Cat & Angi at the The Golden Network reception. And showing their Golden Heart awards.
Last night Cat wasn't in the audience to see if she'd won the Golden heart, she was there to present it! She was introduced by emcee, Meg Cabot, as a two book author (but we all know it's actually 5 sales under her belt). What a difference a year makes.
Harlequin Desire
Currently Available
Available October 4, 2011
Harlequin Desires
Available 2012
Available on Cat's website
YOU CAN FIND CAT AT:her website, on Facebook, & on Twitter
GET LOST WITH THE CREWLeave a comment this week and be eligible for Gift Cards or Books from The Crew (or autographed books they pick up at the conference). Drawings to be held on July 4th.
Cat is adding to the prize pool by donating an autographed copy of MEDDLING WITH A MILLIONAIRE.
Note: Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only. If an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) is available, the author may utilize that option for International participants. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants.
TODAY'S QUESTION: HAVE YOU meddled in anyone's love life?
I actually wished I'd meddled more. I've learned it's better to speak up.
ReplyDeleteHave fun traveling today, Cat !
I really don't meddle. I figure it's not my life so I should not mess around in it. I will offer my advise if asked or if something really needs to be said
ReplyDeleteOh, you two look so cute with your Golden Heart necklaces. Thanks for sharing. Cat, were you nervous up there? Excited? You look mahvelous, dahling. And... have I ever meddled in someone's love life? But of course!
ReplyDeleteReally enjoying the pictures. Looks like a great time for everyone :)
ReplyDeleteI don't meddle in anyone love's life and thankfully no meddling has been called for. The closest would be in the stories I read; I do so mentally even if I can't change the ending :) Rather than meddle, I do offer an ear and solicited advice.
Depends on your definition of meddle....Is it meddling if you introduce him to her or her to him?
ReplyDeleteOther wise no I have never meddled in anyone's love life.
I'm not a meddler. I'm too shy to butt into anyone else's business. If I thought someone was in trouble and needed help of course I would step in.
ReplyDeleteNo, I have not meddled in someone's love life. I have given advice when asked, but never got involved directly.
ReplyDeleteI only meddle in my characters' love lives. But like Jane I'll give my opinion/advice in real life when asked.
ReplyDeleteYep I did many years ago in my teen years, big mistake, I would not do it if I had it to do over.
ReplyDeleteNo, of course not.... Okay, yes. Yes I have :-)
ReplyDeleteI try to stay out of it, but sometimes I just can't help myself. :)
ReplyDeleteNo, I would not meddle in anyone's love life. Too many things could go wrong.