Their souls were bound for eternity…
Haunted by tragedy, FBI profiler Rife St. Cloud is driven to find the person who brutally attacked six women. Unfortunately the only survivor, Keva Moon Water, has no memory of what happened, and the evidence makes her the prime suspect.
Keva has waited a thousand years to be reunited with the man she loves, whose soul sleeps within Rife. The only way to convince him she’s innocent of the murders is to awaken Rife’s memories of their love affair that started a war and bound their souls together for all eternity.
But when Keva’s own memories come trickling back, she realizes that a future with Rife depends upon confronting the mistakes of the distant past…
Chapter One
Present Day
Wolf River, Oregon
Hundreds of Virgin Marys stared at Rife St. Cloud from every surface inside the old church, their serene eyes in direct contrast to the bloody bodies of the six dead women at his feet.
Staring at a grisly multiple homicide and running on less than four hours of sleep, Rife slid his car keys into the worn pocket of his jeans and wondered what he was doing back in Wolf River. What he was doing on the West Coast in general. This is what I get for taking a vacation.
Vacation or not, his mind automatically registered the stats of the six women as crime scene techs buzzed around them. All Native American with matching tribal tattoos depicting a quarter moon over waves above their left breast. All early to late twenties. Stab wounds and an assortment of symbols carved into the skins of five of the bodies who were staged to circle a sixth.
A ritualistic killer. Rife eyed the various wounds and estimated the depth and number of marks on each woman. Or just a disorganized one trying to cover his tracks?
A heaviness knocked him in the chest. During the past five years as a profiler for the FBI, he’d seen a lot of brutality, but he never got used to the sight of murder victims, especially women and children.
The killer’s weapon, a wicked-looking knife, lay on the stomach of the female in the center. Beautiful, even in death, the woman’s skin, sharp cheekbones and dark hair spoke of pure ancestry. Chinook? Makah? Tribes existed throughout Oregon, but few pure bloods lived in Wolf River. Unlike the others, she had only one small carving on her breast, in the shape of flames. Thin, bloody lines intertwined and partially encircled her tattoo as if a fire were about to consume it. While she appeared to be the same age as the others, her tat was faded and showed an old wound—a single, shallow white scar cut through the center of the quarter moon.
The knife rested with its bloody tip pointing at her pubic hair. The killer’s signature?
James Chee, Wolf River’s police chief and only detective, snapped on latex gloves as he bent down to study the body. He’d had far more sleep than Rife, even though it was just before three on a Sunday morning. Pressing his fingers against her throat, Chee double checked for a pulse. “EMTs called it,” he mumbled, more to himself than Rife. “But I have to be sure.”
After a full fifteen seconds, he shook his head and lifted the knife off her stomach with two fingers, examining the ornate hilt. “Definitely not a spree killing. The wheel-spoke pattern with this one in the middle suggests a ritual of some sort.” His heavy sigh conveyed grief and pity. “Could be a hate crime. Possibly premeditated.”
Rife sunk his left hand into his other pocket. “Ritualistic killings are always premeditated.”
Chee bagged the knife and continued to examine it through the clear plastic. “No signs of forced entry or even much of a struggle. Suggests they knew the killer.”
Keeping his hands in his pockets, Rife examined the central figure in closer detail. Thick eyelashes balanced her long nose. Her throat showed several old bruises. Had someone tried to choke her previous to tonight’s killing? “Cause of death?”
Chee shook his head, the gray braid hanging down his back moving as he studied the woman along with Rife. His finger pointed to the flames. “Keva only has one obvious wound and not a mortal one. Coroner will have to call it.”
“Keva? You knew her?”
“Keva Moon Water. Owned the church and the grounds. Set it up as a sanctuary for some of her women kin from what I understand.”
Rife shifted his attention to the room, ignoring the crime scene techs marking blood splatter and snapping photos. He shouldn’t be here. At the crime scene or in his home town at all. But when a mass murder happened under Chee’s nose, and his grandson was sleeping—or not sleeping, as the case were—in the spare room in his cabin, Rife was going to be pressed into action. At least unofficial action. Truth was, he didn’t really mind. Anything was better than twiddling his thumbs. Killers didn’t do vacations and neither did Rife.
