

We're starting the new year off with a snapshot of an item of sentimental value. I have to admit that I love collecting things. A visitor this Christmas season asked how long I'd been collecting Santa Claus figures. I had to think that my mother began gifting me one each year almost 40 years ago. Now I have (pause while I go and count) 65 figurines. That includes the stuffed Santas but not the tree ornaments. But my Santas (and I can remember where almost all of them came from) are only out for one month a year. So . . .

My snapshot item is precious to me and can never be replaced. It's the shelf my "Poppie" made. I loved it on the wall of my grandparent's home and my "Mommie" wrote my name on the back. That meant that when she passed it went to me. I watched my grandfather build many things in his workshop. It's one of my precious memories of him. He built Barbie furniture that I played with so often it fell apart. I wish I'd kept the pieces. 

Now the shelf is full of fun memories. "The Child" crocheted by Brenda Rumsey is my most recent addition. I don't know if you can see it, but I have a hand-blown glass ANGELA from my high school days. And I've shown you the A+T heart that Tim made me several years ago for Valentine's Day. I hope you can take time today to find something that's precious and remember why it is.  

Our family June 1990     Phil was 6, Jessi was 4, and Josh was just 2, pictured here with DJ and me when we had our first ever family photo taken for the church directory. Family is the glue that holds me together and brings me joy. Rest in Peace my darling DJ ~ 1/17/55 to 11/18/20 ~ I will always hold you in my heart.

My snapshot from the past shows the antique secretary in my office chock full of books! These are my historical research books and craft books. I know that may not sound very inspiring, but the inspirational part is where these books came from. Many books on these shelves are gifts from other authors and from people who have helped me along in my writing journey.

The piles of books you see on the desk are from the library of one author (and this isn't all of it) who wrote numerous American historical romance novels before moving on to other genres. Some years back, she offered her historical research library to me. It is one of the greatest gifts I've every received. She truly paid it forward in a way I will strive to honor.  

Other items shown that are precious to me include pictures of my mom (on top), a photograph of my three daughters (on the desk) and if you look very close, you'll see a cut-out of Mark Twain on the middle shelf. He created characters who became so precious to me that I wanted to write their love stories. He stands there are as my "muse" and also for "amusement."

I have many “things” that are precious to me--a snowman collection that I now keep in my mother’s curio cabinet safely in view for my grandsons to enjoy, my collection of rocks gathered from every place that I visit and from my kids who have brought me special rocks from their journeys abroad. I have a collection of Great Lake Lighthouses with a penchant for stories of lake shipwrecks and lore. (My dh says I was a lighthouse keeper in a former life) and many other items such as my grandmother’s teacups and Christmas ornaments, family pictures, treasured books and vinyl albums. 
But when asked once, “what piece of furniture would you save in a fire?” I replied without hesitation, “my dining room table.” Oh, if that well-loved table could speak, the memories it would tell. Each tiny scuff from twin baby bathtubs, or Lego creations, specks of glue forever preserved from countless class or holiday projects, the tales of laughter, tears, joy, life lessons, birthdays, holidays, weddings, funerals, announcements, discipline, homework, family discussions, graduations. Scores of friends, neighbors, family, and guests who left as friends.

My dining room table. The memories (then and now) being made around its sturdy legs symbolizes “gathering together” to me--creating a bond, creating lasting memories and a foundation of community for generations to come.

I took inspiration from Angi’s shelf to organize some of my keepsakes in one place for a photoshoot! 

Jacqui's shelf of keepsakes from friends, family and travels
These are from my parents and friends (Eloisa, Jody, Peggy, Marjorie, Julien, Clare, Carmen, Sara, and Jodie) and from trips (puppet from Prague, wooden goat and dog carving from Russia, and blue ceramic box from Barbados). The photo is of the last dog my family had in the late 90s. The vintage beer stein and tall vase are from my earliest memories. 

I’m very blessed to have all of these keepsakes to remind me of all my good times and memories (long ago and recent) with good family and friends.

