For all eternity, only one thing shall separate them--until the Blood Law is avenged . . .
The coming of the Blood Moon will lead two Lycan packs into war, spur two rival brothers into conflict, and spark an act of vengeance s evil that its effects will be felt for generations.
One woman stands in the center of it all . . .
As undisputed Alpha, Rafael must choose a life mate to preserve the dominance of his Lycan pack. He never suspected, his mate would be a human, the same wounded girl-woman he seduces from the brink of death. Falon is a dangerous combination of Lycan and Slayer--beings bred to destroy his kind. Even more, shes a mesmerizing beauty whose sensuality tempts the seasoned warrior to take unnecessary risks. The primal heat between them is irresistible, yet surrendering to it could destroy them both . . .for a vengeful foe stands ready in the shadows to fulfill what is rightfully his by Blood Law.
Read an excerpt here: http://karintabke.com/books/blood-law/
Book two in the L.O.S.T. series.
Pocket Star, August 30, 2011
Lovers from opposite worlds reunite in Karin Harlow’s explosive, erotic new L.O.S.T adventure...
While tracking a hijacked cask of enriched uranium in Kyrgyzstan, L.O.S.T. operative Nikko Cruz is ambushed and left for dead. Which means he must be hallucinating when the only woman he ever loved—the woman he was sentenced to death for killing—comes to his rescue.
Half-daemon Selena Guererro has secrets she’d kill for. The most important one, she’s already died to protect. Now she’ll do anything to keep her daughter safe. But she can’t just leave her lost love to perish. She injects Nikko with immortal blood serum, putting herself in grave danger.
When Nikko comes to, he is superhuman and super pissed. The mother of his daughter—the one he thought killed their child—is alive. He wants answers. He wants blood. And despite his best intentions, he wants Selena. He traces her to a mysterious terrorist cell where the cask has surfaced. First, he must retrieve the deadly material. Then he’ll take revenge on his beautiful ex. But when nothing goes as planned, Nikko and Selena find themselves burning with desire . . . and blowing the roof off their separate worlds, human and daemon alike.
DONNELL: Hello, ladies! Great blurbs! First question: Big City or Small Town Girl?
KARIN HARLOW: A city girl, who lives in a small town ;)
KARIN TABKE: That's stupid. If you're a city girl, why do you live in a small town?
HARLOW: Mind your own business.
TABKE: Pfft!
DONNELL: Do you prefer mornings or evenings?
KARIN TABKE: I was going to say evenings but since someone else did, and since she will undoubtedly accuse me of copying her, I'll say I'm a morning writer. Like one a.m. to five a.m. in the morning, writer.
DONNELL: Which of your characters would you most likely invite to dinner and why?
KARIN HARLOW: I'd invite Jax Cassidy, the heroine of ENEMY LOVER over for dinner and pick her brain about her job as a L.O.S.T. operative and ask how it is living with a hunky vampire. Then I'd tell her I had a headache, all the while Marcus Cross would be on his way over for dessert. I think the reason I invited him over is obvious . . .
KARIN TABKE: (shakes heads and rolls eyes.) You really need to get a life. Okay, who would I invite and why? Hell, if I could pick just one! I'd definitely invite those sexy Blood Sword knights. I'd want to pick their brains and get a firsthand account of what it was really like in 1066 England. Then I'd have to invite my Lycan brothers, Rafael and Lucien from BLOOD LAW, and ask for a shift demonstration.
DONNELL: What's in your refrigerator right now?
KARIN HARLOW: Fresh fruit and veggies, a half a bottle of Pinot Grigio, several types of imported cheese, assorted condiments, olives for my occasional martini, and Godiva dark choc truffles.
KARIN TABKE: Left over pasta, pretzel M&Ms and several plastic containers with mystery food. But when I'm really hungry, I go raid Harlow's fridge.
DONNELL: Answer this statement: When I'm not writing, I'm . . .
KARIN HARLOW: Reading, at the firing rage or doing cool stuff with my FBI Citizen Academy alum.
KARIN TABKE: If I'm not hanging out with my adorable granddaughter, I'm showing my Cane Corso (Italian mastiff) pup, Bella.
DONNELL'S QUESTION FOR KARIN TABKE: If you had to say something nice about Karin Harlow, what would it be?
KARIN TABKE: She has good leftovers.
DONNELL'S QUESTION FOR KARIN HARLOW: Say something nice about Karin Tabke.
KARIN HARLOW: She has a cute granddaughter.
