
GOOD GOOD VIBRATIONS from the hearts of the Crew!

It's been a long year and with a new year ahead, we here at Get Lost in a Story want to wish you hope, peace, faith and love this Valentines day!

As storytellers, our hope is in the potential and possibility of what can be, despite the difficulties and obstacles thrown in the paths of our characters. In real life, we know its not always as easy and we recognize that part as well.

So as we celebrate a fresh new year, lets our hearts be washed anew with hope, with the promise of better things--especially the gratitude of little things--laughter, family, friends, kindness, the earth's beauty (and our ability to preserve it!)

from the GLIAS CREW!!

From Amanda ~

From E.E ~

From Lizbeth ~

From Jacqui ~ 

Flowers in a heart shape and John Lennon quote ""Love is the flower; you've got to let it grow"

From C.H. ~

From Angi ~

We encourage you to perform random acts of kindness this month and share them on post here. Let's make those good vibrations felt for all of us worldwide!


  1. Happy Valentine's Week! :)

    1. Happy Valentine's Week to you too, Colleen! ❤️

  2. Happy Valentines week, Colleen and Jacqui! I once paid for the next person in line at a drive through. Quite often I will stop and get my hairdressers fav drink on my way to my appt. It just feels good when you surprise someone with an act of kindness.

    1. Love your acts of kindness, Amanda! Always inspiring ❤️

  3. Replies
    1. Happy Valentine's Day, Patty! Hope you're having a great day ❤️

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