Anna James writes contemporary stories with strong,
confident heroes and heroines who conquer life’s trials and live happily ever
after. She has been writing
professionally since 2010, is a member of RWA, CTRWA (Connecticut Romance
Writers of America), CORW (Charter Oak Romance Writers) and RWA Contemporary
Romance Writers. Publishing credits include two category length novels, five
novellas and one short story.
Anna is married to a wonderful husband who spends countless hours picking
up the slack around the house so she can pursue her dream of writing, and is
the proud mother of five fabulous children.
Although she’s lived in several locations throughout her life she now
calls Connecticut home. When not writing, she can be found spending time with
family and friends.
A secret she must keep… A man she can’t resist
Passion ignites between
Nicole Bradford and Max Paradis the moment they lay eyes on each other, but
despite the sizzling attraction and Max’s to-die-for-kisses, Nicole is
reluctant to get involved. She’s been burned by love before.
Carlo had been her ideal
mate but the dream became a nightmare when his drug smuggling past was
Now all Nicole wants is to get on with her life and keep the secret she’s
been hiding for the last six years.
Still, how can she resist the handsome and sexy Max when he’s everything she’s
ever wanted in a man? And what will she do when Carlo returns and threatens to
expose her ugly past?
Nicole will have to trust Max with the truth if she wants to win his love
and get Carlo out of her life for good. If she doesn’t Carlo could destroy everything
that matters most to her.
Nicole finished tying an apron
around her waist as she rushed toward the table. “What can I get for you this
The man lowered his menu.
Nicole started to sweat. No! It
can’t be. But, oh god, it was. She’d recognize him anywhere with his black,
slicked-back hair and dark aviator sunglasses, the gold rope chains draped
around his thick neck and the long-sleeved shirt with the top four buttons
undone to showcase his wide, hairy chest.
“Hello, baby. Long time no see.”
Not long enough. “What do
you want?”
His eyes wandered down her body,
back up, and came to rest on her breasts. She felt the chilly slime of his leer
as he said, “Whadda ya say? One last fuck for old times’ sake?”
Her stomach heaved. She shoved a
fist in her mouth to stop the bile from rising up.
Idiot, her brain sneered.
Yes, idiot pretty much summed it
up. Carlo was yet another example of her lousy taste in men. Only he’d cost her
more than a broken heart.
Much more.
Lord, what had she ever seen in
him? She’d been young, impetuous, and carefree. Caught up in the glamour and
mystique that was the fashion industry. Carlo had been fun and exciting. If
only she’d looked past his suave exterior, maybe she would have seen the
danger. Instead, she’d jumped in feet first.
It had been the same with Joe, too,
and even Henry. They’d seemed perfect. They weren’t, of course. The signs had
been there with both, but that impulsive part of her had plunged in without a
second thought.
“Not in this lifetime or any
“You might want to rethink that.
Six years locked behind bars makes a man a little desperate. It would serve you
well to remember that.”
A shudder ran through her. I
won’t let him intimidate me. I won’t let him intimidate me. She repeated
the mantra over and over, forcing herself to remain cool and composed. “You
don’t scare me.”
He lunged across the table and she
almost fell in her haste to get away. His bark of laughter echoed in her ears
and had her stopping in mid-stride. Get a hold of yourself. He’d be
crazy to try anything in a crowded restaurant. One scream from her and the
manager would come running. She turned back and glowered down at his
still-laughing face. “What-do-you-want?”
His expression sobered. “The way I
figure it, you owe me and—”
Her eyes rounded. “I. Owe.
You? Are you high, or what?”
“You cost me everything,” he
sneered. “And now it’s time to pay up. I want twenty-five thousand dollars in
cash or I’ll tell everyone your dirty little secret.”
For more excerpts and purchase information visit Anna's Website: www.authorannajames.com
LIZ: What’s the first book you remember reading?
ANNA: I have to admit I didn’t
like to read when I was younger, then I read Rendezvous with Rama (sci-fi) by Arthur C. Clarke
and I was hooked. I got into romance when I was in my twenties and It’s been a
love affair ever since.
LIZ: What are the next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?
ANNA: The latest in Sandra
Marton’s Wilde series, the next book in Kristan Higgins Blue Heron series, book
7 in Sara Humphreys Amoveo Legend series, one of Suzanne Brockmann’s latest and
one of Nora Robert’s In Death series and A Jayne Ann Krentz novel.
LIZ: What’s your favorite fairy tale?
ANNA: Cinderella because she
conquers life’s trials, wins the prince and gets her happily ever after.
LIZ: Name three things that are, at this moment, in your
heroine’s purse, satchel, reticule, weapons belt or amulet bag (or whatever she
Nothing. Nicole needs a new
purse because her old one was stolen when she got mugged.
LIZ: What sound or noise do you love?
ANNA: I love to hear crickets
chirping on a warm summer night.
LIZ: What will always make you smile, even on a bad day?
ANNA: My dog. He’s always happy
to see me when I come through the door.
LIZ: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
ANNA: I can’t pick just one, but
Top Gun is up there as is The Wedding Date and The
LIZ: What is your biggest vice?
ANNA: Hazelnut Coffee and
chocolate (a combo of the two is killer!)
What do you hope for the future of
romance publishing?
ANNA: For more options to become
available for aspiring authors.
HAS GOTTA ASK: What’s the most personal
thing you’ve ever put in one of your books?
ANNA: I think I put a little bit
of me in all my heroines. Nicole, from Keeping Her Guilty Secret likes to cook
and can’t play golf to save her life – that’s me. Another of my heroines was a Project
Engineer – me again.
What do you think makes a great romance novel? Why?
I’m happy to give
away one e-copy of “Keeping Her Guilty Secret” from Amazon (Kindle version). It’s only available in electronic format (no
print) so I can email it to anyone.
E-mail: authorannajames@yahoo.com
Website: www.authorannajames.comTT]
“A Love Worth Saving” – Book 2
Forever Yours Trilogy
and Reed seemed so happy when they got married just a few short months ago. But
an unexpected pregnancy and a subsequent miscarriage throw their marriage into
deals with the loss by burying herself in work. Reed is supportive but doesn’t
understand why she’s spending so much after-hours time with her handsome, sexy
boss. And what of their dream of having a family? How can that happen when with
each passing day Ashley becomes more distant?
Reed and Ashley find a way to work things out or will all their dreams be
A great romance novel has conflict, anticipation and of course a HEA. I want to travel with the characters as they work things out.
Great response Mary! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteHi Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI want to thank everyone for stopping by today and remind you to leave your email so you're entered into the drawing for a free ecopy of my book!
Hi, Anna, and welcome to GLIAS. I love your story premise; however, I am always intrigued by the answers to the favorite movie question and you said The Replacements. I love that movie, especially the dance in the jail scene.
ReplyDeleteOMG, Vicky thats my favorite scene too! It cracks me up every time I watch the movie. Thanks for stopping by today!
DeleteCongrats on your release, Anna and welcome to GLIAS.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the warm welcome, Angi and for stopping by to say Hi
DeleteInteresting characters and story; good writing
ReplyDeletebn100candg at hotmail dot com
Thanks for your reply!
DeleteHi bn100 - you are the lucky commenter who has one an ecopy of KEEPING HER GUILTY SECRET. I'll email you.