Get Lost in a Story Readers, today we're pleased to bring you Shawna Thomas, Author of the Tribune Stones Series. A bit about Shawna won Romantic Times Reader's Choice Award for her debut book Altered Destiny. Since then she's added to more books to the trilogy. You can read about them below. Please welcome Shawna as she answers our fun, "get to know you" questions.
Journey of Awakening – A Legend’s Birth
After her grandfather's death, Sara inherits an ancient
pendant and a near-impossible quest—master the mysterious pendant's source of
magic. Driven to do so, she must find the other two stones of power, long
considered lost, while preventing an unknown enemy from finding her first.
Unprepared and alone, she travels to where the keepers of
the stones, the Siobani, were last seen. Along the way she meets Tobar, leader
of the nomadic Heleini tribe. As Sara wrestles with feelings for this intriguing
man, she is also invigorated with her grandfather's passion to find the ancient
Siobani race.
After a rival tribe kidnaps Tobar's son and heir, Sara must
harness the stone's healing magic to unite the tribes and save the boy. But as
the dark power stalking her gains ground, will she continue on her quest to
reach the Siobani or risk everything to save the warring tribes from
eliminating each other?

The characters, apart from the red man who stays on the
fringes for this book, are extremely well drawn, and the relationships and
motivations of the characters very realistic. The elegant prose is also an
enjoyable aspect of the book. - - Tahlia Newland
Beautiful description and strong character development in
this coming-of-age fantasy – Nicole Luiken
This book hooked me from the beginning, mainly because Sara
is such an interesting character. – Angela C
It is a good story with a well-paced solid plot and the
right balance of description, action and character development, but it is the
wisdom in Sara and her mentor's approach to life that gives this book not only
light, but also life.
DONNELL: Shawna: Welcome to Get Lost in a Story. Altered Destiny. The title sums up so much emotion in me. You write paranormal, science fiction,
fantasy and romance. If you had to focus
on just one genre, what would it be?
SHAWNA: Oh that’s a
tough question and right of the bat too! It’s hard because I tend to blur the
genre line a bit. The Triune Stones series is definitely epic fantasy, but woven
with a touch of romance. The last book has more than a touch. I’d pick fantasy
if you made me pick one, but I need romance too. I’m a romantic, what can I
building is so important in fantasy and science fiction. How do you shake up your worlds and make them
truly a standout?
SHAWNA: History. If a
world feels new, it won’t feel real. Places, people, worlds need depth. I try
to build my story and the world my characters live in on the bones of an
ancient civilization.
DONNELL: When you’re
not in some amazing “out there” creation, where will we find you?
SHAWNA: At home with my seven children...probably playing
with the baby—who is turning one the day this interview posts!, or playing
badminton with older kids, ping pong with my husband. I love to bake and
garden. Although you’ll find me less often in the garden during hot California
DONNELL: Are you
athletic? Have any hobbies?
SHAWNA: Athletic...
I’m active. Does that count? LOL. We play softball, soccer, badminton, ping
pong. My husband and I go bike riding every chance we get, and he’s teaching me
to wrestle (MMA style)but I’m not about to run a marathon any time soon!
Hobbies. Well, reading isn’t a hobby, it’s a necessity. ; ) I love to garden.
There is something so awesome in the consistency of flowers blooming year after
year. We have eight fruit trees too. There is never any shortage of fresh fruit
in the summer. My husband and I are also both foodies. He tends toward savory and
I lean toward sweet but we make an awesome team.
DONNELL: What’s in
your refrigerator right now?
SHAWNA: Oh you would ask that! I so need to go grocery
shopping. There is a little milk, a bunch of condiments from ketchup to Katza
sauce. I have butter, cream cheese (staples you know) lettuce and tomatoes,
apples and eggs and really, besides a left over calzone from my anniversary
dinner last night—and my lunch today—that’s about it.
DONNELL: Describe
your best virtue, your worst vice.
SHAWNA: Why is it so
easy to think of my vices, rather than my virtues? I guess because I don’t have
to think about my virtues. LOL that makes me sound like a Victorian virgin,
which I am not. I am loyal. Once you’re my friend, I’m your friend. That means
no matter what you do, you’re my friend. I also try to see things through
someone else’s perspective. I know my opinion or my way of seeing things isn’t
all inclusive. Of course too much of that has led to one of my worst vices...
I’m a pushover. I make excuses for people to treat me without the respect I
deserve. I’ve learned though just because someone had a bad childhood or a bad
day, it doesn’t mean he or she can take it out on me. Love the person, do not
accept the behavior.
accomplishment are you most proud of (and it doesn’t necessarily have to be
SHAWNA: My marriage.
My children... I know I keep giving multiple answers to superlative questions
but, yeah, I’m a rule breaker too. And
while I’m on a roll, I’m pretty darn proud of that RT Award for Altered
DONNELL: Who inspires
SHAWNA: My husband. If he were perfect he wouldn’t inspire
me. In fact he’d irritate me because I am so far from perfect. But because he’s
struggled and gets back up, because life has pushed him down often and he
hasn’t become bitter, he is an inspiration. Less deep than that...music
inspires me. But you said who not what so... ; )
SHAWNA THOMAS: What is the condiment you must have in
your refrigerator?
GIVEAWAY An electronic copy of Journey of
LINKS. http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Awakening-Triune-Stones-ebook/dp/B00APEYBEC/ref=pd_sim_kstore_2
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