
E.E. Burke's Best of the West: A Bride That Needs Saving

Get lost in a new heartwarming romance from New York Times Bestselling Author Linda Broday

He may be a wanted man, but all outlaw Jack Bowdre ever desired was a second chance. Now he’s on his way to jail, completely unaware that his unexpected—and unexpectedly beautiful—traveling companion is none other than Nora Kane…his mail order bride.

Unaware that Jack is her groom-to-be, all Nora sees is a scoundrel. But when their stagecoach crashes and the truth comes spilling out, they’re suddenly left to fend for themselves—and each other. The longer they’re together, the stronger their feelings grow. Hounded by desperate men bent on doing them harm, Nora and Jack will do whatever it takes to find their happily ever after...but first, they’ll have to shake the devil from their trail. 

Read an excerpt!

The barrel-chested marshal smiled at Lenora. “Sorry that you have to endure this a bit longer, ma’am. He’s little more than a savage animal.” He said that like the outlaw had a case of rabies or something. Dollard continued in a tone full of righteous contempt. “Why, he’s so mean the rattlesnakes won’t even come near him. I heard his own kin disowned him.”
Lenora’s gaze followed the outlaw’s long legs and lean form from which enormous power radiated, felt his deep irritation and anger to be cuffed to the marshal. She’d read about men like this one who lived outside the law in dime novels that were all the rage back East. But reading about one and coming face to face with one in the flesh were two totally different things.
Awareness sizzled between them and when he turned his gaze to her, a rush of heat flooded her cheeks.
His chiseled features appeared hewn from the hardest stone that the good Lord probably reserved for those like him who lived outside the law. The marshal appeared barely able to contain him. In fact, she got the impression the prisoner merely bided his time until an opportunity for escape came.
He glanced toward the window, allowing her to study him better. The outlaw had uncommon good looks with a hard, angled jaw that sported brown stubble. The rise high on his nose indicated it had been broken few times. Ha! She wasn’t surprised at that.
But most striking were his gray eyes—gunmetal gray. At times they stormed, and other times, like when the marshal shot warnings and threats, they became icy and hard. But amusement colored his gaze when he turned his attention to her.
Lenora thought about leaning across the space and slapping his brazen face. Except she’d never struck anyone even though she’d been sorely tempted a few times.
The way he glanced at the door then back to the marshal told her he was planning an escape.
Lenora stilled and held her breath, her pulse racing. Would he use her somehow in his escape plan? Maybe take her hostage? Oh dear. She glanced at the marshal, wondering if he’d pull his gun and shoot him if he tried anything.
The handsome outlaw lifted a finely arched brow. “Here in Texas they make you pay to gawk, ma’am. But I reckon this is the first time a gentle woman like yourself has laid eyes on a born and bred killer. Who knows? Maybe you can come to my hanging. Now that’ll be a real treat.”
Beneath his mocking tone, she saw the layer of sorrow, felt his heavy heart, tasted his bitterness. She couldn’t bear the thought of him swinging from a rope.

Where to get Saving The Mail-Order Bride 
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E.E.: What turns you off like nothing else?
Linda: Whiny people who sit around constantly complaining about how they feel, why they can’t have a happy life, how everything is against them. I just want to shake them hard.

E.E.: What’s something you’d like to tell your fans?
Linda: Thank you for reading my books, believing in me, supporting me, and leaving reviews. I couldn’t keep writing if it wasn’t for my readers and knowing they’re waiting for my next one. I’m so grateful for each one and love them dearly.

E.E. What one thing about your hero drives his heroine crazy? And what one thing about your heroine drives her hero nuts?

Linda: Jack Bowdre counts whenever he’s trying to keep his temper down and it drives Nora crazy. And Nora’s insistence on always looking on the bright side makes Jack climb the wall. These make for some funny scenes.

E.E.: How did you come up with the idea for your book?

Linda: I’m always trying to think of ways to get characters together and keep them there and one day me and another author were brainstorming and she said to handcuff them together. Yes! That’s one sure-fire way to get to know one another fast! And it works. I loved torturing Jack and Nora by making them unable to part after cross words. The handcuffs made them stay and work things out.

