
Ten Rigs Texas Tale

a Ten Rigs Texas Tale book #5

Hunky ranch hand Kyle Adams has been in love with his best friend for longer than he cares to admit even though Chase has never looked sideways at another man. 

Gorgeous wrangler Chase Lewis has just come out of a four-year relationship with a crazy woman

When Chase is injured by a spooked horse and temporarily loses the use of a hand, Kyle's right there to offer his support.

The two are already best friends and roommates... Will Kyle confess his feelings and take a chance on becoming more?

JEN FITZGERALD has loved romance since her Winnie the Pooh days. Christopher Robin and Piglet have always been platonic soulmates. As a teen, Jen cut her romance teeth on Silhouette’s teen romance line and Danielle Steele books concurrently. She’s still an avid reader, but these days, Jen has added writing romances of her own to her list of fun things to do.

Jen lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and dog. Their three children are now adults and out terrorizing the world at large instead of them. When not working her day job, Jen spends a lot of time reading, writing, watching sports, and perusing her social media platforms of preference. She also enjoys music, cross stitching, and chatting online with writer friends.


ANGI: How often to you get lost in a story?
JEN: Every day, pretty much. I can’t not read on a daily basis. For sure, before I go to bed because it helps me wind down and be ready to fall asleep when I shut off the light. Sometimes I start the day reading as well; it also helps kill time at the gym on the treadmill & stationary bike. If I need a break during the day, I’ll pull up whatever I’m currently reading on my phone and get a much-needed time out.

ANGI: What’s your favorite thing about your book’s hero?
JEN: My favorite thing about Kyle is his passion. He loves sci-fi a lot and reads those serialized Star Wars novels. He also loves baseball and knows a ton of baseball trivia. Kyle and Chase watch a ton of baseball. Kyle also loves Chase an awful lot-- Enough to brave a hospital. Enough to cancel his trip to his first ever sci-fi con. Enough to plan their first date at a baseball game.

ANGI: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
JEN: Oh, the tough questions. The one that comes to mind immediately is the first Star Trek reboot movie. I just loved it to death and have seen it close to 200 times. I think I killed my DVD player.

ANGI: Salad or soup?
JEN: Both?? If I had to choose one, though, I’d pick a rich delicious soup because I’m always fighting being cold, even in the summer in Texas. Homemade chicken soup, veggie beef, lentil… Mm, mm good!!

ANGI: Would you put yourself in a Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
JEN: I don’t even know, because some fairy tales have plenty of action & adventure, which, I’m so not that action/adventure girl. And fairy tales usually have an evil element to them, and I’m all about the sunshine, roses, unicorns and butterflies. What if we do a mashup--maybe something like the movie Penelope I could handle. (my second favorite movie!)

ANGI: Favorite TV rerun you watch every time you channel surf? 
JEN: I don’t channel surf as a rule. I turn on the TV / Netflix with the intent to actually watch something specific, but if I just want background noise while I’m crafting, I’ll pick either Star Trek Voyager or Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

ANGI: Champagne or Soda?
Jen's Favorite Place to Write
JEN: If I choose to drink something other than water, it’s usually unsweet tea, but if forced (lol) to choose soda, I’ll pick root beer every time.

ANGI: Geek or Jock?
JEN: At this point in my life I’m ALL ABOUT the (hockey) jocks. Sidney Crosby makes my teeth sweat.

NGI’s GOTTA ASK: Show me your shoes! What’s your favorite pair of shoes & why? 
JEN’S GOTTA ANSWER: My favorite pair of shoes are actually slippers. I wear shoes only when necessary. I have about four pair of identical slippers, save the color, that I wear every day, even to work. Well, I don’t wear all four pair each day, but I you know what I mean. :0)

ANGI: The most daring thing you’ve ever done… Care to share?
JEN: A few years ago, I traveled *alone* to attend a Sherlock Holmes fan-run con in Atlanta. The flying part was okay, but navigating across the city of Atlanta, where I’d never been before,*alone* and attending a con *alone* when so many people know each other from attending other cons was a bit daunting for an introverted home-body. But I did it and had a blast.


