

Who doesn't love a sale?

Get Lost in a Story Readers, may I present Beth Cornelison.  And although she's not big on promo, has she got a deal for you!  Welcome, Beth ~ Donnell
I heard it explained recently in a workshop on promoting your books (Yes, writers have to take classes in this!) that on the Meyers-Briggs Test used to determine personality types, the type of person who is good at and comfortable with self-promotion and marketing is the exact OPPOSITE of the most common personality type for most authors, myself included. Introverts, people who draw energy from downtime and being alone, who expend energy and stress over being in groups and are less likely to call attention to themselves...that is the group that most writers I know fall into. I hate self-promotion. I can feel my blood pressure rising now as I write this blog. But in this new age of publishing and self-publishing, authors who don't let readers know where to find their books will get lost in the sea of new releases coming out every week. Oh, the dilemma!
It often takes a special event like a new release or sale promotion to drag me out of the shadows and promoting my books. Today is just such an occasion. For a limited time, two of my books are on sale for discounted prices. Got a long car or plane ride for Thanksgiving coming up? Something new on your e-reader is just the thing to start the holidays off right.
TRUST IN ME is a contemporary romance with a touch of humor.
Escaping the cheating fiancé and sheltered life her father has arranged for her, Claire Albritton wants nothing more than to take control of her life and learn to fight her own battles.
Kevin Fuller believes he must rescue damsels in distress and Claire is decidedly out of her element in small town South Carolina. When trouble inevitably finds Claire, Kevin's white knight protection and heroics are exactly what Claire doesn't want. But his kisses...that's another matter.
TRUST IN ME is on sale for 99 cents and you can find it at
CHASING A DREAM is an award-winning romantic suspense with both thrills and heart.
She's running from a nightmare...

Tess Sinclair must hide. Hunted by a powerful man who wants her dead, Tess flees her Texas home in search of anonymity, safety, and a new life. While a flat tire and stormy weather slow her escape, they prove the least of her worries. Just hours after her getaway, a hired gunman tracks her down. Grabbed in a parking lot, Tess is certain she'll be killed...until a handsome hitchhiker intervenes. But can she trust the blue-eyed cowboy who
appoints himself her guardian?
He's chasing a dream...
Nothing can stop Justin Boyd from his pursuit of a music career in Nashville--except a woman in peril. Haunted by his sister's murder, Justin can't walk away from Tess until he knows she's safe. Justin puts his dreams of the music spotlight on hold until he can make amends for mistakes from his past. Yet the stakes in this game of vengeance are higher than he ever imagined, and the price for freeing Tess might be his own life.
CHASING A DREAM is on sale for $1.99 and you can find it at

Leave a comment about what your personality type is or about one of these books and I'll pick a random winner to win a copy of one of my Harlequin backlist books.

Now I'm going to crawl back in my writer's cave for a while, where I feel safe! :-)

Happy reading!

Note: COMMENTERS are encouraged to leave a contact email address to speed the prize notification process. Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only unless specifically mentioned in the post. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Winners of drawings are responsible for checking this site in a timely manner. If prizes are not claimed in a timely manner, the author may not have a prize available. Get Lost In A Story cannot be responsible for an author's failure to mail the listed prize. GLIAS does not automatically pass email addresses to guest authors unless the commenter publicly posts their email address.

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  1. I'm not a writer, but I do not like calling attention to myself. I even hated being the center of attention at my wedding. LOL But online I can be outgoing. ;)

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Wow, not even at your wedding? You are an introvert! Yes, online does feel safer, doesn't it? (Which gets some people in trouble!)

  2. Beth, welcome to Get Lost in a Story. Ditto on the self-promotion thingee. Writers are introverts. I love to get together with friends but I'm just as happy to walk in my house and return to my writing cave. Thanks for being our guest today!

  3. Congrats!

    I am pretty quiet as a kid. I got more outspoken as I grew older. My kids are the opposite. They are very loud and outgoing... for which I am grateful... most of the times! :)

    1. Takes all kinds! My son is pretty introverted as is my husband. I'm probably the most outgoing in the family...which says a lot! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Extrovert (ENFJ) here. I know that I'm probably in the minority of writers that way. I love holing up and writing, but then have to get out and see and talk to people!

    1. Every now and then I enjoy time out of the house with friends. Meeting new people is always awkward and tiring for me. Maybe that's why I'm always nervous at booksignings?

  5. Hi Beth,
    I knew it was you when I saw your picture. I am a ISTJ. - I am loyal, faithful, dependable with a strong sense of duty
    yenastone at aol dot com

    1. Hi Tammy- And let's not forget a fellow cat owner/lover! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Welcome, Beth! Like you, I'm a big introvert. Congrats on your sales! :)

  7. Congrats, Marcy Shuler! You win a copy of a book from my backlist! I've sent you an email and you can let me know which book you'd like sent.