E.E.: When I want to relax, I ___________.

Linda: Go to the movies. There is nothing better than sitting in a dark theater and watching a story unfold on the screen. It’s pure magic for me and so entertaining. I’m a movie addict.

E.E.: Have you read any good books lately that you’d recommend?

Linda: Oh yes! The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson! Oh my gosh, this was such a gripping story about 1930s life in the Kentucky mountains for people whose skin is blue. These people really existed and they were ostracized and treated like trash because of it. The main character was a horseback librarian, taking books to people living in way back in the hills. This is based on historical fact and such an interesting book.

E.E.: What’s coming next?

Linda: In September, Longing for a Cowboy Christmas releases – an anthology with Leigh Greenwood, Rosanne Bittner, Margaret Brownley, Anna Schmidt, and Amy Sandas. These stories will put you in the holiday spirit.

Linda's Awesome Giveaway: A $25 Amazon gift card, Two copies of Saving the Mail Order Bride.

Enter the raffle and leave a comment: 

How long would you be able to survive in the open with only the clothes on your back, handcuffed to an outlaw, and a posse behind you?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The question had me laughing. I think I would be furious at my situation more then anything else. Woe betide outlaws and posses.

    1. Good morning, Mary! Thank you for coming. I agree and Nora was pretty furious at the situation even though she caused it when she slapped the handcuff on herself. She didn't realize what her actions would lead to. I hope you enjoy the story and that you find lots of reasons to laugh.

  2. Maybe a day would be my best survival rate! Kate Sparks csparks52@live.com

    1. Good morning, Anonymous! I don't know if I could make it one day or not, especially given the rough terrain and lack of food. It would be hard. Thanks for coming.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for having me, Elisabeth! I always love coming to visit and talking books. I think readers will like my newest. It has a lot more humor in it than most of what I've written.

  5. Since I don't like be in hot, sticky, I would never make it. Now if I didn't know any other life, and it was the old days, I hope I could survive as long as needed.

    1. Hi Veda! I'm glad to see you. It would be hard to make it without anything at all to help you. I don't know if I could eat cactus or yucca or catch a fish with my hands. I'll bet you and I could make it though if we had to. Love you, lady!

  6. I am afraid that my mouth would get me in trouble pretty quick!

    1. Hi Teresa! I'm happy you came to chat. I take it you would be very vocal. Ha! Nora gets pretty riled too. Good luck in winning a prize.

  7. Thanks so much for the chance. Would love to read the book. As for the question, I probably wouldn't last a day coz my mouth would get me in trouble.

    1. Hi Debbie! Thank you for coming. I think you might love this book. I had so much fun writing it because Nora wasn't some meek and mild little lady. She spoke her mind and she didn't let Jack get away with anything. Maybe you'd do better than you think. After all, Jack is a hunk and he sure can take care of a lady. Good luck in winning one of prizes!

  8. Great question!I think I'd survive longer without being handcuffed. Just the idea of not being able to get away from someone makes me panic.

    1. Hi Natalija! I'm so happy you came. Having both hands to use would sure help in trying to survive. I can't imagine being in such close proximity to someone for that long. There's close and then there's too close for comfort. I just love to torture my people. It's the best fun. Good luck in the drawing!

  9. I wouldn't last long because I wear sandals all the time and that would not make for walking in that terrain. (But now Jack could sure tempt me to..)

    1. Hi Unknown, thanks for coming. No, sandals would not do on a long trek across rugged terrain like this. But Jack would sure make all the discomfort and pain worthwhile if you know what I mean. That man is easy to fall head over heels in love with! Yes, ma'am!

  10. Well that would be an interesting situation to be in... with him by my side, I guess I would last for a bit! ;)

    1. Hi Colleen! It's great to see an old friend. I'm glad you stopped by. You know, I have never written a man as tender and considerate as Jack Bowdre. He really is very special and would make the weary miles and lack of food worth it. Good luck in the drawing!