a Ten Rigs Texas Tale book #6

Book six is written and ready to go save a NEW title and updated cover. The original title is a bit misleading in terms of what’s between the covers (not as much fun as one would think), so I have to figure something else out and do it soon. While I have a lovely cover, it has the original title still. But I’ve included the link to an excerpt nonetheless. If the excerpt is intriguing and you want to know when it’s finally out in the world, you can sign up for notifications (not a newsletter).

a Ten Rigs Texas Tale book #1

a Ten Rigs Texas Tale book #2

a Ten Rigs Texas Tale book #3

JEN is giving away:  As you mentioned, book one is a free download, so I’m happy to offer coupons for a free download via Smashwords for books 2 through 5 to three random commenters. (any or all books) And listen, I get that LGBTQ romance isn’t everyone’s cuppa, so, you know, I’d love to have folks comment even if they’re not interested in the books. (and feel free to decline being in the drawing, if that’s the case; no hard feelings!)

UP NEXT ON GLIAS:  Karilyn Bentley
Angi Morgan
Get Lost on Facebook   @GetLostInAStory  #GetLostStories
AND OUR NEW Facebook Group: The Readers’ Spot 

JEN WANTS TO KNOW: I wish I had some fans! I’ll have to borrow the GLIAS fans for now to ask: who’s your biggest celebrity crush. After Sidney Crosby, whom I mentioned above, Benedict Cumberbatch makes me swoon pretty dang hard.


E.E. Burke's Best of the West: New York Times Bestselling Author Carolyn Brown Shares Her Newest Release!

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Thank you so much for letting me stop by to talk about Luckiest Cowboy of All, the final book in the Happy, Texas series. It’s always a pleasure to drop by GLIAS and I’m hoping that my readers do indeed get lost in Jace and Carlene’s story. And this is a two-for-one book…you get my brand new release and Sara Richardson’s Hometown Cowboy all in one book. So happy reading!

A secret baby brings a second chance for love.
Carlene Varner's homecoming isn't exactly going according to plan. She thought she'd have some time to adjust before introducing her daughter to Jace Dawson, the father her little girl has never known. Instead, within days of her arrival, her house burns down and she and Tilly have no choice but to move in with the sexy cowboy himself at the Prairie Rose ranch. Now the whole Dawson clan-heck, the whole town of Happy-is all up in their business.

Jace has dealt with stubborn bulls and bucking broncos-but being a dad? He is so not ready for this... Yet the more time he spends with Carlene and little Tilly, the harder it is to imagine life without them. Now he just has to convince Carlene that he's the real deal-and hope that this time she's here to stay.

HOMETOWN COWBOY by Sara Richardson
Outrageously handsome Lance Cortez is practically a living legend in Colorado, as famous for riding bulls as he is for breaking hearts. What would a big-time cowboy star like him see in a small-town veterinarian who wears glasses, rescues animals, and cries when watching rom-coms? Turns out, plenty.


Carlene drew her jacket closer around her chest and headed back out for the rest of the boxes. “Thank you, Aunt Rosalie, for leaving me everything in your will. At least I own the house, have a place to live and don’t have to pay rent.”
She stepped off the porch when she heard tires on the gravel road. With the house the only one on a short dead end road, she was pretty sure the visitor would be pulling into her driveway any second. She tucked her hair behind her ears and shivered.
Shading her eyes against the bright winter sun, she watched a big black crew cab truck came to a stop right beside her minivan. Cowboy boots were the first thing that appeared when the door opened and then a very familiar figure followed. Jace Dawson tipped back his hat and waved. In a few long strides he was close enough she caught a whiff of Stetson aftershave—a scent that still created a stir in her hormones every time she smelled it.
Happy, Texas had a population of less than seven hundred, so it was a given that she’d run into Jace someday, probably sooner than later, but the first day she was there, before she could even get unpacked meant that the gossip vines had not died in ten years.
“Carlene, I heard you were coming back to town. Here let me help you get those into the house.” He picked up all three of the remaining boxes and headed off toward the porch. “So you’re going to be the new fifth-grade teacher, Mama tells me.”
“That’s right.”
He filled out those Wranglers even better than he had in high school and had maybe even grown another inch or two.
“Been a long time,” he said. “Where you been all these years?”
She opened the door for him and he set the boxes in the middle of the living room floor. “Here and there. Moved around a lot. California, then Georgia and Oklahoma, back to Florida and then here.”
“You plannin’ on livin’ here? Mind if I sit down?”
“When did we get to be so formal? Of course you can sit.” She kicked off her shoes and padded barefoot across the cold hardwood floor.

