
E.E. Burke's BEST OF THE WEST: Linda Broday has a new release!

Nobody loves cowboys as much as Linda Broday. Her soft spot for these rugged individualists shines through in every book she writes. Her latest series about three tough, sexy, determined men--brothers by choice--is quintessential Western historical romance, and not to be missed. 

Back in January, Linda shared her first in the series Texas Mail Order Bride. Today, we feature the second, Twice a Texas Bride.

Available on Amazon, B&N,
Books-A-Million, iTunes 
Scars of the past run deep inside former saloon owner Rand Sinclair, leaving jagged pain and two certainties. He'll never fall in love again. Never marry.
He finally has the ranch and land he's dreamed of owning and that's enough. But when he finds a woman and little boy hiding out in one of his outbuildings in the bitter cold, he can't turn his back. He offers them a safe haven and the warmth of his fire.
Callie Quinn is on the run from a killer outlaw who vows to see her dead and take the boy. Slowly, Rand uncovers her secrets and realizes the only way to keep her safe is to push all his chips to the center of the table.
He risks everything...his name...his heart...his life for the woman who's awakened a fierce hunger for love.
Locked in a desperate battle to rid them of the outlaw's special brand of terror, Rand reaches deep inside for every weapon in his arsenal.
Whoever wants to harm her will have to go through him.
And he’ll go through hell for her. One of them will die. Who will it be?


Sliding her hand beneath the soft hair at the nape of his neck, she parted her mouth slightly. When his tongue dipped inside, she faintly tasted peaches. She’d never felt so much need well up inside. She needed Rand like she needed air and food and to be loved. How could she have lived this long without him?
A second later, he removed his mouth from hers and murmured. “You drive me crazy, woman. Would you mind if I unfasten some buttons of your dress?”
“How many?” What a dumb question, but her brain had deserted her. The tingles doing back-flips and twirls up and down her spine had made forming coherent thought impossible.
“Three. Or four. You have so many.” He flashed a fleeting grin. “I have the greatest desire to feel my wife's skin. Will you welcome me?”
“Yes,” she managed to whisper.
The cool air was welcome on her flesh as he undid the four buttons she’d allotted. But he didn't stop. She covered his hand with hers. "You said four and that's what I agreed to."
"I never was much good at arithmetic." He grinned, took her hand and kissed each of her fingertips before he resumed his mission.
She surprised herself when she moved his hands back into place so he could resume. She wanted this man who would risk his life to protect her from all harm. Desire flowed in her veins like molten lead.

Meet Linda

Linda Broday is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her interest in reading and history came very early, so it was no surprise when she began writing western historical romances. She resides in the Texas Panhandle on land the American Indian and Comancheros once roamed, where ghosts from the past lurk around every corner. Humble roots and the love of family have become focal points of each book she writes. 

Where to find out more about Linda:
Visit me at: www.LindaBroday.com
Facebook Author Page:  http://www.facebook.com/lindabrodayauthor 
On Twitter: http://twitter.com/lbroday  
Google:  http://google.com/+LindaBroday


E.E.: How is it working with hot guys and sexy women all day?
Linda: Oh my gosh! It's quite exhausting. Those cowboys of mine really do get me hot and bothered. They're always in my head saying the most suggestive things. They know I can't jump into those pages where they do God knows what, but yet they keep teasing me--dancing around in their underwear and shaking those hips. And the women, they are no help. Worse, they get the strangest ideas in their heads about what they should be doing and their ideas and mine don't mesh. Sheesh! 

E.E.: Be honest, when reading...do you put yourself in the heroine's role?
Linda: Absolutely! I love playing the heroine and getting to do all those things with my sexy cowboys. Even though it's pretend, it's awfully close to the real thing. There are lots of perks with this job!

E.E.: What's something you'd like to tell your fans?
Linda: I'd like them to know about the humble beginnings I came from.  When I was born, my family's home was a tent. My three older siblings and my parents lived in a tent because they couldn't afford anything else. People wouldn't let us play with their children. I never went to college. After I graduated from high school I had to go to work. That's why I write characters who have nothing. That's what I know. These story people are me. I never want to forget where I came from or forget my raising. 

E.E.: If you could interview one person who would it be?
Linda: Harper Lee. I'm so curious about why she didn't write but two books. I want to ask her what got in the way. Was it life? Love? Did the spark die? Did she think she had no talent? Surely not. And I want to know what her writing process was when she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. She simply fascinates me. I can wait for her new book, Go Set a Watchman that has been hidden all these years, to come out in July. 

E.E.: Which of your characters would you most like to invite to dinner and why?
Linda: I think I'd invite Rand Sinclair. Of the three brothers, he hides the most secrets. The open book act he puts on disguises lots of pain, lots more than he revealed to me. I'd keep his whiskey glass full and maybe he'd let down his ever present guard. That ready grin keeps so much buried.  I want to know more about his practice of offering the drunks a place to sleep when they had too much to drink and couldn't make it home when he owned his saloon. I find that very admirable. 

