
Amanda hosts #storiesoftheheart-Jacqui Nelson

When Amanda asked me to share a story about courage or strength or joy or gratitude, my mind kept going back to flowers. What is it about flowers? I love seeing them, taking pictures of them, and sharing them. 

These days flowers give me courage and strength as well as making me feel joy and gratitude. Flowers remind me of my mom who passed away in 2017. She was a dedicated flower, plant, and tree lover. She spent hours tending her garden and also admiring others’ gardens. If I see a flower, I have happy thoughts of her. Flowers give me the courage and strength not to dwell in sadness. I’m grateful I get to see so many flowers. 

Sending a big THANK YOU to all the amazing gardeners out there who bring me (and everyone like me) so much joy. 

Jacqui Nelson lives near the seaside (in Victoria on Canada’s southwest coast) but she grew up on a farm (in northern Alberta on Canada’s prairies). She loves the ocean but misses the farm - and dreams of the day when she’ll have a home big enough for a pair of Corgi dogs and a flower garden. 


  1. Thank you for this I love flowers and when I go outside to take the girls out so they can do their thing I love seeing flowers outside they make me just in a better mood and i feel a little of the pain disappear! Peggy Clayton ptclayton2@aol.com Amen to gardners

    1. We think alike, Peggy! It'd be quite the thing to be put in a poor mood by seeing a flower. That'd be a plot for book. So many ideas & not enough time to write them all :)

  2. I love your flower pictures. No one captures them quite like you do, and I think your love for the and what they mean to you come through in your pictures. Thank you for sharing that love!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth! Another behind-the-story (or behind-the-scene) part to my picture taking is that I can often take 10 or more pictures and only 1 turns out share-worthy. Shaky hands and closeup pictures are a challenging combo.

  3. I love your flower photos on your daily walks. What is the climate there year round?

    1. Victoria has dry and warm (but never really hot) summers and rainy winter (with maybe a week of snow every 2 or 3 years). Highs in summer are 75 F / 24 C and lows in winter are 39 F / 3 C. Unfortunately, more often than not, there's a brisk ocean breeze. Refreshing but also brrr! But this is one of the few places in Canada that doesn't get snowy winters, and that's a real treat!!
