Embracing the Lemonade Life Sandra Sookoo
Desert Breeze Publishing
When life gives you lemons, use them for lemonade or let them sour your life.
Clara Tildon, a cancer survivor, has no time for defeatism. She’s opened up the Cute as a Button B & B in Bridgewater, Indiana, and along with her guinea pig, is embracing the lemonade lifestyle. It was always how she wanted to live. Everything is perfect, except for the nagging sensation that she would still like to fall in love.
Jake Yates has returned to Bridgewater, the town he grew up in, for his friend’s wedding and he’s not happy about it. He got out once and coming back, even for a visit, is not on his agenda. The people of Bridgewater can keep their small town life, it’s in his past and that’s where he intends it to stay. Even loneliness can’t make him reconsider his decisions.
A chance meeting. A fleeting kiss. Suddenly two polar opposites get a unique chance at love. But can Clara give up living in the moment long enough to see Jake as an opportunity she needs to plan for? Can Jake alter his well-laid plans to fit Clara in his life? Or will they both let love get away?
An excerpt from Embracing the Lemonade Life.
Jake wove his way through the cars lining the street. His dress shoes slid on the wet surface of the pavement. He snorted. How perfect for the happy couple. A gentle rain had fallen, softening the night. Jake rolled his eyes at the reflected street lamps in the puddles. The sooner he got out of this town, the sooner he could get his mind back on normal things and conversations which didn't include head count, airline tickets, tux rentals...or love.
Being the best man really sucked.
Bleary-eyed, he peered down the street, mentally calculating how long it would take him to walk to the bed and breakfast before he barfed all over the pavement. Ten minutes, give or take. Tripping over his feet, he groaned. Maybe more alcohol was a bad idea.
By the time Jake reached Main Street, his heels hurt from the uncomfortable dress shoes and he let loose a string of curses into the air. Damn rented shoes because he'd forgotten to bring his own. He knew he'd have to buy the tux when he slipped on the pavement and tore a hole in one knee. His head ached, his heart felt heavy and his stomach panged from emptiness since he hadn't eaten at the reception. That bed better be comfortable because he intended to sleep straight through the night.
He'd gotten halfway across the street, dodging a slow-moving station wagon, when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning sharply, he stood with his jaw hanging slack as a woman crawled along the road on her hands and knees, calling out the word "Hamlet." The white sweep of headlights could just be seen at the far end of the street. "Uh, ma'am? I think you should get out of the road." He frowned when she continued to crawl, peeking around the wheel of a parked vehicle. "Excuse me?"
Finally, the woman glanced up and the sheen of the nearest lamp gleamed off the most fiery, copper hair he'd ever seen. Sparkling moss green eyes smiled up at him. "If you don't mind, could you help me find Hamlet?"
"What's a Hamlet?" The haze in his brain kept him from remembering his own name, let alone trying to figure out what she was talking about. Jake glanced in the direction of the headlights. They moved steadily closer at a fair clip, accompanied by the roar of a big diesel engine. "Uh..."
The woman appeared not to notice or care about the danger. "Hamlet's my guinea pig. He escaped the house. I thought he might have headed this way."
"Aw, crap." The bus bore down on them. Jake moved by instinct alone and threw his body into the street, snatching the woman into his arms, then rolled to the opposite side in mere seconds.
Time to play hero to the damsel in distress. Karma was a bitch.
Book video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stp2r23O9YQ

About Sandra.
Sandra's portfolio includes historical, contemporary, sci-fi and paranormal romances in full length as well as shorts. She loves to blend genres, spice them up and often times will add humor as well.
When not immersed in creating new worlds and interesting characters, Sandra likes to read, bake and travel. Her favorite place to spend vacation hours is Walt Disney World. It’s where dreams come true and the soul can play. When she’s not writing, she’s keeping things interesting at the Believing is Seeing blog or spending time with her husband.
You can write to Sandra at sandrasookoo@yahoo.com, visit her website at http:///www.sandrasookoo.com or look her up on Facebook and Twitter
Jillian: How often to you get lost in a story?