E.E.: If you were a t-shirt, what color would you be and why?
Linda: Purple, the color of kings and queens. I've always loved the color because it's dark and rich and it gives me a sense of importance I guess. I hope that doesn't sound conceited because I'm sure not that. Being a horrible introvert, I need propping up now and then. Purple reminds me that I am somebody and that I can do whatever I set my mind to.

E.E.: Which already filmed movie represents your writing style?
Linda: THE OUTSIDER starring Tim Daley that's adapted from the book with the same name by Penelope Williamson. I LOVE this western movie and have watched it about 20 times, maybe more. Tim plays a gunslinger named Johnny Gault who's been shot. He staggers onto this woman's property but collapses before he reaches the house. The woman belongs to a society of Plain People who are very strict in their beliefs. Her husband has been lynched by a powerful rancher. She falls in love with Johnny and he eventually avenges her husband's death. It's gritty and raw just like my books. It shows the starkness and the harsh life of the old West. 

Today, Linda is giving away an autographed copy of Twice a Texas Bride. Just comment and enter the raffle.

Describe your perfect "cowboy hero."


  1. I kind of want my hero to be flawed in some way, so not perfect is perfect. He must be strong, have a good heart and not be afraid to stand up for all that is good and right. (Be still my beating heart!!)

    1. Good morning, Mary! Thank you so much for coming over. If you like flawed heroes, you'll adore Rand Sinclair. He carries deep scars that go all the way to his soul. Lots of his secrets come out in Twice a Texas Bride. He's no longer unwanted and unloved. I was happy to release him from that hell he's gone through. He suffered enough.

      Good luck in the drawing!

  2. Thank you, E.E. Burke for hosting me! I'm so happy to be here again. I love, love the warm welcome and happy "feel" of Get Lost in a Story. It's the appropriate place for people like me who have spent their entire lives getting lost in a book, forgetting who they are, their problems, the pain of their lives. Books are the best therapy for any kind of person. Books take us on a magical journey. The only problem I have is that when I unpack my bags, I want to stay there. I love this about reading though!

    Anyway, before you send the men in white coats, I'll give you a big Texas hug and we'll sit down to talk. Thanks again for having me!

  3. I wouldn't mind one of your cowboys living in my head!

    1. Ha, Linda! It's a hard job but someone has to it. *very big grin* They really are distracting. And often when I'm dead tired and needing sleep, they want to TALK! But, really it's pretty fun. They say the most amusing things. And sometimes they try to distract me from making them do something with sweet talk. Can you imagine?

  4. Hi Linda! *waves* Enjoyed the Q&A!

    1. Hi Colleen! Thank you so much for coming by. *waving back wildly* This is great seeing you here. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Q&A. They do get interesting. But I hate talking about myself. I'd much rather discuss someone else or my books. I hope you're enjoying Twice a Texas Bride. And also the Arizona weather. It's sort of breezy today here in the Texas Panhandle. Pretty typical.

      Take care and thanks again! You're so sweet.

  5. Linda, Elisabeth done put out the word that you was hidin' out over here, so I had to take a fast horse right on over and warn you the posse's gettin' mighty close. Somebody just upped the reward on that warrant out on you for malicious creation of drool-worthy cowpokes. Might want to lay in a few more bandanas and stock up on ammunition, gal.

    No one would ever guess you came from such humble beginnings, but I can see the influence all over your stories now -- and in your warm, gracious, generous heart.

    Hope you don't expect me to hug you. I don't want that posse thinkin' we're in cahoots. That whole Texas thang's already raised a few eyebrows.

    Aw, what the heck ... HUGS!!!!

    1. Hi Kathleen! Thank you so much for following the marked trail over here. Glad you didn't get ambushed along the way. You can't be too careful. Sidewinders are everywhere. Thanks for the warning about the posse. I sure don't want to get thrown in the pokey. I've heard the vittles in those places ain't fit to eat! I just never thought anyone would arrest me for creating sexy cowboys.

      Glad you enjoyed the Q&A and learning some of my secrets I've hidden all these years. I hate talking about myself, but Elisabeth dragged it out of me. Of course, I kicked and screamed like all get-out but she got the secrets anyway.

      Well, I'm sorry about spilling the beans about the cahoots thing. Reckon I blabbed my mouth a little. But I'm mighty proud to know you and share our love of cowboys.

      HUGS back to you!!

  6. Linda, thanks for a great Q&A. I think I'd like to be in the arms of Rand also. He's so strong and a fascinating hero. I love him and his relationship with Callie and especially the little boy. I'm looking forward to the third brother's story. Again, thanks for a great Q&A. Big hugs and much love, Phyliss

    1. Hi Phyliss! Thanks for coming. I'm so glad you came and glad you enjoyed the Q&A. As you know, I find it hard to talk to talk about myself. I think other people are much more interesting. And besides, I'm awfully private.

      Thanks again for coming! You're so sweet.

  7. Hi Linda, I love this interview, the cover, Rand, and you! Can't resist a story with a little boy... You put all the pieces together just right. Best wishes! ❤️💚💙

    1. Hi Tanya! Thank you so much for dropping by! I'm glad you enjoyed my Q&A and love my cover! I do think the cover Gods smiled on me. This is really one that seems to have captivated readers.

