
Amanda Hosts #storiesoftheheart-Tina DeSalvo

Wisdom. Opinions. Experiences. Love. Humor. Inspiration.

By Tina DeSalvo

I am so grateful to the mature women in my life for sharing these gifts with me have a great time- part is especially fun to witness.
with words, and with their incredible actions. They sure know how to nurture friendships, care for their families and have a great time. Oh yeah, the -

My husband’s mother, who turned eighty this past fall, celebrated with a two-day birthday party, and then a few more later in the week for those who couldn’t attend. She and her group of lifelong friends, always amaze people with that kind of tireless energy and zest for fun. They’ve celebrated each other’s weddings, anniversaries, children’s births and yes, birthdays. They’ve also mourned together through illnesses and deaths. Because of this shared history, it made the thousands of meals, miles and card games they’ve had together, so much better. And, oh, the stories of those meals, miles and games are wonderful to hear about and witness. It’s the stuff that inspires my writing, layers my characters and is incredibly fun to recall. Like the time they were on a cruise for a “Girls trip” and decided it was more fun to skip going onshore to play cards in the library. They even solicited a few other passengers to join them.

My mother had this same jouie de vivre. She was always ready to do. . .have fun. In her nineties she enjoyed line-dancing, eating snowballs and being with her siblings. She had nine, but she especially loved spending time with her sisters, Mary and Rose. An observer might not think that was true. They often argued (sometimes using fiery Italian words) over childhood memories, each recounting an event differently than the other. But, then to see their heads resting against the other’s as they spoke in hushed tones of whatever it was they wanted to share, was the picture of that pure, special bond they had until their deaths. 

There is no better example or blessed memory I have of this loving connection than when my mother and Aunt Mary were saying goodbye at the airport. As Aunt Mary sat in her wheelchair waiting in the check-in line, she and my mother were arguing in the funny way they always did. Suddenly, Aunt Mary looked up, reached for my mother, her “baby sister”, and drew her closer. She kissed her cheeks and my mother returned the kisses. They looked at each other a long time afterwards with such open emotions of love and sadness, I still cry today thinking about it these years later. They knew, as I did watching them. . .this would be the last time they’d be together.

The fierce, adventurous, energetic women who have battled, defeated, lost and experienced more simply because they lived long enough to do so, are our world’s treasures. A testament to wisdom, love, endurance and good. Their lives are love stories – the kind that if we take a moment to notice, teach us what Happily Ever After is really about.

Tina DeSalvo lives in Louisiana and enjoys writing 
women's fiction that touches the heart and makes a difference.


  1. What an beautiful testament to your grandmother. How touching the scene described at the airport. Thank you for sharing this, Tina!

  2. Thank you, Amanda. I’ve have and had some amazing women teach by action and love in my life!

  3. Tina you were so blessed with these women plus I love the books that you write! Peggy Clayton ptclayton2@aol.com