DONNELL (Sighs.) NEXT QUESTION: What's the most interesting thing you've discovered while doing research?
KARIN HARLOW: That Tabke's husband is a veritable cornucopia of law enforcement information! He's like a cyborg! As far as information gleaned, I learned how to make a dirty bomb. Hijacked enriched uranium is at the center of ENEMY MINE, book two in the L.O.S.T. series.
KARIN TABKE: That William the Conqueror may have been a brutal man, but damn if he didn't drag England kicking and screaming out of the dark ages. I also learned some very interesting facts about the Saracens and the Koran. Fascinating stuff!
DONNELL: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
KARIN HARLOW: The publishing world is small. What goes around comes around.
KARIN TABKE: Don't quit. Ever.
Ladies, thanks so much for answering The Get Lost Crew's questions. Now it's your time to ask Readers a question. And, Readers, for those of you who answer either Karins' question, you'll be entered to win one of Karin's backlist.
KARIN HARLOW: I'd like to know by a show of hands, how many readers out there have e-readers, and if you do, is it your primary format for reading fiction?
KARIN TABKE: I'd like to know what makes you remember a story.
National Bestselling, award winning author Karin Tabke isn’t just another author with steamy stories to tell, but a cop’s wife who has “seen it all and heard it all.” Some of the hottest stories come from behind the blue wall of law enforcement rather than from in front. Married to a street cop, now retired, Karin is intimate with both and proves it with her sizzling tales of hot cops. Not only are her cops hot, but so are her sexy knights and bad boy werewolves. Karin’s Blood Sword Legacy series is a must read for anyone who loves tales of yore when men were men and women were women, and love did conqueror all. Her dark, erotic Blood Moon paranormal trilogy is best described as “Sons of Anarchy meets Rise of Lycans”. Her L.O.S.T. series (w/a Karin Harlow) is paranormal romantic suspense at its “chilling and sizzling”* best. You don’t want to miss any of Karin’s deliciously edgy tales of danger and passion!
You can follow both Karins on twitter!
Thanks, all. Join us again on Monday, May 23rd when Maureen hosts Amanda Brice!
lol i really love these first telling bout the books then the interviews this one made me giggle. ok lets see first yes i have a kindle i like it though i will freely admit to loving books more you cant beat turning the page and the smell of a new book. i know corny right. also i grow attached and havent gotten rid of any so you can think i have been reading chapter books since i was in 3rd grade oh yeah start calculating them now.
ReplyDeleteas for what makes me remember a book...if the author is able to grab me in the first few pages and i enjoy the hero and heroine and they stick out in my mind i will find myself sitting there and remembering the scenes in my head. i can look at a book cover that is my fav and know the scenes and want to re-read. like the dark series or lora leigh breed series also midnight breed series or the others by christine warren. oh and the night walkers by jacquelyn frank. each one i remember and find myself craving a revisit.
though i see two more books im going to be checking out and just added to my wish list on amazon both blood law and enemy of mine look and sound like my kinda books. thanks for sharing with us
and sorry bout my book up there i get pretty passionate bout books lol
ReplyDeleteLindsey, no worries. Both Karins asked your opinion. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHey, Lindsey, this is Tabke, Harlow is snoring in the other room, ha, she's drooling! I should take a picture.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and for your thoughtful answers! I'm with you on loving the feel and smell of a book. I have some very cherished dog eared copies of my favorites! My Nook just isn't as huggable, but I do read on it! I love instant gratification!
Donnell thanks again for inviting me! I still don't understand why you felt you had to invite whats-her-name too.
ReplyDeleteLOL, Karin, you might not want her, but her fans do. And if you give her a chance, she might grow on you! ;) Love your answers! You really do write from one to five a.m.! Thanks for being with us today. I'm off to join Harlow zzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeleteGreat interviews, ladies!
ReplyDeleteHarlow - can't answer you as I don't have an e-reader. Yet. Sorry. Now, if you had asked what I'd like from your refrigerator, that would have been different....
Karin - when I read a romance, what makes me remember a story is getting so caught up in the characters and their troubles that I feel their pain--and their joy. If they manage to get through the worst that can happen to them and prevail, the ending is that much sweeter. And the worst can vary in intensity based on the type of story it is.
I guess what I'm saying is, I remember those stories where characters face challenges and triumph over them.
Hello both Karins. Tabke is the one I've known by far the longest, but I'm happy to get to know Karin H as well :).
ReplyDeleteI do have an e-reader and it has become my primary way of reading.
