

Double Your Pleasure with the Author Duo of "Written in the Stars"


I'm so pleased to bring you the new-to-me team of Patricia Rosemoor and Sherill Bodine. Their new release from Entangled titled Written in the Stars has one of the most captivating premises I've ever read, and I can't wait to read the whole book. 

Help me welcome Patricia and Sherrill to Get Lost in a Story!

Here's a little bit about the book:

In 1601, Lady Elizabeth York's star-shaped birthmark proclaims her a child of magic. When she arrives at Dunham Castle to marry Carlyle, heir to the Duke of Lennox, she finds enchantment in the eyes and touch of Will Grey, the Duke's bastard son. Bewitched by Elizabeth, Will defies all for their love, and his jilted half-brother places a curse on them both.

Searching for a treasure ship sunk long ago, present-day marine archeologist Cordelia Ward is pursued romantically by both salvager Innis Foley and treasure hunter Morgan Murphy. She is haunted by a murderous nightmare where one man is the killer and the other the victim. But which man is her enemy--which one her soul mate? Can a journal that belonged to her ancestress, Lady Elizabeth York show her the time to save her true love?

Chased by evil, two women discover their own magic to fight a villain's curse on the Posey rings that draw them to the men they are destined to love. 

And a little bit of insight from Patricia & Sherrill:

LIZ: You two collaborated on this project. To someone like me, who has enough trouble just getting my own work done and making sense of it, this seems Herculean. Could you tell us the pros and cons of co-writing a book? Have you done this before? If not, would you do it again?
Patricia Rosemoor

PATRICIA: I’ve had other writing partners before. Linda Sweeney and I wrote 23 romances (romcom, romantic suspense, paranormal romance) together, mostly as Lynn Patrick.  We happen to be writing as LP again for Harlequin Heartwarming. Then Rebecca York, Ann Voss Peterson and I did 5 romantic suspense projects together for Harlequin Intrigue.  And Marc Paoletti and I wrote two urban fantasy romantic thrillers for Del Rey. The pros are the inspiration I get working with other creative minds. When I get stuck on a story point, I just have to call my partner, and voila, fixed in no time. The con is adapting to another author’s rhythm and sense of story. We don’t all work the same or have the same vision. But the results are worth compromise. Of course I would do it again.

 LIZ: I am in absolute awe, Patricia! How often do you get lost in a story?

PATRICIA: It depends on the story, but the ones that really speak to me like my half of WRITTEN IN THE STARS really suck me in. The danger and the heart in the story is, IMHO, extreme. Extreme gets me every time.     

LIZ: What’s the first book you remember reading? 

PATRICIA: LITTLE WOMEN is the first one I remember because it had such an emotional impact on me. But my mother introduced me to the library before I even started school. I could read a little by the time I got to Kindergarten, and I had read every fiction book in the juvenile section of the regional  library by second grade, so they gave me a Senior card, which was usually reserved for seventh graders. Which got me into trouble with Sister Ursula, who caught me reading DOUBLE DATE in class after I finished school work before everyone else. Sister Ursula took the book to check it over, of course, then gave it back to me the next day with the warning that I should be reading geography and history instead of romance.

LIZ: What are the next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?

Shadowfever, Karen Marie Moning
Inferno, Dan Brown
The 9th Girl, Tami Hoag
Divergent, Veronica Roth
The (no title yet) sequel to Brilliance, Marcus Sakey – Marcus was my grad student and got his first publishing contract with the book he developed and partially wrote in my classes. Brilliance is... well, brilliant!

LIZ: What’s your favorite fairy tale?

Sherrill Bodine
SHERRILL: But of course it is Cinderella.  I felt like her when I eloped with my husband when I was a freshman in college.  Once I married him I realized he is a work in progress like most mortal men.  Happy to report he is getting very close (most days) to being Prince Charming.

LIZ: What’s your favorite cartoon character?

SHERRILL: I adore Betty Boop and have mugs, posters etc – one of my guest bathrooms has a Betty Boop theme!  HOWEVER, she has been surpassed by Blythe/Blight, the 200 year old teenage virgin ghost I write for the comic book series, WHISPERS FROM THE VOID.  LOVE her!

Wonder Woman, of course. Even as a kid, I was making up action stories in which I was the star.  These days, I’m partial to Callie, the wounded vampire I write for WHISPERS...

LIZ: Name three things that are, at this moment, in your heroine’s purse, satchel, reticule, weapons belt or amulet bag (or whatever she carries)?

SHERRILL: Lady Elizabeth York carries a small bag to a country fair and in it are gold coins and a handkerchief.  BUT in the celestial girdle wound around her hips is a tiny magic golden dagger forged by the old pagan gods to protect the women of her line.

LIZ: What sound or noise do you love?
SHERRILL: The pop of a champagne cork when I’m ready to celebrate!

LIZ: What will always make you smile, even on a bad day?


PATRICIA: A baby animal, be it kitten, puppy, or one of the bunny rabbits born in my yard.

LIZ: Who’s your favorite villain?

PATRICIA: It used to be Malificent from Sleeping Beauty – note that Angelina Jolie will star in the title role when the movie comes out next year. :) At the moment, I love Rumplestiltskin – or Mr. Gold, as he’s known – in tv’s Once Upon a Time. He’s a complex, 3 dimensional villain who has a good side as well as his bad.  Liz: I have such a crush on Mr. Gold -- he is a masterfully created villain!

LIZ: What do you hope for the future of romance publishing?

PATRICIA: That it keeps changing, accepting different forms of crossover fiction that I love.

LIZ HAS GOTTA ASK: What’s the most personal thing you’ve ever put in one of your books?

SHERRILL:  OK, the truth.  I put a bit of my personal affair with my husband in the romance scenes.  Truly, how could I not  - I’ve been married to him since I was barely legal!!


SHERRILL: I LOVE connecting with readers but I’m not sure exactly how to reach out to them (unfortunately I’m a techno sub-zero!)  I do tweet, Facebook, have a website, but what is the best way to chat?  Any and all suggestions very much appreciated!  XO, Sherrill
Liz: What an awesome question. As an author I've never even thought to ask that--I'll be looking at the answers too! 

One  lucky commenter today will win a digital copy of Written in the Stars!


  1. VERY NICE to have you both with us today Patricia & Sherrill.

    I like connecting on Facebook the best.

  2. Whatever works best for you; I prefer blogs

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks for your support! I loved doing this blog - I'd like to do more if you have any ideas! Should I put one up on my website and talk about my passion for fashion and travel? You are giving me great ideas!
      xo Sherrill

  3. I love FB but I may stop it if it changes its privacy rules again. There has always been talk about it!

    1. Please let me know your thoughts! I'm so bad at this, I really appreciate your input! Thanks so much!!!
      xoxoxoo Sherrill

    2. I'm not sure what any of us have as private anymore. It seems as if our entire lives are on the net.
