

MAXINE MANSFIELD--Back With Her Super-Fun Adult Fantasies

AUTHOR: Maxine Mansfield
Title: Tamed by the Fire
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

I’m so happy to welcome Maxine Mansfield back to Get Lost in a Story. You might recall from previous visits that Maxine writes the most fun adult fantasy you’ll ever find. She has sweet love stories, she has hot, hot, hot love stories. She features humans, elves, barbarians, magic, wizards, and gnomes (she’ll definitely mention the gnomes). And she definitely has fun. So sit back and enjoy Alaska’s own Maxine Mansfield!

Hi, my name is Maxine Mansfield, and I write fantasy, erotic romances. I live in the far northern state of Alaska where the summer days are long and the winter nights even longer. I have one very special man, his three equally special children, and our six delightful grandchildren in my life. Not to mention a very bossy African Grey parrot named Gabriel. Oh, and Gnomes! Many, many Gnomes!
Visit me at: 


Kitrina Dragonheart is a hunted woman, but the last thing the savvy rogue wants is to partner in a quest with the arrogant but oh-so-sexy prince who deflowered her. But when the threat extends to her legacy and her loved ones, she has no choice but to accept his skills as an extraordinary warrior. Now if she can just get past the distraction of his touch.

Barbarian Zander Hammerstrike vowed to protect Kit with his life. But who's going to protect Zander from the sensually sassy human? She's playing havoc on his sanity—as well as his libido—and she's on the verge of stealing his heart...again. He can't let that happen. As future ruler of Alaria, Zander must take a barbarian wife to keep the bloodline pure, and Kit being human...

Destined from birth to follow different paths, their love seems impossible, but does the Dragon Heart Opal have other plans in store for the pair?(

For an excerpt from TAMED BY THE FIRE click  HERE 



LIZ: How often do you get lost in a story?
MAXINE: All the time. I love to read. It was because I do get so lost in the stories that I became a writer. Those stories took me away from day to day worries and stress for a little while, and I wanted to be able to do that for others.

LIZ: What are the next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?
MAXINE: I have the next Grace Burrows book ANDREW bought and ready to read as soon as it goes live. I just finished her book Gareth. But while I’m waiting for ‘Andrew’ I have been salivating over Lizbeth Selvig’s RESCUED BY A STRANGER. I’ve been saving that one for a long weekend without interruptions. I wouldn’t want to hurt someone for getting between me and Selvig’s hunky heroes. Also, I have Sarah MacLean’s NO GOOD DUKE GOES UNPUNISHED waiting to go live. And right now I’ve been enjoying a couple of older books by Lynsay Sands, THE KEY and THE CASE.  

LIZ: What is your favorite tradition from your childhood that you would love to pass on or did pass on to your grandchildren??
MAXINE: When I was a little girl, my mom would send one of us six kids outside with a big aluminum pan and a soup spoon. She’d have us fill the pan with pure white fresh snow, and bring it back to her. She’d take it, mix in sugar, vanilla, and cream, stir it all up and serve the snow-cream to us in the living room around our pot-belly coal stove where it was toasty warm. It was the only time we were aloud to eat somewhere other than the kitchen table. It was a wonderful coveted winter treat, and the very best vanilla ice-cream ever.

LIZ: What is your hero’s best trait? What is your heroine’s most beautiful quality?
MAXINE: Zander is an honorable barbarian. If he gives you his word, he’ll keep it, even if what he has promised to do might hurt him and break his heart even more than it can help you.

Katrina is feisty shape-shifter. She doesn’t realize being petite, or being female, or being human or even the fact that all she can shift into is a worthless black house cat makes her vulnerable. Her spirit is bigger than her common sense, but then, so is her heart.

LIZ: Which of your characters would you most/least to invite to dinner, and why?
MAXINE: Lumpy… I mean Pierced Shortz, (he changed his name) is probably the character I’d be least likely to invite to dinner. Not that I don’t like Pierced, because I do. How could anyone not like a rambunctious, little, goth gnome? But, Pierced is rarely seen without his dark-elf boyfriend, Steve, and his blow-up sheep cousin Baabette. Not that I don’t like them either. It’s just the three-some can’t seem to act appropriately when together.    

LIZ: What’s the best movie you’ve seen lately?
MAXINE: The second Thor movie! And why was it the best movie I’ve seen lately? Because I got to ogle Chris Hemsworth’s bare-nakey chest and back for at least 60 seconds. I am old, but not dead yet. 

LIZ: What is your biggest vice?
MAXINE: On line video games! I am an addict. I love playing World of Warcraft, Everquest, Star Wars, etc. I can spend hours and hours in other worlds. But on a good note, they’ve given me so many more ideas for characters and quests than I can even say.

LIZ: What’s your favorite kid joke?
MAXINE: “Knock knock”
                   Who’s there?”
                   Orange who?”
                   Orange you glad I said knock knock?”

LIZ HAS GOTTA ASK: What’s the most fun research you’ve ever done for your books?
MAXINE: I live in Alaska, but when I went to visit my very good friend, and fellow author, Lizbeth Selvig, a couple of years ago, she took me to The Gnome capital of the world, Dawson MN. It was amazing!!!!

Maxine has a question for her fans and readers:
If you could shape-shift into any animal, what would it be and why?

She’s also excited to be giving away an e-copy of both Tamed by the Fire and the bundle The Academy Volume One ( which includes the first 3 books of the series) to 1 commenter in whichever format they would like.

Blog :

WHAT’S UP NEXT FOR YOU?  I'm in the middle of Book 5 of The Academy series. TESTED BY THE NIGHT, which should be out in the summer of 2014

Touched by the Magic, 
Tempted by the Storm, 
Taken by the Passion, 
and the bundle The Academy Volume One - Containing all three great stories. 
Check it out on Amazon


  1. I like werewolves. They are classic for a reason! :) Protective, fierce and loyal! :)

    Congrats on your books!

  2. Welcome, my friend! So glad you're here. If I could shape-shift it would be into something super-unusual like a giant red kangaroo. People would forget to fear me because I'm so unique but I could still fight for justice at the slightest need with my powerful legs. Plus, I'd get to live in Australia :-)

  3. Thank you so much for having me here today Liz. Tamed by the Fire is free right now @Amazon. If I could shape-shift, I think I'd like to be that fly on the wall everyone talks about. Could you imagine the stories I might hear. As long as I could avoid the flyswatter that is. :)

  4. Oh my, what a fun interview. You two are a kick in the pants. I'd be a gray cat. I've had one or two, they get ANYTHING they desire. I'm the luckiest girl, I know both of you fabulous ladies.

  5. Congrats on your newest release, Maxine! I would become a cat for a little while if I could. I just want to know why they do the things they do.:)

  6. Great interview! I'd like to be a raven. Ravens can fly, they're very clever and some think they are spiritual beings too.

  7. Welcome back to GLIAS Maxine. Great giveaway.

  8. Just Love both of you! (& a trip to the gnome park?! Bet it was all the two of you could do to keep from getting arrested together!)
    Siamese, definitely Siamese cat - or a fly on the wall. ;o]

  9. a bird because they can fly

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. if I could shape-shift == maybe a fly so I could be curious/ nosy and listen in on conversations and see what's going on. BUT I'd have to be an invisible one, or one that couldn't be swatted, 'cause I don't want to lose my life! - lol