      Best wishes to you on your books! You write some darn good stories. Thanks again for coming.

  8. Hi Linda!
    I am so with you on The Outsider! I know I have seen that at least as many times as you. Tim Daley does such a great job as the tough silent type and yet you know what he is thinking. He can sure show intense emotions without saying a word. Really a great actor. I enjoyed the Q&A--learned so much about you and you made it fun, too!

    1. Hi Kathryn! Thank you so much for taking time to come and spend part of your day with me. I really appreciate it. Looks like we have some things in common. I seem to have found another fan of The Outsider! YAY! I can't tell you how many times I've watched that movie and still it gives me chills when Tim Daley staggers out onto that porch with his gun when the bad guys show up at her door. So tough and boy does he fall hard for the Plain woman.

      Thanks again for coming over!

  9. Hi Linda,
    I love, love, love your stories!! My perfect hero is rough on the outside, really hard core, but with a reluctant tender side for the heroine. Make him bad to the bone, and comes the redemption. Beautiful cover on your book!!

    1. Hi Charlene! Thank you for coming! This is great seeing so many of my Filly sisters over here. Love your perfect hero because he's mine too. I love rough, bad to the bone heroes that are redeemable. Man, they make my heart do funny things.

      Thanks for the compliment on my cover. Glad you like it.

      So glad you came by.

  10. Hi Linda, loved reading about your new book. It looks like another winner! I think I may know why Harper Lee took so long to publish another book after To Kill a Mockingbird. I think I would be petrified to write again after winning a Pulitzer. I would be afraid I couldn't live up to it.

    1. Hi Margaret! Thanks for stopping by! Love seeing you here. I've had a great time today.

      You know, I think you might be right about Harper Lee. I, too, would be awfully intimidated to write another book. Winning a Pulitzer would sure make it tough. Such high expectations.Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great evening, my friend!

  11. The book sounds great, Linda. I love your work

    1. Hi Mary!! Thank you for coming over and big thanks for complimenting my work. I'm so glad you like what I write. That thrills me to no end. I just wish I had your skill at putting humor into stories. Your books always make me laugh. I love your sense of humor.

      Have a great evening!

  12. Linda, Harper Lee fascinates me, too. I can't imagine writing so sparingly, as much as I love doing it.

    You know I love your stories! I have not had a chance to get these yet but I AM GOING TO. LOL Things should slow down for me editing-wise after June and maybe I will get to read some things I get to pick out for a change. LOL

    Here's wishing you much success with these wonderful stories of yours! Much love to you, dear friend!

    1. Hi Cheryl! Thanks for coming over! Yes, Harper Lee is the subject of much speculation. I would love to meet her and ask some questions. Have lots I'd love to have the answers to.

      I appreciate the compliment about my stories. I feel the same way about yours. You sure have some good ones. I hope you get to slow down some after June. It's hard finding free time when you own your own publishing company.

      Love and hugs!

  13. Hi Elisabeth and Linda! Loved the Q&A. I especially love the one referencing Harper Lee. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is my all time favorite book and movie! I can't wait for her second book to come out in July.
    My cowboy would be hard working, but play even harder. He came up from nothing but because of his hard work, he has made something of himself. He will give the shirt off his back to whomever needs it. But yet, he'll love as hard as he works and plays. He's somewhat of a bad boy but he is also a God fearing man.

    1. Hi Kirsten! Thanks for coming by. I love having you. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Q&A. Harper Lee is sure a popular subject. I can't wait for her new book.

      I love your hero! He's a great one. Has some wonderful qualities. I may have to steal your list when I create my next cowboy hero.

      Have a great evening!

  14. Linda,
    Thanks so much for being with us today. I'm glad I was able to lure you over and tease those secrets out of you! Seriously, I loved your interview, especially the part about how you grew up and why you love purple. Your understanding of human nature, your love of life, your optimism and hopefulness all come through in your writing. It's such a pleasure to introduce you and your wonderful books to my friends here at GLIAS.

    My Western hero? I must say I do love redeeming those bad boys!

    1. Hi Elisabeth! Thank you for having me! It's been a fun day. I always love coming to talk about my cowboys. That's a never-ending subject. I'm glad you enjoyed hearing some of the things I don't talk much about. I would much talk about others. I do know I'm shaped by my past and the way I grew up. I wouldn't trade it for anything. We might not've had many material things but we always knew we were loved. My mother was the most positive person I know. She always wore a smile that lit up her eyes and had a ready laugh. I think I take after her a lot. It's much easier to be optimistic.

      Write on, sister! Keep redeeming those bad boys we all love.

  15. Arriving late to the party, but so happy to make it and learn more about you, Linda. Can't believe you are an introvert! Very interesting to hear about your humble beginnings - tough times build tough people. Thanks for your tip on The Outsider. Somehow I missed that movie. It's always a treat to anticipate watching a highly recommended movie for the first time!

  16. Lovely having you on GLIAS Linda.