  11. This is a question that I never even thought of great questions that you answered though. I am not that tough plus i have RSD so I wouldn;t survive long as the handkuffs would be on tight and I would be able to swing around and kick him in his sweet spot so he would find me easier passed out. Being in my 60's and having a disease i am a real sissy huh! peggy clayton ptclayton2@aol.com

    1. Hi Peggy! Great that you stopped by. Oh goodness! Your RSD would certainly add to the pain of the ordeal. I'm sure Jack would love to massage your aches away though. He's very considerate that way and would do his best to see to your comfort such as he's able. Good luck in the drawing, my dear.

  12. This sounds like an amazing book. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Hi Sara, thanks for coming. I hope you win a copy so you can judge it for yourself.

  13. I would not give up and I'd fight every step of the way. There is no way I would give up hope.


    1. Hi Rita, great to see you. You and Nora Kane share the same philosophy. Nora never once thought about giving up. She's a fighter and that's one of the reasons why Jack loved her. Good luck in the drawing!

  14. Not long I'm sure and not at all if he didn't help me.

    1. Hi Linda, you can be assured that Jack would help you through all of it even when his leg shot pain through him. He always takes care of his lady. Good luck in the drawing.

  15. Hello Sweet Lady glad to see you are still making the rounds promoting this amazing book. Hoping and praying it’s a huge success. I would like to think I was strong enough to make a go of it as Jack and Nora did

    1. Hi Glenda, great to see you! I love it. Yes, I'm always promoting. You know if anyone can survive what they did it's you. I think you have the right stuff. Love you dearly.

  16. I could servive without food for quite a while with all the fluff I currently have.���� It certainly would be hard on both of us but hopefully by working together we would survive. I love reading your books have a good day.

    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks for stopping by. Your comment made me laugh. You and me both. In fact, that's what Nora told Jack about eating Yucca leaves and Cactus pods, "I need to lose a few pounds anyway." She was so funny and I think you'll like her. Bless you for liking what I write. Sending big hugs from the Texas Panhandle.

  17. I dont think I'll last a day! But then situations like that teach you that you do not know your strength until you find yourself with no option. So I might last longer than a day

    1. Hi Natasha, thanks for coming. Between you and me, I don't think I'd last very long at all. The walk with no food would do me in. You're right about us not knowing what we can do until faced with the situation though. We might reach down deep and find the strength we need. Good luck!

  18. Hello Ladies, I remember our lunch in Vegas. My how time flies. Rob says Hello!
    I think I could survive In tbe wilderness handcuffed to an outlaw. It wound for sure be quite an experience. It would take courage, grit, and a will to survive, however handcuffed to my very own “Jack”, well I think I could find things to keep us entertained. šŸ™ƒšŸ˜šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—
    Love you both!
    Linda has truly outdone herself with this book, I’m wondering how she will top it, but I know her.. she will!

    1. Hi Miss Tonya, great to have you! Yes, Elisabeth and I had a great time with you and Rob in Vegas. We'll have to do it again. I think you could survive too. You have a whole lot of inner strength and will power. And yes, there's Jack! Oh my dear Lord! Jack is so hunky with kindness and compassion to boot! Love you, lady!

  19. Replies
    1. Hi BN100! Thank you for coming over. Great to see you. This is a hard question to answer I think because we don't know how we'd do until we got in this situation. That's exactly how Nora felt. She was scared to try but dove in anyway and gave it her all.

  20. I always look forward to a new book by Linda Broday. I have this one and am so looking forward to reading it. Her characters and the feel of the time and place are all very real. She makes it easy for us to step back in time and enjoy the adventure.

    1. Hi Patricia! I hope you had a great time on your trip to Alaska. I've always wanted to go but haven't made it so far. Thank you for the kind words about my stories. I try very hard to write stories that will grip the readers and thrust them into the scenes. I'm happy to know it's working. Love you dearly, my friend.

  21. I would love it! I love the out doors like that. Last year we went to Nevada and Arizona deserts hiking I enjoyed it. This sounds very good

  22. I dont know how to give in. I keep on keeping on.

  23. Thanks for sharing always nice to hear about books but great to hear about authors as well.

  24. I wouldn't survive long. I stress long. Thankful for the power of prayer so I would be praying a lot!

  25. I haven't read any good books lately but think I need to get to he library!

  26. EEK, not in 24 hours if I`m being honest! lol Thx for the opportunity to win!
