
E.E. Burke's Best of the West: Meet Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe

Today for Best of the West, we welcome USA Today Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe, who has two new releases. Let's find out about them, and then get to know Caroline.

Texas Lonesome - The McCutcheon Family Series, Book 8 

Rio Wells, Texas 1886 

Dustin McCutcheon gets the surprise of his life when he comes face-to-face with Sidney Calhoun, the spitfire offspring of his father’s worst adversary. 

The whole of Texas knows that McCutcheons and Calhouns just don’t mix. Period. Yet Dustin is drawn to Sidney. The stirrings of attraction she brings out leave him with a serious decision to make. Break the hearts of his family—or break his own. Neither choice is palatable . . . 

Texas Lonesome, book eight of the McCutcheon Family Saga, continues the story of the brave and passionate men and women of Y Knot, Montana, and Rio Wells, Texas, by USA TODAY Best-selling Author Caroline Fyffe. 


Under a Falling Star

Wyoming Territory, April 1883

After a disastrous marriage, Sheriff Albert Preston never expects to fall in love again…until a feisty, take-charge young woman sneaks past his defenses. Now, he’d like nothing more than to make Susanna Robinson his wife. But when a train crashes just outside of town, the secrets it carries threaten to derail his plans for a happy future.

Susanna Robinson adores everything about her new hometown of Logan Meadows. She loves her job at the café, the beauty of the night sky over Wyoming, and the handsome lawman by her side. But after learning a hard lesson about fickle hearts from her mother’s bad example, she doubts she can commit to Albert. And when Albert’s shocking secret comes to light, all her fears are confirmed. Will his steadfast, tender heart and gallant ways be enough to rebuild her trust in him?

Let's meet Caroline

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe was born in Waco, Texas, the first of many towns she would call home during her father's career with the US Air Force. A horse aficionado from an early age, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University-Chico before launching what would become a twenty-year career as an equine photographer. 

She began writing fiction to pass the time during long days in the show arena, channeling her love of horses and the Old West into a series of Western historicals. Her debut novel, Where the Wind Blows, won the Romance Writers of America's prestigious Golden Heart Award as well as the Wisconsin RWA's Write Touch Readers' Award. She and her husband have two grown sons and live in the Pacific Northwest. 

Twitter @carolinefyffe
Email; caroline@carolinefyffe.com. 

E.E.: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Caroline: Hands down, Dances with Wolves. Love the scenery, music, and of course, Kevin Costner. I dream of him producing one of my westerns one day. (Key word—dream.) I met Michael Brown, creator of the book, at a horse show for mustangs in Reno where I was the official photographer. Thrilled to find out he would be presenting one of the large awards, I was happy to tell him how much I loved his story. Later, he sent me a signed copy of Dances with Wolves, which I cherish to this day.

E.E.: What is your biggest vice?
Caroline: Ice cream for sure. Chocolate chip cookie dough. I’d have it every night if I let myself.

E.E.: Be honest, when reading...do you put yourself in the heroine’s role?
Caroline: Oh, sure. But I also put myself into my hero’s roles as well. Just depends on which POV I’m writing at the moment. I love my heroes as much as I love my heroines.

E.E.: What’s something you’d like to tell your fans?
Caroline: A lot of the silly situations in my books come from my real life experiences. Like opening a box filled with tiny grasshoppers in my sister’s bedroom. (I was the youngest.) Also, almost all the horses that are named in my books are horses I’ve owned, or my sisters have owned, throughout the years—we’re all very horsey. The rest are from friends, and horse show acquaintances. (I used to be a horse show photographer.) It just makes writing more fun for me while I think of a particular horse—and their stalwart or quirky personalities.  

E.E.: Do you write while listening to music? If so what kind?
Caroline: Absolutely. Soundscapes on my cable. Instrumental only.

E.E.: What’s the first thing you do when you finish writing a book?
I take a day off—or maybe two. It feels strange doing something other than writing, but I go out to lunch, shopping, or something. Other than that, I’m always writing—except on weekends. I always take those off.

E.E.: If you were given a chance to travel to the past where would you go and specifically why?
Caroline: Even though I understand the journey would be incredibly dangerous and difficult, I’d travel the Oregon Trail. Those men and women were incredibly brave and adventuresome. I fantasize about that all the time.

E.E.: Which of your characters would you most/least to invite to dinner, and why?
Caroline: I think I’d most like to invite Luke McCutcheon to dinner, even though I think I’d be shy around him. He’s very kind and polite, but his largeness of character just seems to catch me off guard. I’d probably not eat a single bite for listening and staring. He’s pretty much captured my heart.

Today, Caroline is offering copies of her two new releases. Just leave a comment, and don't forget to enter the drawing. 

If you could go back in time, when and where would you go, and why?


  1. DANCES WITH WOLVES is a great movie. I have the music in my head as I type. You do have beautiful covers. I look forward to catching up on the series.

    1. Hi, Mary! Thanks so much for stopping by this morning. So happy you, too, love DANCES! If I'm surfing the channels and happy to stumble across it, it stays on. haha I'm a die hard....Thanks for the flowers on my covers. Good luck in the drawing!

