


Luna Belle on her way home.
Santa came early and brought us a corgi puppy. Meet Luna Belle, our sweet, red and white Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

She’s such a blessing because we’ve wanted another corgi since we lost our girl, Samantha in October
2017.  Since late 2017 and 2018 was a time of great change – adapting to a new home in a new state (we moved from Florida to Tennessee) and getting in sync with my husband’s retirement – plus, we did a fair amount of traveling this year. With all that on our plate, we decided to wait until life settled down.

Then, it was a matter of locating a puppy and waiting for the pup to be old enough to be away from its mother. Everything finally came together last week.

In so many ways, having a puppy in the house is like having a newborn. It’s like childbirth, too. The joy of having this little being in our lives makes us forget the pains of puppyhood – the frequent trips outside on the journey to housetraining. The experts say a puppy can hold it one hour for each month she is old. Luna is two months old. You can do the math…that means we’re taking trips outside every two hours. I have to give her credit, after her “last call” at night, the little thing is making it through the night for about six hours. That’s such a blessing.

Our Samantha lived to be almost twelve years old. We got her when she was three months old. For the life of me, I can’t remember the
Samantha in her Christmas sweater
housetraining process. All I remember is that she was easy.  Granted, Sammy was a month older than Luna when we got her, but I swear, I don’t remember her having accidents in the house. Selective memory?

Not gonna lie, our first week with Luna has brought some challenges. I’ve had to rethink my writing routine. Where I used to have long stretches of uninterrupted time to do my pages, now, I have to work in sprints between puppy “outings.”

Also, northeast Tennessee experienced a winter storm the likes of which the area hadn’t seen in ages. Our neighbor, who was born and raised here, says he hasn’t seen this much snow since he was a boy. We got nine inches, which made that first week of house training…interesting.

But Luna is so worth it. She loves the snow. She’s already developed a personality that is a wonderful mix of sweet and cuddly and adventurous and playful.

Something my friends have asked is why we didn’t adopt a rescue. That’s a great question. We tried several times to adopt rescue corgis, but they were placed just as soon as we submitted our application (we were always behind a long line of applicants). It’s wonderful that so many people are open to bringing rescues into their families. Since that wasn’t our path this time, we will continue to donate to the ASPCA and support our local shelter.

Thank you, Santa, for bringing our little Luna to us. Dear readers, what is on your Christmas/holiday list? I’ll give a bundle of Christmas books to one reader who comments below.


National bestselling author Nancy Robards Thompson lives and writes in Tennessee, but her imagination transports her all over the world. She has found Nirvana doing what she loves most – writing romance and women's fiction full-time. She's sold more than 40 books, which critics have deemed, “…funny, smart and observant.”

Let's connect:
Facebook: Nancy Robards Thompson Books and Nancy Robards Thompson Author
Twitter: @NRTWrites
Instagram: @nancyrthompson


  1. Oh she is adorable!!! Enjoy your new family member! greenshamrock atcox dotnet Happy Holidays!

  2. Luna is just so cute we have baby kittens that are outside cats so it is must be so fun to have a little one as an inside family member! We did have one inside a few weeks ago but that one went to my step son then 2 weeks later another showed up and my husband brought that one in and i told him i was going to put the both of them out. He called his son to find a taker and out went that kitten. Now all kittens that show up like the ones a few days ago are outside. We have a 14 year old chihuahua and she is the queeen she doesn't like having the kittens in the house. So I am behind her all the way just 2 chihuahuas and 1 hubby sounds great to me. Happy Holidays and hugs to your newest member of the Thompson house! Peggy Clayton

  3. The corgi is my favorite dog! One day I hope to be lucky enough to have one or two :) in my life. Love your post and your pictures, Nancy!

  4. Love your post about Luna. She is so cute. biggest thing on my christmas list is spending time with family and friends.

    1. For some reason not showing my name. Diana Cook.

  5. I want my husband to be able to at least get a day pass from the rehab center to come home for a few hours for Christmas. It's not looking very likely, but we pray and keep our fingers crossed. Your new baby is so cute!

  6. cute pics
    a trip
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. All that matter in the end is that Luna got a great mama and daddy. On my to do list is wash my girls (it takes about 3 hours from start to finish, they love spa day with me). I need to do laundry and clean the house. I have a few presents to wrap and then I wasn't to settle in and finish the last Christmas book I have been reading. My oldest daughter and her boyfriend will be visiting for the holidays.

  8. She is a cutie! Biggest thing on my list is healing for my mom's feet. She is a diabetic and her feet look bad and hurt her very much.
