This multi-genre group of debut authors hopes to create a forum that not only introduces authors to readers, but where we can all explore our love of great storytelling in its various forms. Get Lost In A Story will emphasize interviews and posts primarily about books, but occasionally about television, film or other media, as long as fantastic storytelling is involved. We also offer debut and established authors a chance to promote their upcoming titles to readers, and in doing so, give readers the chance to connect with new and favorite authors, ask questions and make comments. There will be great conversation, fun giveaways, and something new to delight every day.
We hope you come back again and again, not only to meet fabulous authors, but to share your love of a good story with us. And now, let's "get lost" in the introductions...

MAUREEN MCGOWAN is a two-time RWA Golden Heart® finalist. She had a short story appear in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF TIME TRAVEL ROMANCE in December, 2009, and her first two novels, CINDERELLA: NINJA WARRIOR and SLEEPING BEAUTY: VAMPIRE SLAYER will be released in April, 2011, by Silver Dolphin Books. She’s hoping girls (and boys) of all ages—whether they’re twelve or a hundred-and-twelve—will fall in love with these adventurous fairy tale retellings. An avid reader her whole life, Maureen loves nothing better than to get lost in a story, and while she always wanted to be a writer it took her a while to admit it, even to herself. In addition to great stories, she’s passionate about movies, art, fine hand-crafted objects and shoes.
ANGI MORGAN is an 11th generation Texan who utilizes her strong heritage to create passionate characters willing to risk everything. She writes Intrigues where danger and honor collide with love. When the house is quiet, she plots ways to engage her readers with complex story lines, throwing her hero and heroine into realistic situations they’ll never overcome...until they find the one person they can love. Angi is a two time RWA Golden Heart® finalist and winner of the 2010 Category Series Romance: Suspense & Adventure for her debut book, HILL COUNTRY HOLDUP. In fact she won the award and her book went on sale that night at midnight. It also finaled in the Bookseller's Best and RT First Book & Best Intrigue. .38 CALIBER COVER-UP, her second Harlequin Intrigue®, was a Daphne du Maurier and Gayle Wilson Best finalist.
Angi wanted a blog that brought storytellers closer to the ones listening (or reading). Writing is too often a solitary accomplishment and writers rarely make contact with their audience. "It should be fun connecting with those who love stories as much as we do."
Winner of the Romance Writers of America® 2010 Golden Heart® for Series Contemporary Romance, CAT SCHIELD lives in Minnesota with her daughter and their Burmese cat. Her TBR pile is a blend of Mystery, Fantasy, YA and all types of Romance. But her favorite stories to "get lost in" are contemporary ones featuring independent women and the strong men who love them. When she’s not writing sexy, romantic stories for Silhouette Desire®, she can be found sailing with friends on the St. Croix River or more exotic locales like the Caribbean and Europe . Her first book for Desire®, MEDDLING WITH A MILLONAIRE, will be out in July 2011.
HEATHER SNOW is a historical romance author with a degree in Chemistry who found she much preferred creating chemistry on the page, rather than in the lab. Her writing has won several prestigious awards and was a finalist in the 2010 Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart®. She took the adage “write what you know” to heart, and the heroine of her first novel, SWEET ENEMY, is a regency-era lady chemist. It will be released by NAL Signet Eclipse® in Spring 2012, followed by the other books in the series, tentatively titled SWEET DECEPTION and SWEET MADNESS. Her aim is to write smart historical romance with just the right chemistry, and to introduce readers to other authors whose stories she gets lost in...
JILLIAN STONE was a first time entrant, finalist and winner of the 2010 RWA Golden Heart for Romantic Suspense. THE YARD MAN is her book debut from Pocket Books, March, 2012. Yay! The novel is followed by two more featuring Scotland Yard detectives who mix business with pleasure in the Victorian Romantic Suspense series. And coming from Kensington Brava in fall 2012, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK. A gritty, whimsical Steampunk romance recounting the amorous adventures of Phaeton Black, occult detective and his female companion, feisty Cajun beauty America Jones. Two additional novels in the series are scheduled for 2013. She lives in Southern California a few miles north of San Diego. “I have no social life whatsoever because I am writing four more books in a year and a half. LOL! My friends and I get together mostly through e-mail. Occasionally, I escape to a movie or go out to dinner, or to an RWA meeting. When I complete my book contracts, I'll take a couple months off to travel. Research for new novels, of course! And my lap top will have to come along with me––I have stories to write!”
