
E.E. Burke's Best of the West: Bestselling Author Kit Morgan

Purchase: http://a.co/1U7u5R5
MEET THE WEAVERS! They’re loud, they’re boisterous, totally unpredictable and, they’re looking for wives. Now all your favorite Weaver books and stories from the Holiday Mail-Order Bride series are together in one volume! Read about Arlan, Benjamin and Calvin Weaver as they traverse life and love on the Weaver farm along with a few added surprises. It’s one big happy family in one big fun-filled book! If you’ve never met the Weaver’s, then here’s a little glimpse:

ARLAN: Arlan had often thought of getting himself a mail order bride, but now that he had, he wasn’t sure the pretty little thing The Ridgley Mail-Order Bride Service sent him was tough enough to handle farm life, let alone his brothers. But Arlan soon found his new little wife was chock full of surprises. In more ways than one.
Samantha Carter never considered becoming a mail order bride. She was to marry as soon as she turned eighteen and be out of her uncle’s hair not to mention his house. But her uncle had other plans, and wanted Samantha for himself. Discovering his intentions, she ran to the only mail-order bride service she knew of, and begged Mrs. Ridgley to send her somewhere, ANYWHERE that would get her away from her lecherous relative. And so, Mrs. Ridgley sent her to Nowhere.

BENJAMIN: The Weaver clan was growing. Not only was Arlan, Ma Weaver’s oldest son and his wife about to have a baby, but Benjamin, one of her identical twins, was about to get his very own mail-order bride! Ma Weaver couldn’t be happier! Sure, Benjamin and his brothers had been sheltered in the small valley where they lived most of their lives, and maybe they didn’t live as fancy as some folks. But they lived well, and Ma Weaver was determined her sons would marry well too.
Charity Cross discovers just that when she becomes Benjamin’s mail-order bride. But Charity has a secret, something with the power to tear them apart if she isn’t careful. The problem is, she has no idea how or what “careful” looks like. Not after what she’s been through …

CALVIN: First Arlan, the oldest, got himself a mail-order bride, followed by his younger brother Benjamin, one of identical twins. Now it was Calvin’s turn. But Calvin’s mail-order bride was different, really different. For one, she was Italian, an immigrant who spoke broken English. She was also the most beautiful woman Calvin had ever seen. But this vision of loveliness had a not so lovely secret. Can Calvin and his new bride make a go of it while other secrets threaten the family’s peaceful existence? Find out in this hilarious romp with the Weavers!


Music could be heard coming from inside the town’s meeting hall along with laughter and a cacophony of voices, many of them female. Calvin and Benjamin quickly finger-combed their reddish brown hair and straightened their jackets. Arlan caught the action and shook his head. “I dunno why ya two bother. What woman in her right mind’s gonna take a shine to the likes of you?”
“Us?” Benjamin said, affronted. “What about you? Yer ‘bout as agreeable as a rattler.”
“And bossy too,” Calvin tossed in.
“Arlan’s right,” their mother said. “You two had better mind your manners. Remember what happened last time we came to town!”
The twins looked at each other and burst out laughing. “Sure ‘nough do, Ma!” Calvin said.
“Yeah, that was one of the best!” added Benjamin.
“Best of what?” Arlan asked. “Embarrassin’ the family?”
“Yer a fine one to talk!” Benjamin said. “After all, wasn’t me or Calvin that got in a fight with Spencer Riley over that Lily Pembrook a few years back.”
“This has nothin’ to do with that,” Arlan said. “I’m talkin’ ‘bout the time ya two made that scarecrow or whatever it was and tossed it at the front window of the meetin’ hall.”
The twins glanced at each other, smiles on their faces. “Oh yeah, we plumb forgot ‘bout that!” Calvin said with glee.
Benjamin smacked him on the back. “Nellie Davis thought it was a real person!”
“You broke the window,” their mother reminded them sourly.
“Yeah, Ma,” Calvin agreed. “But the look on Nellie Davis’ face was worth it!”
“Was it worth it to see me have to pay for it?”
That did the trick. The twins sobered and hung their heads. “Oh, forgot about that,” Benjamin mumbled.
“Don’t worry, Ma.” Calvin put an arm around her. “We’ll make sure nothin’ happens tonight. We ain’t ten years old, ya know.”
“Ain’t ya?” Arlan asked sardonically. He plucked a huge basket from the back of the wagon, glared at his brothers once more, then offered his mother his arm.
“Why, thank you Arlan,” she said. She looked at her other sons. “See boys, this is how it’s done.”
As soon as she and Arlan started for the meeting hall, Calvin offered Benjamin his arm. “Shall we?”
“But of course,” Benjamin said in a high-pitched voice.
Daniel rolled his eyes and shoved past. “Don’t embarrass us!”
The twins stopped short. “Since when’s he worried about that?” Calvin asked.
“Yeah, he don’t usually side with Ma and Arlan,” Benjamin agreed.
“‘Less he’s got somethin’ up his sleeve,” Calvin suggested.
Benjamin sighed. “Looks like we better make sure l’il Daniel ain’t the one that does the embarrassin’ this evening.”
“Yeah, best keep an eye on him,” Calvin slapped his brother on the back. “Let’s have some fun.” They set off at a trot to catch up.