Great mix of plot and character make me remember a book.
Very fun interview. I do love my Kindle. I read more ebooks than print books now. It's easy and convenient.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me remember a book is the characters, not as much the story, though there has to be that. All my favorite books have that in common.
Very cute interview. I don't have an ereader yet but plan to buy one in the very near future. I do read e-books on my computer though. I don't think I will ever completely switch to all e-books because I do love the look and feel of print books. And they are so much fun to look at on a shelf. Although with e-books, you can carry alot of books with you everywhere, and they don't take up space.
ReplyDeleteHI Karin,
ReplyDeleteFun reading your interview and blurbs!
I don't have an e-reader but download books onto my iPhone through a Kindle app. (I manage an hour of cardio by reading while peddling away on the stationary bike!)
Welcome to GLIAS, Karin. FUN FUN interview. I laughed all the way through.
ReplyDeleteHands down...every time I remember a story it's because the characters are hurt & broken individuals, but when the right person is there for them, they heal.
Thanks for doing the interview, Karin and Karin. :)
ReplyDeleteI remember a story if it made me think about something in a different way.
I have a Kindle, Adobe Digital Editions on my laptop and many reading apps on my iPhone. I can read just about anywhere. I love my Kindle. I have a slight addiction to their One-click button. I still buy paperback books. I would say I read 70% ebooks to 30% paper books. I will buy a paper copy of an ebook I already own if I really love the cover art.
ReplyDeleteI remember a story if they characters are compelling. I like conflict between characters. I like flaws because the characters are more human that way. A shocking twist will also make me remember a story.
I do own a Kindle and I love it, but I still read paper books too. I kind o switch back and forth. So I guess you can say I read both.
ReplyDeleteSoooo, I was up all night writing, just booted up the ol' laptop that's on its last leg, and figured Harlow would have picked up the slack while I got my sleep on. Color me surprised (not!) to discover, that she not only didn't stop by and comment here, but she's gone! No note, no text, no email. I hate it when she does that! It's rude and inconsiderate! The only good thing she did this morning was leave me a cup of coffee. It's not too bad either!
ReplyDeleteDonnell, Harlow's fans can hang out with me today!
ReplyDeleteBarbara, I'm eating lemon biscotti my mil baked last night. Yummy! I echo your thoughts exactly on the character front. I can't recall any story I've read where it was the plot or the setting that stayed on my mind. But the characters? Hellz, yes!
ReplyDeleteOn the ereader topic, I highly recommend the Nook Color. Love mine! Hubby loves his iPad.
Hahaha you guys are hilarious!! I have a Sony e-reader, I probably read about about 2/3 paper and 1/3 digital. What makes me remember a story...hmmm...usually an intense hero - a hero who is self-confident yet caring, protective (and maybe sometimes a jerk LOL) and loves kids and dogs *snort* Ok, don't enter me in the contest - I have every one of K-Tab's and Harlow's AWESOME books =D
ReplyDeleteHey, Michelle! I'm so happy I'm going to see you again in New York! I wouldn't give too much thought to getting to know Harlow better, she's rather reclusive and well, I'm the fun one!
ReplyDeleteLemon biscotti??? Dood, share the love!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, Karin and Karin! I do own a Kindle and read ebooks on my laptop as well (the first romance I read was an ebook). I still read mostly paper books though. The problem for me is that I remember a book by its cover which doesn't show up on the Kindle so I spend a lot of time looking at my ebook list, wondering if I had read the books and what the books were about.
ReplyDeleteAs for a memorable story, it can be the characters (it doesn't have to be the main characters) or the setting. If I find myself mentally exploring the world of the book by putting myself in it (can anyone say, "fanfic"?), then I know I really enjoyed the book.
Hi Karen Squared. I own a Kindle, but I'm still split 50-50 between ebooks and print books. I love them all and will read anything in my favorite genres. I used to be a book "purist", but then I realized I'd be missing out on too many good stories to disdain ebooks. Now I love them both.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes a memorable story? The interaction between the characters and how well it is described (written). What attracts me most to the romance genre is that interaction. What would they do in THIS situation? If it's written well, I'll remember it forever!
Great interview. I do have a Kindle and I love it. For the momemt I have such an extensive paperback TBR pile that I'm trying to conquer it before I switch over to my Kindle.
ReplyDeleteMany different things make a story memorable to me. May it be a specific interaction between characters, the location, or even just a specific character it just depends.