Sandra: That depends on how well-written the story is. If an author can draw me in by feeling for their characters, be wrapped up in their setting and have an exciting plot, I'll definitely get lost
Jillian: If you couldn’t be a writer anymore, what profession would you take up?
Sandra: Baker or chef. It's my second love and the kitchen is where I go when I get stuck on a book I'm writing.
Jillian: If you could interview one person (and it doesn’t have to be a writer) who would it be?
Sandra: Walt Disney, hands down. That man had vision, and to think he created his whole empire based on one little mouse when everyone told him he'd fail, well that kind of dedication inspires me to do great things.
Jillian: Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?
Sandra: At first I did, but not so much anymore. Reviewers are people, and they have their own opinions on things. Best thing to learn early on is that reviews aren't personal.
Jillian: What does it mean to love someone?
Sandra: Accepting them for their faults and wanting them anyway. Learning to grow with them.
Jillian: Which era would you least (or most) like to have lived in, fashion-wise and why? Most?
Sandra: Turn of the 20 century. I think it's the best and worst. Clothes were really cool but there were so many of them. I'd probably get frustrated dressing myself every day.
Sandra has a question for readers:
Sandra: What would you like to see me write next? I'm always open to requests and love to write stories with differing heat levels and genres. So, tell me your requests and I'll set my brain to working on it!
For those of you who love a fresh citrus scent, Sandra is offering a lemony prize for a random commenter: a book swag plus lemon-scented hand sanitizer from Bath and Body works!***
***Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.
Welcome back to Get Lost in a Story, Sandra!
ReplyDeleteI just love your excerpt! Very sweet, funny and a cute hamster to boot!
I'd love to see you combine your love of cooking and romance in a small town setting or perhaps a state fair cook off or Pillsbury Bake off?
I loved the excerpt also... Very visual as I read it.. I also had a guinea pig - but it was a long time ago. And I didn't know at the time that people ate them... But then people around the world eat a lot of things I think are strange! I like time travel and think you'd add an interesting twist to something along those lines...
ReplyDeleteOooh, that's good idea Gillian :-)
ReplyDeleteHi girly hoosier--Yeah I didn't know that about guinea pigs either until my husband told me lol Interesting you said that about time travel. I have one upcoming--probably next month (waiting on a release date :-))
Welcome to GLIAS, Samdra! Awesome interview, wish I was eligible for the giveaway...I love B&BW lemon stuff.
ReplyDeleteYour book sounds delicious.
Sandra, welcome to GLIAS. Wow, I love your trailer, and the theme and everything that goes with Embracing the Lemonade Life. You really nail the theme that life happens when you're making other plans. Best wishes on this book!
ReplyDeleteHello miss Sandra, My name is erika.
ReplyDeleteI must say, about your answer when Jillian asked you What does it mean to love someone, its pretty much what i needed to hear right this very moment! lol, hopeless romantic that i am. :D
Anyway, I hope you would write a story about young love, teenage sort of stories! I think its very interesting and perhaps, true to life happenings..:)
Thanks Angi! Bath and Body Works is a weakness of mine :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Donnell! Clara goes more into how she likens life to lemonade in the book. Every once in awhile, I come up with profound statements LOL
Thanks erika! Glad I could connect with you :-) I do like to make "real life" stories. It's fun cuz they end up being the really emotional ones too :-)
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait to read this book...it sounds so good and uplifting!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to read a story about a couple who were in love when young, went their separate ways, both are older now and single, and reunite!
Thanks lgm! I'll see what I can do!
ReplyDeleteGreat Inteview, Sandra! I love the sound of this book. I love when opposites attract.
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview, Sandra! The book sounds like a winner. I would like to read about a cancer survivor that finds love for the first time.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sherie! I do too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cathy! I think I did Clara's love affair proud :-)
Sandi has asked me to pick a winner at random for the Bath and Body Works lemon scented hand sanitizer and the winner is:
If you are the winner, please leave your contact information on Sandra's website!