrow when Jillian hosts Barbara Barrett.  ~Angi

CARA WANTS TO KNOW: The three sisters in my series are really close friends and confidants. How about you? Do you share your secrets with your sister(s)? Or a special BFF sister-in-spirit? What’s one of the things you love most about her? I don’t have any sisters, but I love my BFF because she always makes me laugh whenever I’m feeling really down.


  1. Always a pleasure to have you here, Cara. These books look amazing.
    I've connected with a few amazing women over my lifetime. Thanks for the reminder about how special they are.

    1. Thanks for having me, Angi! You ask great questions!

  2. Nice interview

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  3. Great interview! I have two sister's and we are pretty close. BFF's we do have our ups and downs though. Your book looks really good.

  4. I have two sisters, and I'm closer to my older sister than my younger one, so I'm more likely to tell secrets to the older one. We're all friends, but I act as a buffer between them a lot, I'm always the peace maker.

  5. I also have two sisters, one older and one younger. I've always gotten along better with the older sister and feel I can tell her anything and she'll always be there to offer support.

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Forgot this: bmndshuler(at)hotmail(dot)com


    2. That's nice, Nancy. I really do miss having a sister.
