
Through My Lens

Vacay Day #4 & 5

Tim and I highly recommend traveling to Rocky Mountain National Park. It is absolutely gorgeous. Of course, we didn't travel any place that wasn't. June is a great month for a 17-day drive. We began each day with an Ibuprofen to help fight the altitude. We huffed and puffed a couple of times, and definitely took our time going up a path. Going slow helped us enjoy the journey...not just get someplace to say we'd been there.

The Bison encounter was in Yellowstone National Park.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you had a close encounter with a Bison...or other wildlife?


  1. Great pics... love the squirrel one! :)

    1. Even 8,000 feet above sea level...there's always a squirrel. LOL

  2. Not with a Bison = though 1 of our landlords raise Elk!!

  3. I must of come yesterday to early to see your post Angi I have not come close encounter although we have deer on our land and they come close and lots of wild kittens right now and they come close but not where you can touch them. Wild rabbits and other things that i have touched when they were young. thats it. peggy clayton ptclayton2@aol.com

  4. Though it's been years since I saw Yellowstone, you bright it back to life for me. Wonderful pics!

  5. Skunks, raccoons, opossum up close and deer, bear, alligators, bison, and others at a respectful distance.
