

10 Wishes for Thanksgiving


Take a break this busy holiday shopping weekend for the 3rd Anniversary Celebration of Get Lost in a Story. Instead of getting presents, we're giving away free books. You won't want to miss this.

#1  Fill your days creating memories that last you a lifetime. ~Angi

#2  Have a wonderful start to the holiday season with people you love. ~Alexa

#3   May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. ~Clover

#4  In the words of Rascal Flats, but the bottom of my heart,  “I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you want to go.”  Wishing you and yours a blessed and memorable Thanksgiving. ~Donnell

#5  May you be surrounded by family and friends and lots of love. ~E.E.

#6  My Thanksgiving wish for all of us is a year of peace and mindfulness. In my own life, after three years of deadlines with young children, I'm working very hard to learn/relearn how to just be present in each moment (or as many as I can manage!) without worrying about what I have to do next. I have a long way to go! But I'm hoping the change of mind will bring more joy to next year, and I wish the same to all of you! Happy Thanksgiving~Heather

#7  I have three wishes for all our authors and readers. Drive or fly safe. Enjoy all your relatives, even the annoying ones. And leave room for pie! ~Jillian

#8  May you have a comfy chair, a great book, and uninterrupted time to read! ~Lara

#9  I wish you the unparalleled blessings of stuffing and sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie or whatever treats make your Thanksgiving wonderful and decadent. But most of all, I wish you the joy and love of being wrapped in the warm patchwork quilt that is your family.  ~Lizbeth

#10  I wish everyone good health and the company of close friends or family. ~Maureen

Take a sneak peak at our Anniversary giveaway and you can get an extra entry into the Rafflecopter drawing. One winner will be chosen for each prize.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Thank you for this chance to win.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Is there another way to see the Rafflecopter for those who don't use FB?

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Ladies!

    Marcy Shuler

  4. Congrats!

    Happy Thanksgiving too!

  5. Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary! I've enjoyed getting to know y'all this past year.

    And thanks for all the Thanksgiving wishes. I send them back to you with love.

  6. Here are some similar lists for the holidays:
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    6 Happiness Quotes for Educational Purposes -
    Taken from official website of best essay writers for hire who create lists and top tips for college students.
