

GLIAS is 3 !!

It's such a thrill for us to be celebrating GLIAS' third birthday during this after-Thanksgiving weekend.  To celebrate, we're the ones giving away birthday presents -- you can see the Rafflecopter listing below or leave us a comment to join the drawing..

Louisa May Alcott
It's also amazing how many very famous and beloved people and events we share our birthday with.  For your enjoyment here's a listing of some of our birthday mates through the years.

1832 - Louisa May Alcott--Author of "Little Women" and "Little Men." 
1898 - C.S. Lewis--author of the Narnia series (and many other books.)
1918 - Madeleine L'engle -- author of "A Wrinkle in Time"
1715 - Bonnie Prince Charlie's army moves into Manchester & occupies Carlisle.
1825 - "Barber of Seville" open in the U.S.
1962 - Beatles release "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
Mark Twain

1667 - Jonathan Swift -- author of "Gulliver's Travels"
1835 - Mark Twain -- beloved author of "Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer"and many others.
1874 - Lucy Maud Montgomery -- author of "Anne of Green Gables."

1913 - Mary Martin -- actress and singer, "Peter Pan," "South Pacific," "The Sound of Music." -- also mom of actor Larry Hagman's.
Hans Christian Andersen
1936 - Woody Allen -- actor and playwright
1835 - Hans Christian Andersen publishes first book of fairy tales
1887 - Sherlock Holmes first appears in "Study in Scarlett"
1929 - Game of Bingo invented by Edwin S. Lowe
1955 - Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus.

So, you can see we are sharing these auspicious dates with some pretty big names and events. We hope you'll be inspired by this short list, and support your favorite authors and books.

without presents?
The crew has several things to give away on Sunday. There are several ways to get your name in the hat. Register through Rafflecopter: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Do you remember what you got on your third birthday?


  1. I have no idea what I got on my 3rd birthday, probably a doll.

  2. Happy third birthday, GLIAS! Glad to be here to celebrate with all you lovelies!!

    My memory doesn't go back that far, I'm sure I got something interesting at 3 but can't remember! :)

  3. No I don't really remember what I got, it was a long time ago...

    Happy 3rd birthday GLIAS!

  4. Happy Third Birthday GLAS. I got a stuffed Tiger for my 3rd birthday.

  5. I can remember what I gave my kids...but not what I received.
    Thanks everybody!

  6. Happy birthday! Don't remember

  7. Happy Birthday! I don't remember my third birthday but hopefully it was a good one.

  8. Happy Birthday GLIAS I think I have been coming here all three years. Enjoy! Entering under name of Virginia

  9. I don't remember my 3rd birthday, but will remember GLIAS's 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday... may you have many more.
    Julie O
    jo1963jo at gmail dot com

  10. Happy 3rd Birthday, GLIAS!

    I have no clue what I got for my birthday when I was three. That was a loooooong time ago. LOL

    Marcy Shuler

  11. Happy Bday! I don't remember at all. It was a LONG time ago!
