AUTHOR: Deb Julienne
Title: Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides
Publisher: Lyrical Press/Kensington Books Corp.
While some say truth is stranger than fiction, Deb
Julienne’s experience runs more along the lines of a slap-stick comedy. She
believes when life tosses you lemons the only thing to do is to turn it into
Limoncello. Joking aside, Deb’s dream of being published will come true with
the release of her first book, Sex, Lies,
and Beauty Aides, a romantic comedy, coming out March 2014.
As a long time member of both Romance Writers of America
(RWA) and her local RWA Chapter, the Sacramento Valley Roses, she fills the
hours she’s not writing romantic comedy and romantic suspense with her day job
at a Silicon Valley corporation, playing in the kitchen concocting her
award-winning jams, jellies, preserves, and sauces (with alcohol of course).
Born and raised in San Jose, California, she now resides in
her own little bit of heaven in the Sierra Tahoe National Forest Basin with her
husband of 33 years, their three sons and one daughter, and two very precious
Sex, Lies and
Beauty Aids
Sex, lies, and beauty aids finally
earn the girl next door a little respect.
Sabrina Thompson, editor of Skin Deep Magazine’s successful Natural Beauty Secrets column,
is handed the challenge of her life. Take over the Love and Sex column or lose her job.
What does a twenty-four year old virgin know about love or sex when she's never been on a
third date? To complicate matters, there’s a new guy at the helm. Her only crush’s clone
is issuing orders. While his pompous and ambitious twin dries out, playboy and ne’er-do-well
Trent Wellington must assume his identity and save his family’s flailing magazine. The
bright spot amid staff cuts and content restructuring is the plucky editor he once made a
fool of himself in front of at a family gathering. Fooling everyone isn’t easy, especially
when Sabrina inspires his true self to be more than he ever has.
Years of hearing she’s too nice to date have left Sabrina’s frustration simmering. It boils
over when she discovers Trent’s deceit, and she vows to make him pay. Getting even has never
been so much fun.
CONTENT WARNING: mature language, sexual situations
A Lyrical Press/Kensington Books Contemporary Romance
Sabrina Thompson, editor of Skin Deep Magazine’s successful Natural Beauty Secrets column,
is handed the challenge of her life. Take over the Love and Sex column or lose her job.
What does a twenty-four year old virgin know about love or sex when she's never been on a
third date? To complicate matters, there’s a new guy at the helm. Her only crush’s clone
is issuing orders. While his pompous and ambitious twin dries out, playboy and ne’er-do-well
Trent Wellington must assume his identity and save his family’s flailing magazine. The
bright spot amid staff cuts and content restructuring is the plucky editor he once made a
fool of himself in front of at a family gathering. Fooling everyone isn’t easy, especially
when Sabrina inspires his true self to be more than he ever has.
Years of hearing she’s too nice to date have left Sabrina’s frustration simmering. It boils
over when she discovers Trent’s deceit, and she vows to make him pay. Getting even has never
been so much fun.
CONTENT WARNING: mature language, sexual situations
A Lyrical Press/Kensington Books Contemporary Romance
ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-516-5
Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides
Sisters Club Series: Book One
“Oh for the love of God.” Bent over the
tiny sink in the office restroom, Sabrina Thompson cupped cold water in her
hands and splashed her lips.
Shocked, she stared into the mirror. Her
reflection didn’t lie. Who’d have thought her skin could burn so badly without
actually being on fire?
Of all the dumb-assed idiotic gimmicks.
Why had paraffin wax, petroleum jelly, and jalapeno extract sounded harmless?
Hindsight. Redder, plumper lips without lipstick seemed like a reasonable goal.
She’d never expected this. If there were a Mick Jagger look-a-like contest,
she’d count on a rejection. Even he wouldn’t want these lips.
“This is what I get for trusting the
Internet.” Her lips vibrated like a kazoo when she spoke. The recipe probably
had a tag for great April Fools pranks and some fifteen-year-old boy wrote it
while he laughed his ass off. It crossed her mind to take a picture of the
results to show what not to do.
Why today, of all days, to have an early
morning meeting in the boss’s office? Thank God her boss was also her best
friend. Sure, Kat would have questions about her lips. And yes, there’d be
laughter at her expense, like that was something new.
Sabrina gently blotted her lips with a
moist paper towel, and prayed she’d removed it all. She checked the makeup
covering the scar on her right cheek, peeked out the bathroom door to be
certain the coast was clear, and headed to Kat’s office. At least since she’d
come in early, nobody was around to witness her humiliation.
Kat had been out of town, on the East
Coast, something to do with her family. Other than a quick email to schedule
this meeting, she hadn’t heard from her in over a week.
She stopped by the water cooler. Ice
water in hand, she dropped into one of the ultra-modern leather chairs opposite
Kat’s desk. Dunking her sore lips in the water, she made a mental note to run
by her favorite consignment shop during her lunch to check out the Manolo’s
that had just come in. Tina said they were her size. A perfect gift to herself
for her promotion to Senior Editor. She admired the framed covers of past
magazine issues lining the office. Kat made the magazine what it was today. She
was proud of the periodical.