Purchase this book: Amazon | B&NiBooks | Kobo


With more than 3 million copies of her books sold, Carolyn Brown is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author and a RITA finalist. She’s won the National Reader’s Choice Award three times, the Bookseller’s Best Award and was awarded the prestigious Montlake Diamond Award for selling over a million books.  Her books include romantic women’s fiction, historical, contemporary, cowboys and country music mass market paperbacks. She and her husband, Charles, a retired English teacher, live in Davis, Oklahoma that only has one traffic light. They have three grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young. When she’s not writing she likes to sit in her back yard with her two tom cats, Chester Fat Boy and Boots Randolph Terminator Outlaw and watch them protect the yard from all kinds of wicked varmints like crickets, locusts and spiders.

Here's where you can find out more about Carolyn and her amazing books:

Let's get to know Carolyn a little better...

E.E: Describe an absolutely perfect day.
Carolyn: An absolutely perfect day in my world is a day when my characters talk to me, tell me what happens next in the story and I meet my goals for the day before supper time.

E.E.: What are the next five books on your ‘to be read’ pile?
Carolyn: Whatever the RITA contest book that are coming my way. I’m always excited to get the contest books, to see what genre I have the privilege of judging.

E.E.: What inspires you daily? 
Carolyn: I get so caught up in what I’m writing that the characters become real and when they tell me all about their lives…shhh…don’t tell anyone that I hear voices in my head.

E.E.: What has been your most rewarding publishing moment? 
Carolyn: I love getting new contracts and hearing that I’d made the New York Times and the USA Today lists was amazing. But the most rewarding thing I’ve ever had as a writer is hearing that a reader has overcome a major problem by reading my books. Now that’s rewarding.

E.E.: Which already filmed movie represents your writing style?
Carolyn: The Longest Ride comes to mind. I’d love to see any of my books made into movies!

E.E.: What could we find in your heroine's purse?
Carolyn: Carlene is an elementary school teacher so there would be broken crayolas, maybe tissues for little noses, a package of crackers in case her daughter, Tilly, gets hungry on the way home and a rubber band to use when either she or Tilly needs to pull their hair up in a pony tail.

E.E., thanks again for inviting me back to GLIAS!

Now it’s my turn to ask a question. Do you like secret baby/second chance stories? Do you think a woman is totally selfish when she doesn’t tell the father of her child that he’s a father or do you take all the facts into consideration before you pass judgement?

Giveaway: One signed copy of Luckiest Cowboy of All or an ebook for Kindle or Nook. Reader’s choice.


Texas Brothers of Company B


Rangers. Brothers. Injustice will not win. 
Company B is based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and Northeast Texas, featuring the diversity of my home town...Dallas. #WhiteHatHeroes

She needed a miracle. She got a Texas Ranger.

"A possible case explodes into more than this Texas Ranger ever expected right before his eyes!" ~Thoughts of a Blonde 

"Whether you’re a fan of romantic suspense, standard thrillers, or simply gripping and intelligent storytelling, RANGER DEFENDER is the book to read this year." ~Monique D, Fresh Fiction Reviews

"Vivian and Slate were two people that I would love to meet. Slate is dedicated to his job, friendly and absolutely smitten with Vivian from the first meeting. Vivian was one of the strongest women that I have met this year. She is dedicated to freeing her brother from the murder charges. Together Slate and Vivian made an awesome team." JoAn

"I'm trying not gush all over this review but honestly, I don't care because I loved this story. It is unique, very creepy while putting the danger into a new level of scary. It is heart-wrenchingly sad with the exploitation of those we only should honor and respect, it is entertaining and heart-warming with the tight brotherhood the Rangers demonstrate with each encounter, and it is adorably sweet and sexy with the attraction and palpable connection between the hero and the heroine." Books & Spoons

She's a damsel in distress. He's the knight with a shiny white hat.