Born and raised in Faith, North Carolina, SUSAN M. BOYER was blessed with a quintessential small-town childhood. She’s had a life-long love affair with books, and is grateful to have been gifted with an over-active imagination. Susan was one of those children whose teachers were always telling her mamma that her talents needed to be “channeled.” She’s been making things up and writing them down her whole life.
Susan took a sampler’s approach to education. She attended N.C. State University, Catawba College, and College of Charleston. She has a long list of majors, one of which was English. Unfortunately, none of the above institutions could be convinced that her hodgepodge of credits–though impressive in number–merited awarding Susan a degree.

ALEXA BOURNE is a teacher by day and a romantic suspense writer by nights, weekends, and all school holidays. She also teaches online classes for writers throughout the year. She is thrilled to be writing for Decadent Publishing and to have the chance to share her love of Great Britain with readers everywhere. When she’s not concocting sinister plots and steamy love scenes or traveling and exploring new cultures, Alexa spends her time reading, watching brainless TV and thinking about exercising. She loves to hear from readers.

LIZBETH SELVIG entered and won RWA’s 2010 Golden Heart® contest with a contemporary romance, called SONGBIRD. In 2011 it was sold to Avon Books and retitled THE RANCHER AND THE ROCK STAR. I have to admit, this is pretty much my dream job!
The opinions of individual bloggers may not reflect the opinion of ALL the hosts associated with the Get Lost In A Story blog. Click on the tabs above each post to be connected to our individual websites. You can follow us here on the blog, or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter: @getlostinastory Follow us #GetLostStories
~ ~ ~ ~ What would you--THE READER--like to know about an author? Let us know and perhaps your question will make our list!
Welcome to our story...
ReplyDeleteActually, after years working to achieve publication, that call and subsequent months between the sell and your book on the shelf are filled with everything you didn't know about publishing (well, not everything because we're constantly learning). I am very fortunate to have the company of my fellow 2010 GH finalists (the Unsinkables) and a new friend in Simone.
I want to thank them for developing GET LOST IN A STORY with me!
Hawaii or Virgin Islands?
Oh, for me this question is no contest. Virgin Islands. I have a critique partner who lives there and he's told me so much about both the American and British Virgin Islands and written them into his books, I feel like I've been there.
ReplyDeleteMy bridge partner was also swimming during a trip to the the British V.I.s, very contentedly doing so, when she heard a sail boat, coming much too near. A very strong male voice said, "Excuse me lady, I didn't see you."
She looked up to see him standing on the bow, wearing nothing but his proverbial smile. Paddling furiously and ducking her head to avoid the :er: development, she swam toward shore and to her hysterical friends who were waiting on the beach to tease her mercilessly.
The Virgin Islands sounds like a great places to visit and capture some future storytelling ideas.
I think I'll have to pick the Virgin Islands, too. If only because I'm lucky enough to have been to Hawaii. :)
ReplyDeleteMy question:
ReplyDeleteHiking boots or high heels?
Another no contest: Hiking Boots.
Congratulations on your shiny new blog. What a wonderful group of talented women.
ReplyDeleteAngi, I'd pick Hawaii, but only for a vacation. I'm a mountain gal who loves living in the Sierra Foothills of California.
Maureen, I haven't worn high heels in over two decades, so I'm going with hiking boots.
Maureen: Hands down...Hiking boots. I'll be getting a new (really good) pair when my knee is totally functional again. We love to hike. The high heels? terrible for my knee :-) that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.
ReplyDeleteDonnell: BOTH. I absolutely use BOTH. Especially when the wall calendar has hunky cowboys or firemen.
Hi Keli! I'm a huge fan of your blog, Romance Writers on the Journey. I've read it for motivation and inspiration more times than I can count. It's so nice to see you here!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely pick Hawaii, myself.
High heels? What are those?
And I still use a wall calendar and a paper day planner, lol.
Love the new blog, ladies!! It's wonderful to see so many friends here -- congrats ;).
ReplyDeleteAnd, um...M&Ms or Hershey's Kisses?
OOHH -- White Chocolate or Cookies N Cream Hershey's .... or the new coconut M&Ms ?? fantasy is to have ANY and be guilt free with no caolories. But alas...for now...neither. Ten more pounds to reach my goal and I'm determined to do it BEFORE Christmas. I might have to loose some of it twice AFTER the holidays, but I need to make this goal.
(who will be slipping into a snack-deprived haze during her workout in a few minutes)
Angi, I've been pleasantly surprised how helpful many of the published authors have been. Especially because they don't know who I am and have taken this poor confused girl by the hand and gotten her introduced to loops and invited her to blog. I'd have been lost without so much help.