“Sabrina, right on time, as us—” Kat
stopped mid-stride. “What the hell is wrong with your mouth? You look like a
Startled, she sloshed water on her skirt
and tried to act casual as she wiped herself off. “The recipe didn’t mention
possible swelling, only increased blood supply to the lips.” Better than what you
do with yours, caught in her throat at Kat’s colorless expression. So much for
hoping it wasn’t that bad.
Kat turned away, took boxes from the
closet and began transferring files to them.
“What’s wrong?” Sabrina asked.
Kat didn’t respond.
“A bit early for spring cleaning, aren’t
“In case I haven’t told you, I really
appreciate your punctuality. Especially today.”
“What’s so special about today?”
Something in Kat’s tone set her on edge, making her cautious of Kat’s behavior.
Wishing she were anywhere but here,
Sabrina slid her tongue over her plump, burning lips. Mid-lick, her worst
nightmare and hottest fantasy walked in, past her chair, and behind Kat’s desk.
No. First her lips, then her job, now him. The man she’d dreamt of for years.
Trent Wellington.
Maybe if she pretended to be calm, cool,
and collected, and ignored the fact she felt like a circus clown, he wouldn’t
notice her or her enormous lips.
He winked and grinned at Kat, who merely
nodded and went back to her files.
Struggling to set the cup on Kat’s desk,
her vision swam, the desk weaving in and out of her reach. Her hands shook so
badly she was sure to dump the rest of the water on herself. She folded her
hands in her lap, knuckles white, and smiled as if it was any other day. She
could do this. And maybe, she’d even pull this meeting off without thoroughly
humiliating herself in front of him, again.
When he glanced her way, his brows shot
up and his grin only added to her paranoid misery.
She wished someone would hurry up and say
something because her jangled nerves had re-ignited the jalapeno oil.
Trent—not Kat—took the seat behind the
Kat studied the carpet, blinking watery
* * * *
Mimicking Travis, his twin, Trent
Wellington squared his shoulders, held his tie to his chest, sat and pulled the
chair up to the desk. He withdrew a pair of heavy rimmed glasses from his inner
suit pocket and pushed them into place. “Good morning, Sabrina. I’m Travis
Wellington. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from
Sabrina’s jaw dropped.
He’d managed to pull off this con, made
her believe he was his identical twin, Travis. “Is something wrong?”
She frantically shook her head, auburn
curls bouncing off her cheeks. She took a deep breath, sighed, and gave him a
dazzling smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Travis.”
Buying time to keep from snorting with
laughter, he rifled through the desk drawer.
She’d changed a bit over the years. Still
a classic beauty with a great smile, cute upturned nose, and kissable lips.
“Kat do you have Sabrina’s file?”
“No.” Kat didn’t bother to look up.
He’d met Sabrina once, at Kat’s
twenty-first birthday party, a long weekend at the family compound in Massachusetts,
and she’d made quite an impression. When Travis mentioned the switch involved
working with Sabrina, he’d been eager for a chance to see her again.
But, it hinged on fooling Kat. As long as
she was distracted, he’d be fine. Otherwise, without his brother’s journalism
background, he’d fail at impersonating Travis and as editor in chief of Skin
Deep magazine.
The family had compiled reports of
Sabrina’s success for the past several months. He opened his briefcase, pulled
out dozens of folders his brother had given him and thumbed through, locating
Sabrina’s file.
“Ah, here it is.”
According to Kat, Sabrina was a genius as
the natural beauty editor. In the two-and-a-half years she’d been with the
company, subscriptions had doubled thanks to her popular column.
Kat closed up one box and set it aside,
then continued removing files from the cabinet.
He was counting on Sabrina strengths to
inspire him. He had definite plans for Sabrina, wondering if she was as good as
his fantasies. His gaze locked with hers and he forced himself to remember he
was supposed to be standing in for his brother. What would Travis do now?
“Would you like some coffee?” Oh shit,
his brother was never polite. Business was business. Damn it.
Wrinkling her nose as if he’d offered her
arsenic, Sabrina shook her head. Opened her mouth twice but nothing came out.
Her wide eyes were the color of the Mogul Emerald he’d seen auctioned at
Christie’s in London. She turned away and picked non-existent lint from her red
blazer. Her lips were quite swollen. Shiny. Getting redder by the minute, as if
she’d spent hours making out.
“Ah.” His mind went blank. He didn’t mean
to stare. If he tried to speak now he’d guarantee it’d come out as high-pitched
squawk. He reviewed the file before him, loosening the tie that felt more like
a noose. How did Travis stand these things? He unbuttoned the top button of his
shirt. Cold sweat ran down his back. “Are you all right? You seem a bit
nervous.” If he didn’t get his focus off himself, he’d surely screw up.
LIZ: How often do
you get lost in a story?