Edie, I love my Nook and have a list of books I want to buy but it seems like I have no reading time lately. I hate that! Are you going to New York?
ReplyDeleteJune I love browsing the books stores. I love touching the books!
ReplyDeleteI do have a Kindle, but I like my paperbacks better :-)
ReplyDeleteA great romance makes me reamember a story.
Gjillian, I love to read on the treadmill. Reading and exercising at the same time, win win!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the warm welcome, Angi! I'm with you on the hurt and broken characters. As the creator of such types, I really enjoy twisting that knife. muwhahahahahaaa
ReplyDeleteThanks for having me, Maureen! Oh, I likey those kinds of stories too! Show me a different way and change my mind!
ReplyDeleteStacie, as much as I love the feel of books and book browsing, I suspect very soon, most of my reading will be on my Nook. It's just too easy and the instant gratification of having it now is hard to beat!
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh about your 'shocking twist' comment. The ending of BLOOD LAW is throwing readers for a loop!
Virginia, you're bi just like me! ;)
ReplyDeleteBonnie, a hero who loves kids and dogs is a must! He can hate everything and everyone else in the world so long as he has a soft spot for those two!
On the lemon biscotti front, they're dipped in white icing...Mmmmmmmm
Sheree, what exactly *is* fanfic?
ReplyDeleteSiobhan/Meg, well put! Being a purest can keep us out of the loop of other good things in life. I resisted the lure of an ereader because I felt like I was betraying my books! But I got over it when hubby gifted me with my Nook Color this past Christmas. LOVE. IT!
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I have a towering tbr paperback pile too. I feel kind of bad when I pick up my Nook and read in digital format when those other books have been waiting so long...
ReplyDeleteChelsea, there is so much to be said for reading a great romance. They are timeless wonders. It's why I love writing love stories. le sigh.
ReplyDeleteFanfic (fan fiction) refers to stories written by fans that are set in a specific world of a book or series with characters from that book or series. For example, there are lots of Harry Potter fanfic in which Harry ended up with Hermione or even Ron. Some authors don't mind fanfic but some do (due to copyright infringement).
ReplyDeleteHey Karens! I do have a kindle, and I prefer to read on it than read an actual printed book.
ReplyDeleteAnd I tend to remember stories that are highly emotional in some way, or ones that hit on issues that I have also had issues with (if that makes any sense!!)
Thanks for the fun interview!
Hi Karin's. great interview ladies. I do purchase e-reads but only if they don't come in paperback. I still prefer books myself, I guess you could say I like the old fashioned way of reading.:)
ReplyDeleteThe characters are what pulls me into the book and then the plot. The characters need to have a certain appeal to them to keep me reading.
Hi Karin and Karin -- two very lovely women! Welcome to GLIAS :)
ReplyDeleteLoved your interview, and both stories sound amazing! Might have to try one out on my new Kindle! Yes, I finally broke down and got one, for Mothers Day. I've loaded a few books, but I've been editing since then. However, I was able to load my own manuscript on it and listen to it with the text-to-speech option, which was surreal but helpful...caught a dew missed words I would have read over.
I'm still a paper girl, but I am starting to enjoy the Kindle.
Have a great weekend and hope to see you in NY?
Karins, gotta thank you for hanging out with each other today and with all of us at GLIAS. Now don't you feel better? Ideally this little lesson will help you get along :) You both RAWK. xxxoooo
ReplyDelete"On the lemon biscotti front, they're dipped in white icing...Mmmmmmmm" Karin - you are just EVIL!! I would like to talk Harlow, please >.<
ReplyDeleteI'll be back a little later to catch up! It's been one of *those* days!
ReplyDeleteSheree, thank you for the insight! Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I love those emotional heart-tugging stories too!
ReplyDeleterhomitz, I love the old fashion way too, but damn if I don't love the instant gratification of buying a book on an ereader! Now, if only I could have a print book instantly delivered!
ReplyDeleteHeather, I didn't know the Kindle had a speech option. Very cool! Now I have to go check and see if my Nook has one.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll be in New York! We will definitely see each other. I can't wait to get away from the laptop!
Donnell, I'm not sure we'll ever be besties. Harlow has been MIA all weekend. I still don't know where she is. She could have called!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, the biscotti are evil! You can't eat just one or two or three...
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Siobhan, you are my winner! Email me at kltabke@aol.com and let me know which of my backlist you'd like me to send you!
ReplyDeleteDonnell et al, thank you for having me and the MIA Harlow as your guest! Speaking for myself, I loved hanging out. :)