Meet Kit Morgan

Kit Morgan, aka Geralyn Beauchamp, lives in a log cabin in the woods in the wonderful state of Oregon. She grew up riding horses, playing cowboys and Indians and has always had a love of Westerns! She and her father watched many Western movies and television shows together, and enjoyed the quirky characters of Green Acres. Kit’s books have been described as “Green Acres meets Gunsmoke,” and have brought joy and entertainment to thousands of readers. Many of her books are now in audio format, performed by a talented voice actor who brings Kit’s characters to life, and can be found on Amazon, Audible.com and iTunes.

Website: wwwauthorkitmorgan.com 

Link to Book: http://a.co/1U7u5R5

What’s your favorite kind of story to get lost in? 
Action/adventure/romance with a fairy tale flair. Yeah, I know, how many books are there like that? Not many, which is why I write them!

Do you write while listening to music? If so what kind? 
Most of the time, yes! Classical and movie soundtracks.

Which of your characters would you most/least to invite to dinner, and why? 
Most? The Cooke Brothers. Who wouldn’t want to dine with those three gorgeous Englishmen, Duncan, Colin and Harrison?  Least to invite to dinner? Thaddeus Slade. Let’s face it, those of you who’ve read my books, he’s a devil.

What sound or noise do you love? 
There’s a bird that is the last to return every spring in Oregon. Once he’s back, we know summer is coming. His birdsong is a simple, long whistle. That’s it. But in Oregon, that sound says that warm weather is finally coming!

   Which already filmed movie represents your writing style? 
   The Princess Bride

   What story are you working on next, and what inspired it?  
   Mail-Order Bride Ink: Dear Mr. Vander.  Book 4 of the Mail-Order Bride Ink series. This will be the story of Garrett Vander’s son and should be a hoot. He’s much more introverted and quiet than his father and especially his grandfather, Horace Vander, who’s determined his grandson should be groomed to be the next mayor of their little town. Love would only complicate things.

   What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know? 
   Ah, here’s the kicker. That Kit Morgan, is, in fact, a fictional character from Geralyn Beauchamp’s Time Master Series. Kitty Morgan. All those westerns are hers …

 Today, Kit will give away an eBook copy of Meet the Weavers. Just leave a comment and enter the drawing on the Rafflecopter.

What is your favorite kind of story to get lost in, and why?


Too Steamy for the Penalty Box ... The Winning Goal

The New Orleans Cajun Rage professional hockey team just won the Cup. No one thought they'd do it: they were a team of shoulda beens, never coulda beens and a star or two. They'd only been in the Crescent City for three years before this year's Cinderella run that had them skating off the ice with the championship. Over the following summer, each player gets to keep the Cup for a day. Nobody knows why, but whoever has the Cup falls in love. 

18 romances with smoking hot heroes--both on and off the ice

Thanks for joining us to wrap up our HOT ON ICE anthology feature.Last up...me, Angi Morgan.

