

Lizbeth's Name-dropping Birthday Weekend - Part 3

Happy Actual My Birthday day!! Welcome to day three of my Name-dropping Birthday Weekend Indulgence. I'm sharing three short posts about my relationship with a couple of my author heroes whom I’ve been blessed to meet and, in some cases, more-or-less befriend. Each one has inspired me in my own writing and has something special that makes her a superstar not just to me but to all her readers.

Today's dropped name is the one and only Kristan Higgins. I truly think she is one the most popular authors writing romance and women's fiction books today. Certainly she is one of the authors I look up to the most. 

I first met Kristan after the RITA/Golden Heart ceremony at the 2010 RWA conference in Orlando. I had just received the honor of my life by winning the Golden Heart for
Contemporary Single Title romance, and Kristan had won the RITA in the same category. I screwed up my courage and asked if she would take a picture with me. I didn't know yet how amazingly generous she is with her readers--but her eager willingness that night was my first taste of her amazing personality.

The second time I met Kristan was in an elevator at the RWA conference a year later. She was with her husband (McIrish is nearly as big a celeb as she is!) and we had just minutes to re-introduce ourselves and chat just a bit. Then I spoke with her after a presentation for maybe two minutes about some shared personal experiences.

Fast forward to the release of my second series for Avon books and I sent an email to Kristan asking if she'd participate in a week-long tribute to my writing heroines--of which she was one. I started the email: "I don't know that you'll remember me but..." Her response? "Liz--of course I remember you. How could I not?"

2018 -- Another RITA!!
Was I blown away? You bet I was! That moment I saw in action proof--that no matter how popular you are or how "famous" or busy you get, you can always be nice. And you can treat everyone with friendliness and a personal touch. Kristan didn't have to make me feel like I was one of her peers--but she did. She might be one of the A-listers but she elevates others into feeling like they're up in that list too. 

May I always take that lesson to heart!

Kristan's newest book is "Good Luck With That"--a book that takes an honest and emotional look at the problem of women and weight and body image issues. She blogged about the controversy surrounding the novel:  check it out HERE 
And here is Kristan's 2018 RITA-winning book "Now That You Mention It." 
Find it right here on AMAZON

I hope you enjoyed my birthday indulgence--talking about the authors who've taught me so much about how to have a brilliant career. I owe them so much! 

I'd love to know what authors you've met or read about and whom you now admire. What are some of your favorite books--I'm always looking to add to my TBR pile!!

I’ll be giving away four books after today to commenters who've visited during this weekend! Some of mine--some of my favorites from the authors in this weekend's blogs. Thanks so much for celebrating my birthday weekend with me!!
 Check out my two most recent releases!


  1. Have a wonderful b-day today I am meeting Sophie Dawson she is coming to my neck of the mid-west and we are having lunch. I really enjoy westerns and books so tonight i doubt i will get a wink of sleep. peggy clayton

  2. Enjoy your special day! :)