DEB: With a full
time day job, taking care of a husband, kids, grandkids, and Mother-in-law,
cooking/baking, taking care of the house and yards, and let’s not forget
writing, I need my escape into books…nothing better than planning to read
before bed, just to relax you only to find you can’t put it down and it’s 2am.
LIZ: What’s the
first book you remember reading?
DEB: Little Women.
It was in the collection my mom had was a child.
LIZ: What’s your
favorite “love” word?
Twitterpated…let’s see who remembers that one ;-)
LIZ: I love that word, too. I remember it from
“Bambi”—when he fell in love with Feline!
LIZ: What are the
next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?

LIZ: What’s your
favorite fairy tale?
DEB: I love Beauty
and the Beast, she’s a nobody, but it’s the nobody who tames and released the beast
with her love.
LIZ: What’s your
favorite cartoon character?
DEB: I doubt anyone
will remember her…Little Audrey
LIZ: Cast your
book using fairy tale or cartoon characters.
Sabrina is Belle.
Trent is Aladdin.
Angel, Kat, and Jill
are the “Silly Step-sisters who get in the way”
LIZ: Write us a
haiku about your book or one of your characters!
Sabrina’s clueless, lessons to learn
Discovering Trent lies before a judge
Payback is such a B*&^H
LIZ: What one
thing about your hero drives his heroine crazy? And what one thing about your
heroine drives her hero nuts?
DEB: Sabrina: She
hates that Travis makes her so nervous she’s always doing the wrong thing and
finds herself in embarrassing situations.
Trent: He wants to
impress her but must remember to pretend to be his brother, and can’t keep his
foot out of his mouth.
LIZ: Name three
things that are, at this moment, in your heroine’s purse.
DEB: That’s easy,
Chapstick, a mirror, and face powder.
LIZ: What sound or
noise do you love?
DEB: The sound of
silence at the end of the day when the crickets are chirping.
LIZ: If you were
given a chance to travel to the past where would you go and specifically why?
DEB: I’d like to go
back in time and watch history, specifically my family’s history to see how it
all happened.
LIZ: What will
always make you smile, even on a bad day?
DEB: Simply smelling
a gardenia can make my most horrible day ever, just go away. I have several in
the yard for just that reason. The scent, early morning wafting into the house,
walking around the yard, playing with the grandkids, pulling weeds, chopping
wood, it’s just no big deal when I smell gardenias.
LIZ: What’s your
favorite movie of all time?
DEB: Seven Brides
for Seven Brothers.
LIZ: Who’s your
favorite villain?
DEB: Ivan Korshunov from Air Force One, because I
love the scene where Harrison Ford as the President says, “Get off my plane.” I
love it when the villain truly gets what they deserve.
LIZ: What is your
biggest vice?
DEB: Coffee, hands
down. Chocolate comes in a strong second.
LIZ: What’s your
favorite kid joke?
DEB: How do you make
a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it.
LIZ: Hahahaha! I
love it!
LIZ: What do you
hope for the future of romance publishing?
DEB: In my perfect world, one of my books would be
made into a Hallmark movie.
What’s the most personal thing you’ve ever put in one of your books?
DEB: Let’s just say every single book I’ve written
has at least one thing from real life in it. In Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides two
situations came from real life.
1) When I was 13 I wasn’t allowed to buy make-up, so I figured I could at
least make some lip gloss. Amazing how wax, Vaseline, red food coloring, and
strawberries crushed in a garlic press make a great gloss, only stupid here
decided to test it while it was still in liquid form and not only did I burn my
lips, they were died beet red, and peeled for 2 weeks.
2) In third grade I was playing baseball during recess. I was the catcher
and the batter took a step back when she swung the bat and she slammed the bat into
my mouth. Busted my upper jaw, teeth came through my cheek, 3 loose teeth…and
it took 3 years for the damage to my mouth to grow out with me…but I’ve fixated
on it ever since…you can’t tell…but I know it’s there.
Do you like books
where the hero and heroine screw up in funny ways?
I’m waiting for my books to arrive but when they do I’d love to give a
paper copy away to one commenter, unless he/she wants an e-book…I’ll let them
Contact e-mail: debjulienne@gmail.com
Website: www.debjulienne.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deb.julienne
Twitter: @debjulienne
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7874605.Deb_Julienne
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/debjulienne/
Blogs: http://pinkfuzzyslipperwriters.blogspot.com/
Book II: Antics, Antidotes, and Angel (Angel’s
Book III: Lovers, Lies, and Alibis (Kat’s story)
Book IV: Suckers, Soldiers, and Mischief Makers
(Jill’s story)
Hi Deb!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to GLIAS -- so glad you came to share your new book! Can't wait to check it out!
Thanks for inviting me...
DeleteA story that contains humor will always resonate with me.
I'm the same way, humor is a fun escape
DeleteI love humour so yes... I would love it. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteWe say that all the time.
My boys roll their eyes when I say it...but my grandkids love it.
DeleteI love humor in a story! I love to laugh so I figure characters must love it too. ;)
ReplyDeleteMarcy Shuler