It took such a long time to decide what to post. I, like my other crew members, have so many precious things that bring back endless memories! A dollhouse made by my grandfather and handed down to my daughter; a pine record cabinet handmade by the same grandpa for my wedding; a collection of miniature pewter animals I love; pictures of my kids and grandkids that are so meaningful. But I decided to go with this mini-collage of pics of my dad and me. Dad has been gone for three years, and because he dealt with dementia for the last ten years of his life, we are grateful he's no longer trapped here on Earth. But he was my hero and the patriarch that paved the way for my own family; he was a brilliant, funny man, and I miss him every day. For a dozen years, until he could no longer walk well enough to go out, Dad and I went on a date once a month -- first to lunch and then some fun place for a visit. From the Minnesota governor's mansion at Christmas, to movies and museums, to iconic Minnehaha Falls, or to our famous Stone Arch Bridge in the picture on the right below, we made memories that bring me joy now.
Here is an early picture of Dad and me on my third birthday, and again about eight years ago at the Stone Arch Bridge in our hometown Minneapolis. In the middle are a few of the Santas Dad carved. He took up carving after retirement and these are just a sampling of the lovelies he left for us! Having no regrets about my daddy is a blessing and these pics remind me to always take time out and spend those precious moments with the people I love!

What would you choose that represents a precious memory?


  1. Happy new year!
    decorating together
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Happy New Year, BN ;) Love decorating together. I missed not doing that this year with our grandsons.

    2. Happy New Year, BN! I also enjoy decorating, but I'm usually short on decorating ideas...so I extra enjoy getting to see other's decoration and gaining inspiration :)

    3. I love that BN. Having the hubster home for the past nine months...we've done a lot of organizing and decorating. We've used a lot of our original photographs.

    4. I enjoy holiday decorating as well, but it's usually my daughter that helps me with the task. LOL For me, that is as special and when we're done with the tree , we turn out all the lights and sit a moment to admire our work!

  2. I have a few small items that my grandmother either made for me or gave me that are special along with the memories they hold.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Colleen! Love that you have a few things from your grandmother and have the memories that go with those gifts. ;) I have a favorite dessert plate from my Grandma that I usually take pics of things I've baked on it ;) I smile whenever I use it.

    2. Happy New Year, Colleen! Keepsakes from relatives are the best. I also smile wherever I see mine.

    3. I do too. I don't know if you're old enough, but it used to be a fashion thing to where crocheted collars. I have two my grandmother made me. And I just put away a ceramic Christmas Tree (circa 1965) from my other grandmother.

    4. I have a few of those as well, Colleen. My grandmothers apron that she embroidered herself, and a metal knitted christmas bell that hangs on the tree. Special things that remind me of how much I learned from her example.

  3. Happy New Year to all!! I have a tintype photo of my grandparents [paternal] on their engagement in 1899, taken in a small town photo studio in northern England. I'm hoping to leave some keepsakes to my grandchildren: a Haida carving, several original artworks, cherrywood desk, gate-leg oak table, small pewter wine glasses [perfect for picnics], a bit of interesting jewellery [tiger-eye]... And all the genealogy research.

    1. Happy New Year, Celia! Those mementos sound wonderful and such a varied collection, too. I have my Mom's genealogical research and my own that I'm planning to pass on down along with family photos 5 generations back.

    2. Happy New Year, Celia! Love your keepsakes. As C.H. said, they are so varied. Combined with your genealogy research they will be an amazing gift to your grandchildren. And wow, a tintype of from 1899 - that's extra amazingly wonderful!

    3. Oh man, what a treasure trove. I hope you're making a recording of where all these things came from and how much they mean to you. I recently transferred some home movies to digital and was listening to my grandmother just shoot the breeze with my dad (both have passed) and man-oh-man...a huge treasure.

    4. Blessings for the New Year, Celia! What a unique array of special treasures to pass down . The things I've received from my grandmother and my mother-both now passed-mean even more to me as I get older. Its important to pass on to the next generation, IMO.

  4. A wooden candle holder my dad made is very special to me. Also old photographs of my parents when they were young in Finland.
    Happy New Year!


    1. Happy New Year, Rita! How amazing to have a handmade gift created by your dad - and a photograph from Finland! I love looking at old photographs.

    2. Irreplaceable!! I love old photographs too. Happy New Year, Rita.

    3. Happy New Year & blessings, Rita! Photographs are priceless! When I inherited all of my moms and dads albums, I sat down with my moms sister and we went through each picture and wrote the names on the photo. Then I scanned them through a machine (bought on Amazon relatively inexpensive) and put all of them on a disk to save them. It was quite the feat, but well worth knowing they are documented for future family members.

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