The usual trappings of the Catholic religion were missing, save the Madonnas, stained glass windows and the Saints carved in stone behind what had once been the pulpit. Instead, the immense room displayed the ingredients of a normal home: sofa, chairs, flat-screen. Plants with yellowing leaves lined an antique buffet. A women’s magazine lay open on a coffee table as if its owner had simply got up to answer the phone or get a soda. A stack of paperbacks stood next to a chair, patiently waiting to be read. One corner of the room was set up as an office, complete with computer, fax and several printers.
“They kept to themselves up here,” Chee continued unprompted. “The closest neighbors live half a mile away and gossiped about vandalism. Kids, probably. They thought she was a witch, gave her grief, but she never turned them in.”
A witch who collected Madonnas. Rife’s eyes went back and forth between the beautiful dark-haired woman and the solemn dark-eyed Virgins. From the primitive hand-carved wooden statues to the detailed oil painting in the nave, the Madonnas crossed the spectrum of antiquity and worth. In the mix, native artifacts stood out in bas relief. “Who called it in?”
Chee’s already narrowed eyes tightened. He pointed to a cell phone bagged as evidence and lying on a nearby table. “One of our gals here. Dialed 911, but only got part of the address out before the line was disconnected. Dispatch is county-run, but the woman working the phones put two and two together with the location of our one and only cell phone tower and the partial address. The bodies were still warm when I got here, but we were too late. They were all dead.”
The mew of a cat caught Rife’s attention. A fat gray tabby circled a pole as tall as Rife and carved from a cedar log. Rubbing against the totem, the feline made another circle before sitting on its haunches and staring at him. Rife’s gaze ran up the totem which depicted three females: a child raising her mother up above her head, and the mother in turn raising a grandmother above her. A fat raven head with enormous eyes and open beak topped the totem. A thunderbird. Traditional Northwest Coast art.
The mix of Native art with traditional Catholicism didn’t surprise him. Whether Indian or Virgin Mary, the thread was the same—the wisdom and power of women.
“A ritual killing in a church,” Rife murmured, jingling his keys. “Guess our guy’s not afraid of damnation.” The bastard also wasn’t interested in the numerous artifacts or computer equipment. Rife locked eyes with the cat. If only she could talk. “Sexual assault?”
“Not obvious.” Chee rose and paced around the other women, pointing at the symbols with his free hand. “From the amount of blood, our killer carved them premortem, but lack of struggle indicates they didn’t fight. Sure would like to know why.”
“Drugged, my guess.”
“Lot of that these days, even in this backwoods part of the world, but all of them?”
“Just be sure your techs bag all the cups, pop cans and glasses as evidence.”
The old man grunted with what Rife understood to be an acknowledgment before scrutinizing the naked bodies again. “What about the symbols? What do they mean?”
Glancing down, unease stirred Rife’s gut. The symbols in question were ancient. Too ancient for him, even with his extensive knowledge of native languages and religions. What bothered him more was the fact that disorganized criminals didn’t perform organized ritualistic killings.
Chee replaced the knife, examining the direction of the tip. “The killer sending us a message?”
Rife shrugged. “Who understands the mind of a killer?”
“You do, Mr. Profiler. That’s why I called you even before my CSU team unpacked their equipment.”
“It’s Special Agent to you,” he shot back with no enthusiasm. “And as you might recall, I’m supposed to be on vacation.”
“Yeah? How much wood you need to chop in August?”
Rife ignored the goad and the fact that Chee, like everyone else in Wolf River, knew every move he made. This wasn’t Virginia; this was his grandfather’s town. James Chee’s town. Rife had to get used to that.
Chee stepped outside the circle of death and handed the knife to a young officer to be added to the growing pile of evidence. He called out to a CSU tech hustling by, “You get a close up of Keva’s tattoo?”