Check out Period One: Xio Axelrod, Christi Barth, Andie J. Christopher & Avery Flynn
OR Period Two USA Today Bestseller Robin Covington, Kim Golden, Lena Hart, & USA Today Bestseller Desiree Holt 
OR Period ThreeRobin Kaye, Katie Kenyhercz, USA Today Bestseller Kimberly Kincaid, & USA Today Bestseller Heather Long
OR OvertimeNana Malone, Kate Meader, Virginia Nelson, Susan Scott Shelley, and Misty D. Waters
20% of all royalties from sales of 
Hot on Ice
will go to Homes for our Troops

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Book Three, Exclusively
in HOT ON ICE through April 21st
Publisher's Weekly Bestseller 
Angi Morgan

When hockey phenom Deacon Sanders mistakes Brooke Henderson for a puck bunny, he's set on scoring the ultimate goal with the fiercely sexy bodyguard. Keeping watch from a distance is impossible when everywhere she turns Deacon's there like a loose puck in front of the net. Despite his annoyance that his family thinks he can't keep himself out of trouble, can he convince this Amazon beauty to stop fighting her erotic powers long enough to play his game?

“What’s the sexiest thing about Deacon? My first thought is his smile and of course his hard-as-ice body. But there’s more to sex-appeal than looks. He’s a very humble man who has worked hard for his shot and respects those who work hard, too.” ~Angi

Book Two, April 25th
Book One, April 25th

a new series with a mash-up of 
Angi's favorite genres
* a little comedy
* a little suspense
* a little magic
*and a whole lotta love

"This story, for its small size, contained the perfect mix of romance and suspense! Although plenty of characters were introduced, it was not overwhelming at all. Deacon and Brooke had terrific chemistry together - nothing about their attraction was unrealistic. And I could only be intrigued by the Bodyguards in Heels, founded by Patti Mitchum as a company to employ her various granddaughters, all who have very different…...ah, skills. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the stories that need to be told about Carrie, Emma and Essie!"

18 Stories ~ 1 Amazing Team
The sexiest thing about a hockey hero is his _______.


Too Steamy for the Penalty Box ~Overtime

The New Orleans Cajun Rage professional hockey team just won the Cup. No one thought they'd do it: they were a team of shoulda beens, never coulda beens and a star or two. They'd only been in the Crescent City for three years before this year's Cinderella run that had them skating off the ice with the championship. Over the following summer, each player gets to keep the Cup for a day. Nobody knows why, but whoever has the Cup falls in love. 
18 romances with smoking hot heroes--both on and off the ice

Thanks for joining us today for OVERTIME with authors Nana Malone, Kate Meader, Virginia Nelson, Susan Scott Shelley, and Misty D. Waters

Check out Period One: Xio Axelrod, Christi Barth, Andie J. Christopher & Avery Flynn
OR Period Two USA Today Bestseller Robin Covington, Kim Golden, Lena Hart, & USA Today Bestseller Desiree Holt 
OR Period ThreeRobin Kaye, Katie Kenyhercz, USA Today Bestseller Kimberly Kincaid, & USA Today Bestseller Heather Long
OR Scoring the Winning GoalPublisher's Weekly Bestseller Angi Morgan 

20% of all royalties from sales of Hot on Ice 
will go to Homes for our Troops.

pre-Order @ .99 for a limited time
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USA Today Bestseller Nana Malone
Money, power, prestige...reject. Ransom Cox is --The Player. His whole life, hockey player, Ransom Cox, has watched the people he loves the most reject and leave him. He's learned it's better to be on his own. After the scandal of his wife walking out on him right before the championships, citing his bedroom "over" prowess as the reason, he can't seem to escape the spotlight. The last thing he wants is to be stranded in a cabin with the one girl he's always wanted. The one girl who could destroy him.

“The sexiest thing about Ransom Cox is his ...um...big heart.”

Kate Meader
Right winger Ford "Killer" Callaghan can't believe he let the anonymous woman who blew his mind slip away into the night. He'll track her down because once could never be enough--even if discovering Addison Williams's identity places her strictly out of bounds. Stolen kisses. Secret hook-ups. Deliciously forbidden in every way. Can a passion that started in the dark find a lifetime of love in the light?

"The sexiest thing about my hero is his tenacity. This guy won't give up--especially when it comes to the out-of-bounds woman he really should be skating away from."

USA Today Bestseller Virginia Nelson

The Ragin' Cajuns right winger, Oliver Tremblay, learned that nothing good can stay when he lost his parents on 9/11. Maisie plans to melt the ice king's heart and prove she's just the girl to go skate to skate with him, whether he likes it or not.

The sexiest thing about Oliver Tremblay is his heart of gold... which, coincidentally, is encased in ice.”

