After a violent incident

A personal security expert, former Secret Service Agent Ethan Townsend is no stranger to tracking down the most violent monsters of society and bringing them to justice. Still, it will take all of Ethan's skills to protect his new assignment, the irresistible Maggie, from a man intent on teaching her the ultimate lesson in fear…
SHALL WE PROCEED? AFTER ALL, IT'S ONLY FEAR. Let's get to know Anne Marie Becker!DONNELL: Small towns or big city?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: I’m somewhere in between. I live in a small city, and LOVE it. But for a variety of activities and excitement, it’s hard to beat the big city.
DONNELL: Favorite Room in Your House?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Living room – that’s where everyone in the family tends to gather, and where I get most of my work/writing done.
DONNELL: You’re having a dinner party. Which of your characters would you invite? Exclude?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Invite: Damian Manchester and anyone from the SSAM team. (Wouldn’t those mindhunters make interesting conversation? They do in my head all the time.) Exclude: the serial killers!
DONNELL: Have you ever written a character who wasn’t meant to be a hero/heroine but he/she wouldn’t go away?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Yes! I am working on a trilogy now (separate from my Mindhunters series), but one of the secondary characters wants to be a hero. Sigh. I like him, so he’ll probably get his way…
DONNELL: When writing, do you listen to music?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: I don’t seek out background music unless I’m struggling with a scene (in which case I like the soundtracks for movies), but when I write at a coffee shop or at home when family members are around, sound tends to be a natural part of the environment. Having young children, I’ve adapted to write under almost any circumstances.
DONNELL: What’s in your refrigerator right now?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Lots of stuff! My kids are picky eaters, so I have various things to satisfy the munchkins. For me… iced tea, yogurt (pina colada and peach are my favorites), cottage cheese, strawberries & blueberries, salad fixin’s… And a couple V-8 juices with which I tried to get the kids a healthy serving of vegetables. Didn’t go over very well. :P
DONNELL: What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Oh, that’s a toughie. I guess I’d say that I want people to know I’m not crazy. It may seem like that some days, when I have a million things to do and three color-coordinated lists going to tell me all the activities I need to keep track of, as well as my personal goals, but I’m happiest when I’m organized.
DONNELL: Favorite hobby in the winter? Favorite hobby in the summer?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Winter: reading! Summer: reading outside! :)
DONNELL: What’s your favorite holiday and why?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Thanksgiving. I love having the family around and the satisfaction of cooking for them. And there’s none of the pressure of getting the right gift for everyone!
DONNELL: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: I’m learning (now that I’m receiving feedback from readers) how truly chilling I am. I guess my quirk is that I love writing villains. I find it intriguing to get inside their heads.
DONNELL: What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing/researching a book?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: The stimulus for the SSAM team (and thus, the Mindhunters series) was a show I saw on the Vidocq Society. I was fascinated that a group of people came together on a regular basis to discuss cold cases. And I believe they do this over lunch! What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on that wall…
DONNELL: High heels or hiking boots?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Bare feet. ;) (But if I must wear shoes, they’re on the hiking boots end of the spectrum.)
DONNELL: Dog or cat person?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Definitely cat. I don’t dislike dogs, but they’re so high maintenance. (Did I mention I have kids—and characters—who already require all of my attention?)
DONNELL: Which is your favorite language other than your native language?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: German, because it sounds so different. But I studied Spanish in school.
DONNELL: If you couldn’t be a writer anymore, what profession would you take up?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: School counselor or teacher. Helping others really is my passion, and I’ve done both in the past. I miss it sometimes.
DONNELL: What’s the first thing you do when you finish a book?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: Book a spa day.
DONNELL: If you could interview one person (and it doesn’t have to be a writer) who would it be?
ANNE MARIE BECKER: One of my ancestors who originally immigrated to America. I don’t know much about my family tree, and would love to learn more.
And now it's Anne Marie's turn to ask readers a question.
Who’s your favorite hero, heroine, or villain – either from a book or movie, and why?
Anne Marie is giving away ONLY FEAR to one lucky reader who's brave enough to comment. And if your curious, check out here web page at www.annemariebecker.com
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