“Six angles,” the female photographer replied. The click of her camera echoed in the high-ceilinged room as she shot pictures of an old communion table that now held an assortment of primitive Virgins. “You ever see a collection like this, Chief? Some of this is museum-grade stuff.”
Sadness warred with Rife’s unease as he stared down at Keva. Maybe it was the Madonnas. Maybe it was the fact that the women here were native like him. No matter that his training insisted he stay detached, this crime felt personal. The woman in the center of the circle was dead at the hands of a sick murderer. The Madonna Killer. He could see the headline in the Wolf River Sentinel now.
Who are you, Keva Moon Water? As usual, he found himself more interested in the victim than the criminal. A vague sense of recognition rippled through him. His grandfather knew her, but had never mentioned her, and Rife knew he’d never met her on any of his trips home to Wolf River. She certainly hadn’t grown up in town or gone to the dilapidated school house he had attended all those years ago. He had an excellent memory and would recognize her if she’d been part of the town’s landscape during his childhood. So why did he feel that ripple? Who was she? What sacrifices had she made to provide this sanctuary for her relatives and why did they need one? What had she, or her family, done to attract a violent, sadistic person?
Even as he turned the questions over in his mind, the real question nagging at him surfaced like a dead body floating to the top of a lake. When will I finally stop the killers that prey on the innocent?
To hell with vacation. He pulled his hands out of his pockets. “I’ll help however I can, Grandpops.”
The cat cried again in the corner of the room as if giving her approval. Rife ignored her and the light that brightened Chee’s dark eyes. He focused on Keva’s tattoo. Moon Water, he thought, again trying to place why that name rang a bell.
A muscle under her tat spasmed. Blinking, Rife told himself it was only the body’s natural response as death set in. Either that or he needed sleep. Nothing new about that.
But when he saw it spasm again, his gaze shot to her face. Her eyelids twitched and the ripple turned into a wave of pure adrenaline. “Holy shit,” he whispered.
Dropping down beside her, his fingers found a pulse at the base of her throat. As faint as the beat of butterfly wings, it stirred under his touch. He glanced up at Chee. “You said she was dead.”
“She is.” Chee’s eyes were wide as he stared at Keva. “You saw me double check her.”
Keva’s full lips parted, and Rife’s heart jumped with hope as she drew in a weak, shaky breath. Her eyes fluttered open.
“Get your EMTs back in here.” He smiled into the soft, Virgin-like eyes of Keva Moon Water. “She’s alive. Very, very alive.”
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DONNELL: Which of your characters would you most/least to invite to dinner, and why?
MISTY: Definitely would invite Lucifer from my Witches Anonymous series to dinner. Just think of the stories he could tell about Heaven and Hell!
DONNELL: Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?
MISTY: Reviews are a mixed bag. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion about your story, but you, as the author, have to stay true to your vision of what the story is about. I love for readers to tell me they want more of something, and right now, book reviewers and fans keep asking me to make my Witches Anonymous books longer, so guess what? Spending time with Amy, Luc and Adam is a treat for me, so that request is getting filled.
DONNELL: Have you ever written a character who wasn’t meant to be a hero/heroine but he/she wouldn’t go away?
MISTY: Ace, my mortician turned spy, in the Super Agent series. I keep thinking about giving him his own book in that series or doing a spinoff series with him. He’s a hoot to write.
DONNELL: What is your favorite cheese?
MISTY: Parmesan. I grate it on everything!
DONNELL: Tea or coffee?
MISTY: Wait, where are the other choices, like tequila or whiskey? No alcohol? Oh, all right. Coffee.
DONNELL: (Right answer. Besides, GLIAS doesn't hold a liquor license.) What’s in your refrigerator right now?MISTY: Let’s see, there’s Pepsi, wine, beer, and some limp celery. But there’s also left over pasta, plenty of fruit and veggies and a fresh tiramisu. I like to cook and bake, so I always have something tasty in the fridge.
DONNELL: What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?
MISTY: I’d be a very good friend to anyone who wanted to make a contribution to my kids’ college funds.
DONNELL: (She's serious, Readers. This woman has twin boys.) Is Elvis really dead?