Susan Scott Shelley
Backup goaltender Rod Fraser is a free agent in every sense. He's ready for a new team, and hoping for another shot with his best friend's sister. But Arielle Charton thinks Rod's interest is fleeting, and she doesn't need the distraction. She's on a mission to rebuild her life. Rod's made his living making impossible saves, but it will take the impossible to convince the shy artist that she's captured his heart.

"The sexiest thing about my hero is his enthusiasm. Rod works hard and plays even harder. On the ice and off it, he's the one guy who everyone wants to be around."

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Misty D. Waters
Family secrets drove star left-winger Cooper Banks away from the love of his life, but hot off a championship win he's no longer satisfied with second place. Except the daddy's girl he left behind is now a woman no longer impressed by his charming smile. So when Savannah Jane Scott decides to put Cooper in the penalty box, she aims to keep him there...for good this time.

"With Cooper it's his instinct to protect and support those he loves, even if it means hurting his public image or giving up the things he values most."

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18 Stories ~ 1 Amazing Team

The sexiest thing about a hockey hero is his _______.


Too Steamy for the Penalty Box ... Period Three

The New Orleans Cajun Rage professional hockey team just won the Cup. No one thought they'd do it: they were a team of shoulda beens, never coulda beens and a star or two. They'd only been in the Crescent City for three years before this year's Cinderella run that had them skating off the ice with the championship. Over the following summer, each player gets to keep the Cup for a day. Nobody knows why, but whoever has the Cup falls in love. 
18 romances with smoking hot heroes--both on and off the ice

Thanks for joining us today for Period ThreeRobin Kaye, Katie Kenyhercz,  USA Today Bestseller Heather Long

Don't miss Period One: Xio Axelrod, Christi Barth, Andie J. Christopher, & Avery Flynn
Period Two : USA Today Bestseller Robin Covington, Kim Golden, Lena Hart, & USA Today Bestseller Desiree Holt 
OvertimeNana Malone, Kate Meader, Virginia Nelson, Susan Scott Shelley, and Misty D. Waters.
OR Scoring the Winning GoalPublisher's Weekly Bestseller Angi Morgan

20% of all royalties from sales of Hot on Ice 

will go to Homes for our Troops.

HOT ON ICE LAUNCH PARTY   pre-Order @ .99 for a limited time

 Goodreads | iBooks | Kobo | B&N | Amazon

Robin Kaye
Stryker Gyllenhaal, enforcer on the Ragin' Cajun's, knows that once he hits Boise, his time spent in the penalty box is nothing compared to the payback Karma Kincaid has in store for him. When he finds out she has hired a handler, Trish Reynolds, his old college tutor, he's not sure who the real enforcer is. Karma, because she owns him for an entire week, or Trish, the only woman who knows his secret, and can slam his heart against the boards with a sideways glance. He is so pucked.

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Katie Kenyhercz
First Nations defenseman Bear Thompson wants to spend his day with the Cup back home on the reserve, but first he has to convince his childhood sweetheart and current band chief Aria Paul to give him another chance and that letting the media in won't be the end of the world. The last thing Aria wants to do is fall back in love with the man who broke her heart and left her in the dust, but old feelings spark new ones, and when Bear sets his sights on a goal, it's only a matter of time.

The sexiest thing about Bear is his dedication to what matters to him.”

USA Today Bestseller Kimberly Kincaid
Hotshot hockey center Finn Donnelly wants nothing more than to take The Cup to his best friend's grave after the Rage's big win. The problem is, that also means going back to his hometown and seeing January Sinclair, a.k.a., the woman he left behind. Will Finn and January learn to build new trust--or will their ghosts keep them from falling in deep?

"The sexiest thing about my hero is his drive. Finn will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, whether it's the Cup or a shot at proving himself to his heroine, January."

USA Today Bestseller Heather Long
Archer Durham's career has been defined by his badass attitude both on and off the ice, unfortunately it's biting him in the ass. After one too many unfortunate videos of him turned up on social media, both his fans and the press have turned against him. The win shines spotlight on the whole team and he needs to clean up his act...but what the hell does he know about being a knight in shining armor? 

The sexiest thing about Archer Durham is his loyalty and compassion, two traits he doesn't flaunt but yet drive the choices he makes.

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The sexiest thing about a hockey hero is his _______.