"The author captures your imagination and runs with it happily to the end. The plot was well worth the time." ~Irene

"Things start out with a bang and don’t stop moving for the entire ride." ~Toni

"Captivating from the first page! With her unique style of spinning a tale, author Angi Morgan brings us another set of Texas Rangers to fall for! This kick off to a new series is fresh and appealing as we meet the cast of characters and start our first case with them leading us into danger. The characters were fairly well developed, and the plot held my attention. Looking forward to more in the series." ~Thoughts of a Blonde

"A fast-paced, explosive, lively story with humorous banter and intriguing characters who have chemistry in spades. " ~Books & Spoons

"RANGER PROTECTOR is a solidly plotted suspense, very quick-paced, with appealing characters, and with just my kind of romance; this is a most excellent book! ~Monique D, Fresh Fiction Reviews

Two Days left to enter the January Giveaway

Angi's Books: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Google |

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E.E. Burke's Best of the West: A new series from USA Today Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe

Purchase today
USA Today bestselling author Caroline Fyffe’s sweeping saga about five sisters finding love and forging new lives on the Colorado frontier.
Raised by guardians in Philadelphia, the Brinkman sisters have suddenly been bequeathed more than the truth about their late, estranged father—they’ve also inherited the Five Sisters Ranch, the dynasty he’d built for them in Eden, Colorado. It’s theirs on one condition: to claim it, they must live on it for six months—a wilderness worlds away from the comforts of the city. For Belle Brinkman, her father’s last wish could fulfill a dream she never knew she had.

Though Blake Harding, their father’s protective friend and faithful foreman, has yet to come to terms with his own broken past, he finds his heart opening to the inspiring and determined Belle. But Eden soon proves to be a tough paradise for all of them when the sisters’ lives are threatened by someone hell-bent on driving them out of town. Now they must gather their courage if they’re going to secure their legacy and have a chance at claiming the new life and possibilities of love that the untamed territory offers.

Eden, Colorado, 1880
From atop a small rise, Blake Harding sat on his horse as he surveyed the north pasture of the Five Sisters Ranch. Large, puffy clouds hung motionless in the indigo sky. If not for the movement of the bald eagle that had appeared from the west, he’d think he was looking at a painting. A crisp breeze ruffled Banjo’s mane, and all seemed right with the world.
Everything here and now, anyway.
Blake sighed and relaxed his tense shoulders, letting a hard-earned peace push back the agitation that was never far from his mind. He missed John. For the last eighteen years, his boss had been so much more than his mentor—he’d taken the place of the parents he didn’t remember and the brother he’d lost in the Civil War. John Brinkman had been Blake’s whole family wrapped up in one honorable man.
From his position on the rise, he spotted Trevor Hill cutting through the herd. The cowboy’s lips moved slowly as he spoke to the cattle in an effort not to rile them as they grazed. At the base of the slope, he waved and then loped to the top of the knoll.
“Trevor, what brings you out this way?” Blake called once the ranch hand was within hearing distance. Trevor had worked for the Five Sisters for three years. “Thought you were in Eden today, picking up supplies.”
“Was, boss, but came back as soon as Henry gave me this.” He held out a folded note.
So it’s actually going to happen.
Still not used to the men calling him “boss,” Blake took the paper. Henry had sent a telegram two days ago. Upon hearing of their father’s death, John’s daughters had apparently responded right away. Imagine that. He opened the note and scanned the missive, anger twisting his gut. There was only one thing worse than having to contend with John dying—that would be confronting his five selfish, self-centered daughters. Blake stared at the words in front of his face. Well, miracles do happen. The Brinkman sisters would be arriving within the month, after all the years John’s pleas had fallen upon deaf ears. He fisted the note in his hand.
“Boss . . . ?” Trevor said, a bit cautiously. “They comin’ to Eden?”
“Yeah, they are. Too bad it took John dying to get the deed done.”
“Why now, do you think?” Trevor lifted his hat and scratched his head, then gazed lovingly up at the morning sun. “Seems a bit late.”
“Doesn’t take a genius to figure what they’re after.” He remembered two little girls, two toddlers, and one infant. The eldest, Mavis, had been almost five to his ten the last time he’d seen her.
       “What else?”