MISTY: Elvis who?
DONNELL: What is your favorite tradition from your childhood, that you would love to pass on or did pass on to your children?
MISTY: We have a new tradition, nothing big, but I make homemade pumpkin bread to eat on Christmas morning for breakfast. We also eat homemade cookies!
DONNELL: What does it mean to love someone?
MISTY: Oh, now you’re getting all philosophical on me. I’m not a philosopher, but I’ll tell you this: Love is getting up at two a.m.when the dog pukes so your husband can stay in a warm bed and sleep.
DONNELL: ;) What color would you make the sky if it weren't going to be blue anymore?
MISTY: Donnell, have you had your medicine today? Um, I guess, a cheery color, like pale yellow. Or maybe it could be rainbow colored. Yeah, that’s it. And unicorns would rain from the heavens!
DONNELL: (No meds. And I'm asking the questions, so there;) What do you do to unwind and relax?
MISTY: Read. Invite friends over for margaritas on the deck. Go to the beach.
DONNELL: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
MISTY: The blank page does not bother me. One filled with crappy first draft writing…that’s another story. Editing is where I sweat bullets.
DONNELL: What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?
MISTY: Fan letters! My favorite dream come true. ;)
DONNELL: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
MISTY: I do all my writing in bed. Not because I’m lazy, but because I have back issues. But writing in bed is awesome. It’s my slice of heaven and my creativity soars there.
DONNELL: What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing/researching a book?
MISTY: I love learning about the intelligence world for my super agent series. One of the coolest places I researched was Belfast’s historic Crumlin Road Gaol. I had a showdown there between the Deputy Director of the CIA and a couple of terrorists in Proof of Life. A fascinating place with lots of history, and the physical setting of a rundown Irish prison suited that climax perfectly.
DONNELL: What is your favorite kid joke?
MISTY: Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs? A: You can step in a poodle!
DONNELL: Which era would you least have like to live in, fashion-wise?
MISTY: Early 20th century.
MISTY: I like now. Lots of cool bags, shoes and accessories!
DONNELL: Tell me how many hats you have in your home?
MISTY: Twenty-one.
DONNELL: (you seem very certain. I think you counted;) Dog person or cat person?
MISTY: Dog. Cat. Both.
DONNELL: Which is your favorite language other than your native language?
MISTY: I took four years of French and now I’m picking up some Italian just for fun.
DONNELL: If you were given a chance to travel to the past where would you go and specifically why?
MISTY: 14th – 15th century Italy because of the Italian Renaissance.
DONNELL: What would you do if you had a time machine?
MISTY: Sleep more and doing some amazing research!
DONNELL: How much money does it take to be happy?
MISTY: Back to philosophy, huh? Okay, here goes. Enough to pay the bills, send the kids to college, have a yearly vaca to the beach and feed my shoe addiction once in awhile.
DONNELL: What question are you never asked in interviews, but wish you were?
MISTY: Will you run for president in 2012?
DONNELL: If you couldn’t be a writer anymore, what profession would you take up?
MISTY: Rockstar!
DONNELL: What’s the first thing you do when you finish a book?
MISTY: Dance a jig, email my writing friends with THE END in the subject line and start the next book!
DONNELL: If you could interview one person (and it doesn’t have to be a writer) who would it be?
MISTY: Barbara Streisand or Maya Angelou. Heart them both!
Today, Misty will be giving a copy of "Soul Survivor" to one lucky commenter.
Misty's question for Readers: I write Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romantic Suspense, and sexy Paranormal Romance. Do you buy books based on genre or the author?
Misty is currently at work on the next books in both her series. She likes her coffee black, her conspiracy stories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. To learn more about Misty and her books, visit http://www.blogger.com/www.readmistyevans.com or follow her on www.twitter.com/readmistyevans. To receive her bi-monthly newsletter, send an email to http://misty@readmistyevans.com/ or join her Yahoo! Group www.groups.yahoo.com/group/MistyEvansSuspense to receive news and announcements.