ReplyDeleteHawaii vs the Virgin Islands. Since I have much experience with both, I will say the Virgin Islands. Hawaii is a place you go for romance. It's beautiful, lush, filled with history and amazing sights. The Virgin Islands is where you go to party. I'll do a blog about that in January. We like to sail the BVI's. Loads of fun.
Hiking Boots. Definitely.
I like a wall calendar at work where it's all green cubicle walls, but I love my electronic calendars to keep me on track.
Marilyn, Hershey's kisses. I buy bags and bags of them at Christmas when they have all the seasonal flavors.
Paper book or e-book?
Wall or electronic calendar? hmmm. I have to go with electronic, I guess. But I'm so disorganized, I don't usually use anything consistently and rarely know what day it is. :)
ReplyDeleteThe chocolate one is a tough... I'm going with smarties. You Americans will just have to figure out what they are (and they are not what you call Smarties in the US. Those are Rockets, thank-you-very-much. ;)
Marilyn! I hope you can be a guest on our blog very soon. I'll e-mail you. :)
Cat, I'm still a hold it in both bands kind of girl. We just bought our first Kindle...Tim took it on one trip, got it here with us on THIS trip and it wouldn't come on. UGH. Having to send it back. So I'll be a combo-reader soon...but not yet.
Hi everyone! Stopping in late, as I'm on the road for a few days.
ReplyDeleteHawaii for me, I think (though I may have to jot off to the Virgin Islands to see what I'm missing). Pale as I am, I burn burn burn. I loved Hawaii because of all of the lush greenery, the rainy side of the Big Island was cooler and a place I could go to get out of the sun. Besides, 11 of the world's 13 climate zones are on that one little island...who wouldn't love that?
Definitely not heels, so I'd have to say hiking boots, though truthfully, I'm more of a flip-flop or barefooter myself.
M & M's. Yum. (though I do love a good Hershey Bar with almonds)
Definitely paper books for me. I love the smell, the feel, etc. Plus, I read in the bathtub and at the lake a lot...not electronic friendly places!
Wall calendar, too, though I do find I'm putting more and more in my iPhone calendars.
Hmmm, my question?
Truth or Dare?
Um...just kidding. Roses or Tulips?
Oh, good question Heather... That's a tough one. But I'm going with tulips because of spring. :)
ReplyDeleteI never answered my hiking boots question. Mostly because I couldn't possibly choose. :) Love both too much.
Also, I forgot to answer the e-book one. I will always love paper books as objects. Especially hardcovers or trade paperbacks with the really nice thick paper. I am a sucker for that kind of packaging.
But I have to say, I am LOVING my kindle since I bought one a few weeks ago. I find reading on the kindle easier than a paper book. Easier to see, easier to hold, easier to flip pages. It fits easily in my purse and I don't have to worry about other junk in my bag wrecking my book. :)
Simone, thanks for your kind words about RWotJ. I give the credit to my awesome guests.
ReplyDeleteI'm not one of the "Lost" gals, but your questions are fun, so I'll answer the rest.
Wall calendar. I'm old-fashioned.
Paper books. Same excuse, er, reason.
Plain M&Ms and Hershey's milk chocolate kisses. I'll take Smarties, too, although those yummy treats are hard to find here in the States. I got hooked on them when we lived in Germany.
Roses, preferably pink and perfumed.
Congratulations on the Blog Launch -- ladies. It looks wonderful. Good luck!!
ReplyDeleteHeather -- Shoot, the only flower I can grow is roses. And I have to admit that I prefer daisies. (They last soooo long.)
ReplyDeleteNan and Keli, thanks for stopping by! Come back and play anytime.
Hello ladies. I'm so happy to see you all here.
ReplyDeleteMy question, how old were you when you wrote your first story for fun? And how old were you when you decided to write a book because the story needed telling?
ReplyDeleteActually, I was in seventh grade when I first wrote a poem, 'Twas the Night Before My Party'. We had to use historical characters in the poem to the tune of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and I aced and "A".
ReplyDeleteI believe I was early twenties when I wrote 'Sweet Surrender'. It was about a Viet Nam war veteran who came back to claim his love he left behind.
Many moons ago. Those ideas make me smile.
Romance or novels with romantic overtones are to be more greatly respected. They're created by wonderful and gifted writers. The mystery aspects and dialogue are well presented. It's a lovely way to relax and enjoy a good story.
ReplyDeleteWhat a talented bunch you all are! It's fun to read through your proflies and I love some of your profile photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me guest - twice even. I really appreciate it.