Here's a map of Eden, the setting for Caroline's new series:

Meet Caroline Fyffe

USA Today Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe was born in Waco, Texas, the first of many towns she would call home during her father's career with the US Air Force. A horse aficionado from an early age, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University-Chico before launching what would become a twenty-year career as an equine photographer. She began writing fiction to pass the time during long days in the show arena, channeling her love of horses and the Old West into a series of Western historicals. Her debut novel, Where the Wind Blows, won the Romance Writers of America's prestigious Golden Heart Award as well as the Wisconsin RWA's Write Touch Readers' Award. She and her husband have two grown sons and live in the Pacific Northwest.

Visit Caroline at www.carolinefyffe.com
See her photographs at www.carolinefyffephoto.com
Facebook Fan Page http://tinyurl.com/ajaog39
Twitter @carolinefyffe
Write to her at caroline@carolinefyffe.com. She loves hearing from readers!


E.E.: How did you come up with the idea for your book? 
Caroline: I was raised in a family of five sisters. For years I’ve entertained the notion of tackling the different personality traits and happenings that take place in an all-female household. Heart of Eden, is all that and more. The writing of this project was pure joy. Yes, the story is fiction, but my narrative had to come from somewhere…

E.E.: What could we find in your heroine’s purse?
Caroline: She’d carry a small book, something interesting to read if she were detained. You’d find a writing implement and several sheets of paper. You’d find money. And perhaps, depending on which heroine we’re talking about—a derringer. A girl can’t be too careful, especially back in the 1800s.

E.E.: What’s the first thing you do when you finish writing a book?
Caroline: I sit back and take a deep breath. Then, I smile. I thank God he’s given me what it takes to write a novel. THEN, I take about three days off to shop, invite a friend to lunch, read a book.

E.E.: Is writing or story-telling easier for you? 
Caroline: I consider them the same. Since I was a girl, I’d regale my sisters with stories when I’d see something strange or unusual. I’d say, look—I’ll bet…yada yada yada. Since I was the youngest, they’d laugh and encourage me. Tell me I had a good imagination. 

E.E.: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
Caroline: Action Adventure—with lots of twists and surprises. I love to laugh out loud, as well. All my favorites have a take-no-prisoners heroine whether that is in action or emotion. (That said, I have to admit I loved the 2015 remake of Cinderella.)

E.E.: Do you write while listening to music? If so what kind?
Caroline: I do! Music inspires me. If I’m writing a touching scene, and I’m getting emotional, I’ll stop and check to see what I’m listening to. Nine times out of ten it’s a sentimental piece or even a hymn. I only listen to instrumental. Mostly acoustic guitar.

E.E.: What sound or noise do you love?
Caroline: Rain falling on the roof, wind in the treetops, babies laughing.

E.E.: If you were given a chance to travel to the past where would you go and specifically why? Caroline: I’d buy a prairie schooner and travel the Oregon Trail (1846–1869). Now, I know, the journey was much more difficult than I can ever imagine, but something about what those brave men and women accomplished calls to me. I love to visit living history presentations of the 1800s. Perhaps someday, I’ll get a chance to participate in a wagon train.

Today, Caroline will give away two signed copies and two digital copies of her new release, Heart of Eden. 

Caroline has a question for readers: Have you ever seen or participated in a living history presentation? If yes, which one?