Misty, thanks for being with us today. I've read the beginning of Soul Survivor and I was hooked way back then. Can't wait to read it in full. And if you ran for president, you'd get my vote ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Donnell! ::waves::
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for interviewing for GLIAS! The best questions, ever. If I became Prez, I institute a daily DEAR (drop everything and read) hour. We'd all be a lot happier and less prone to jump into wars, if we lost ourselves in a good story every day.
I look forward to meeting new friends and interacting with your readers today. TGIF!!!
Hi, Donnell and Misty! What a fun interview! As for the question, I select books based on both, I guess. If I know and like the author, I'll read everything she's written in any genre. If I don't know the author, it's definitely genre first. I'm hard at work on my own novel right now, but Misty's are definitely on my to-be-read shelf.
ReplyDeleteHi MIsty,
ReplyDelete"I write Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romantic Suspense, and sexy Paranormal Romance. Do you buy books based on genre or the author?"
I definitely read all of the above. I read new authors that are recommended to me or by reviews. I buy favorite authors because they are favorites!
Misty, I'm so eager for the longer WA book. I love Luc! He's a great character.
ReplyDeleteI genre hop, so I buy books based on the author and on blurbs.
The premise lured me in, I really like the idea of souls reconnecting and enduring many many many years apart. Brings to mind soulmates. Then I read the exceprt and it hooked me in. I've always enjoyed paranormal and suspenseful romances and this book has them both. I read all genres and try to diversify between readings to keep things fresh. I love discovering new authors and when discovered I tend to go and read all their backlist. I would have to say I read books based on both, but initially on the genre in which I then discover the author(s).
ReplyDeleteThank you for the interview.
Hi Pam! Thanks for stopping by. Like you, if I like an author, I'll try her books, no matter what genre.
ReplyDeleteGjillian - I like when friends suggest an author to me, especially in one of my favorite genres. And even better if the author has a whole series I can dig into!
Edie - Luc sends his love.
Hi Na! The premise of soul mates was perfect for this story. I love a good romance where the hero and heroine are soul mates. I hope you give SS a try and enjoy it!
Hi, Misty! What a fun interview!
ReplyDeleteI tend to go by author if I'm already familiar with her work (yes, I do follow authors across genres) but will probably choose from my favorite genres first if they are new-to-me authors.
And that's certainly true--love is letting those you love sleep :)
Thanks for stopping by, Misty!
ReplyDeleteHa, Fedora, you and I agree on letting our loves sleep. I always appreciate it when my hubs let me sleep too. :) Thank you for following me across genres. Your support is much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteHey, Maureen, thanks for having me! Donnell is mucho awesomeness and so are you and the rest of the GLIAS gals.
Hi Misty and Donnell,
ReplyDeleteI buy books based on both elements. I will always try a new book of a favorite author, regardless of the genre they are writing but will also check out my favorite genres and buy new authors.
21 freakin hats!!!! I don't have a closet big enough. I that your characters are dressed in couture. Mine are in tattered jeans!
Donnell, as always a wonderful interview.
First off I would vote for you as President if you ran!!
ReplyDeleteI buy books on both elements. I usually stick to the same authors but I love find new ones. One of my biggest helps is GoodReads and Barnes and Noble/Amazon, which books others bought who bought the one I wanted. These sites link me to others who like the same reads as do and introduces me to new authors they have found.
Sorry to have missed the party -- getting ready for RWA national >>grin<< Hope you had a great day "getting lost" Misty! Thanks for coming.
What a great interview. The excerpt was awesome. Thank you for sharing!
@Dale - I usually try new authors at the library, or download a sample first, but often buy the book if I like it. There are so many freebies anymore, a lot of people don't have to buy a thing to still have a huge TBR pile! Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDelete@Sherie - what a nice thing to say!I have two whole votes now, you and Donnell. :) Goodreads is a great place to connect with other readers who share your taste and with reviewers. I like it too.
@Angie - thanks for having me here at GLIAS. It was a blast. You ladies are a talented group!
@Shadow - I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. That first chapter won the Great Beginnings contest last year.