The 2010 Golden Heart Class known as THE UNSINKABLES at The Golden Network reception. Angi Morgan & Maureen (right).
Linda Lovely, Maureen and YA author Linda Gerber.
THE CREW ASKS: What was your favorite part of the 2010 RWA National Conference?
Hands down, the RITA night. I didn't win my category but it was so fabulous to see so many friends walk up onto that stage, including fellow bloggers, Angi Morgan and Cat Schield.
But the real thrill for me was my critique partner and long-time BFF Molly O"Keefe winning a RITA!
Here are some snaps from that night.
Eileen Rendahl, (aka Eileen Carr), kissing Molly O'Keefe who's holding her lovely RITA
The gals from the Drunk Writer Talk blog (missing the elusive Sinead M.) celebrating in the lobby. Maureen McGowan, Molly O'Keefe, Eileen Rendahl, Stephanie Doyle.
A close second for favorite moment has to be the the Harlequin party. I was so lucky that I got an invite. What a fun night.
Here's me at the party with Harlequin Historical author, and critique partner, Ann Lethbridge who also won a published Daphne that week!
And one with Harlequin authors: Molly O'Keefe, Brenda Harlen, Stephanie Doyle and Ann Lethbridge admiring the lovely flower arrangements.
Young Adult
Silver Dolphin Books
ISBN-10: 9781607102564
Young Adult
Drunk Writer Talk blog
Leave a comment this week and be eligible for Gift Cards or Books from The Crew (or autographed books they pick up at the conference). Drawings to be held on July 4th.
Maureen is adding to the prize pool one signed copy of each of:
Cinderella: Ninja Warrior
Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance
Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.
Maureen is adding to the prize pool one signed copy of each of:
Cinderella: Ninja Warrior
Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance
Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.
TODAY'S QUESTION: When you were twelve, what was your favorite book?
Oh, gosh. Twelve. *thinks* I think maybe I was into the Sweet Valley High books at that age? I remember I read them before high school, thinking that I was acting older than my age since I was in seventh grade.
ReplyDeleteOH - The President's Daughter by Ellen Emerson White. I had read her two books (the second being White House Autumn) and YEARS later - I'm talking, 25 - decided to look them up and found out there was a THIRD! AND about two years after that, she published a FOURTH!!!
When I was twelve, my favorite book was S.E. Hinton's "The Outsiders." I picked it up from the school library and I devoured it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book when I was 12 was Remember Me by Christopher Pike. I can't tell you how many times I have read and reread that book over the years. There was just something about it that I loved.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Maureen! I love being part of this unsinkable crew. If we learned anything from last year it was how to be flexible.
ReplyDeleteGosh, trying to think that far back... Probably Charlotte's Web. I loved (love) that classic. Have so much fun in New York!
Jane and I had the same favorite book! "The Outsiders" was very special to me. It was the first book I read that was written by someone from Oklahoma about Oklahoma. I grew up only a few minutes from Tulsa but I never knew people in my little state could be writers. As a 12 year old I thought all writers must be from England, LOL. What did I know. My copy of "The Outsiders" fell apart from reading it so much. I can still recite the first paragraph. It will be burned in my brain forever. Great question!
ReplyDeleteI was already moving into Harlequin Romances when I was twelve. We moved to a rural area with no local library (we'd been right around the corner from one in the city and used to daily visits). So I'd wait for trips to my grandmother's house where she and my aunts would give me the Harlequin Books they'd finished. That's when I fell in love with romances and Happily Ever Afters.
ReplyDeleteGlad to be an Unsinkable with you Maureen. Congratulations on your successes and a toast to many more.
Wow I cannot remember!! 12 was what 6th-7th grade right?? I have to say I remember reading Shiloh and really liking that one. And Tuck Everlasting was my favorite of Junior High.
ReplyDeleteThat's been a while ago but I think I would have been in like 6th or 7th grade so it was probably THE OUTSIDERS by S.E. Hinton. I loved all her books and read them all when I was in 6th grade.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, that was a looooong time ago, lol. I remember reading the "Sweet Valley High" series and Harlequin Romance books because my mom considered them not to be to racey for my age. As I got older I moved into what i'm reading now; BDB, LOTU, DH, Paladin's, Alien Huntress, The Others, IAD, Primal series, Anita Blake, and the list goes on and on!!! :)
I love the RWA 2010 pictures. I can't wait for the 2011 ones. When I was twelve I was reading everything I could get my hands on. Fond memories include Nancy Drew (a classic I will always enjoy), Sweet Valley High and Fear Street. Turns out I was a serial, series reader then. Still am occasionally. I also liked The Secret Circle trilogy by L.J. Smith (it was re-released about a year ago). Glad to see old favourites come back.
ReplyDeleteWhere the Red Fern Grows! I was into dog books and read every one that my library had!!
ReplyDeleteSusan R
susanmik AT gmail DOT com
When I was twelve I hated to read, so I'm pretty sure I didn't have one, haha ;-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't read much at twelve but it seems just a year or so later I read Gone With the Wind and got hooked on reading. At twelve I was still playing with Barbie's I think or maybe starting to dream about boys maybe, can't remember.
ReplyDeleteOh, this is a tough one because I didn't start reading until college. I use to read comic books only in middle and high school. Does that count?
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 12, my favorite book was Little Women. I always loved Nancy Drew.