  2. I'd like to visit the Wyoming Territory of the late 1870's. It's the time period of my WIP, and I'd like to make sure I get it right.

    1. That is the exact time period of my Prairie Hearts series, Alisa!It begins in 1876 and goes from there. Good luck with your WIP! We have the greatest job in the world. :)Thanks for stopping by! <3

  3. Although Kevin Costner in one of your books would be pretty amazing, I can see him and a awesome cast in a mini-series called Prairie Hearts. That MINI-Series could be a pilot for a TV series by the same name written by you. I am sure you have tons of stories in that amazing imagination of yours.

    1. You have just made me swoon with happiness. I'd LOVE to have a Prairie Hearts TV series, and Kenin Costner would be Frank Lloyd, the banker who saves Chase Logan's money and buys the Broken Horn for him. He'd be great, and, and,...well, I could keep going on all day. Haha Thanks for the wonderful smile you gave me this morning! Cheers!

  4. Hi Caroline ~ I enjoyed getting to know you a little better here. The music from Dances With Wolves is amazing. I also like the music by James Horner from Legends of the Fall. I wish I could, but I can't listen to music while writing. I get too swept away by it. Keep writing! Your books are wonderful!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathryn! I so appreciate your kind words. You write awesome books that melt my heart! <3 Yes, Legends of the Fall has gorgeous music as well. And Brad Pit isn't too bad either. Haha. (Had to throw that in!) Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year!

  5. Love Dances with Wolves too. And loved hearing more about you!
    I always said I was born in the wrong time. Would love to live in Laura Ingalls time even through all the trials and struggles.
    And Luke has also captured my heart!!(swoon) Love all that you do Caroline and can't wait for more ��

  6. Love Dances with Wolves too. And loved hearing more about you!
    I always said I was born in the wrong time. Would love to live in Laura Ingalls time even through all the trials and struggles.
    And Luke has also captured my heart!!(swoon) Love all that you do Caroline and can't wait for more ��

    1. Thanks so much, Anna! It's wonderful friends like yourself that make writing so much fun. I too LOVE Laura Ingalls time. Just love Walnut Grove, and all the quirky characters. Glad Luke has caste his bet over you as well. As soon as I write THE END on my wip, it's back to Y KNOT, Luke and the rest....I love hanging out there. :) Wishing you and your sweet family a fantastic 2016!

  7. Great Q & A and fun to learn that some of the things in your books, like horses names and the grasshoppers are real.

    1. Thanks, Kathy! Grasshoppers, hawks, oh, dog's names too. I forgot about that. My sisters usually get a kick out of finding stuff they remember from our childhood. I don't tell them so it's a surprise.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello! :) Have a fantastic 2016!

  8. So many interesting places and times one could visit... for me though... if I could go back in time it would be to spend more time with my grandparents... Thanks for sharing!

    1. So true, Colleen. One never has enough time with beloved grandparents. My grandmother had a coy pond with beautiful gold fish...I'll never forget that. Thanks for saying hello!

  9. Love the Q&A. But especially love your characters and stories! I would love to have a slower paced lifestyle from the past.

    1. Slow paced sounds awesome, Tracie, I agree...

      Wishing you a wonderful 2016!

  10. I would go back to 1962 and not marry the first man that ask me too soon. take time to get to know the one I would marry better.
    If I should win I would like paperback. Caroline I have just finished reading Under a Falling Star that I got from goodreads. Now will need to go back and read ones that came before this one...loved the story.

    1. Super that you were a Goodreads winner! That's awesome, Pol! If that was the only one in the series you've read, if you win, I can send you Book One if you like. Whatever fits best for you. Thanks for stopping by! So happy to meet you! :)

  11. maybe 1800s England to see the fashion

    1. Exactly! I love all the clothes on Downton Abby. I know that's a bit later in history, but I love everything they wear. Fun it think about. Good luck in the drawing. Cheers! :)

  12. I would say the middle 1800's. I would love to see what the states where like than. Times were hard but I think they knew how to love and have fun. Family meant more back than, times were spent on learning not like today with all the high tech games where you set all day. I remember growing up and making up games. families for the most part were closer.

    I miss living on the farm with all the animals. I think I would find me a cowboy and have tons of kids enjoy the small things and love life.

    1. Exactly! I think a lot of people these days long for a simpler life. Games, sitting around the hearth while reading, singing songs...let's go back! :) Thanks for stopping by.

  13. I would go back to join homesteaders on the Oregon Trail as well. I know I was meant to wear petticoats and I would like think I would have the fortitude to live that kind of live. I might not last 50 miles! Great interview and it was nice to meet you Caroline. dblaser(at)windstream(dot)net

    1. Thank you, Diane! Glad you liked it. :) I'm happy to hear you're an Oregon Trail fan as well. I'd even like to try the reenactment of traveling it. I love seeing the tracks in the earth. Maybe one of my ancestors came west that way. It's fun to consider.

      Wishing you a wonderful 2016!
