
C.H. Admirand Making Connections at #BLC19 in New Orleans

I never realized when Amanda McIntyre introduced me to Angi Morgan at #BLC19 in New Orleans that I'd made a connection that would open up a new opportunity. I was happy to meet Angi and sit and chat. Who knew it would lead to an invitation to join her Get Lost In A Story Blog Crew!

Life is all about making connections and choices...do I turn left at the fork in the road? Turn right? Stand frozen to the spot unable to make a decision? Give up--unable to make a decision--and go back.

There have been times in my life that I've turned left at the fork and others when I've turned right. At the lowest points in my life, I've stood frozen in fear unable to decide. But then I'd get my gumption back--or as my 91-year-old Father-in-Law said after my Dad's wake in 1999..."you've got grit" encouraging me to move forward one step-at-a-time. I'm a firm believer in fate, destiny and love-at-first-sight. Without faith and hope, I'd have been lost years ago. 

As I'm writing this Joe Diffie starts singing in my head--Ship's That Don't Come In. (songs are always playing in my head) I get chills every time I hear the refrain and am crying by the end of the song. We heard him sing it live in concert years ago, and his voice was just as clear and moving as this video. In case you haven't heard it in awhile, or ever...here's the youtube link Ship's That Don't Come In .

While sitting at my kitchen table writing this blog, I got distracted by the beauty of the day--the bright blue sky, warmth of the sun, and gentle breeze. I just have to go outside and soak up the beauty of the day.

As our clothesline moved with the breeze, I was propelled back in time handing Mom clothes pins as she hung out the clothes in our backyard. Time for a break to gather my thoughts while washing the clothes...the sheets are going to smell fabulous when I make the bed tonight. 

Hanging up the sheets and the rest of the laundry, I think of Mom and Dad and wonder if they celebrated their 64th Anniversary up in Heaven--they got married on June 18th in 1955. It's kindof a shock to realize that they were only married 4 years longer than Dave and I. We're celebrating our 40th Anniversary today...August 4th. Time flies!

Although my darling hubby created it a couple of weeks ago...this is my anniversary present this year...created from my favorite washtub...and rocks from the yard. Love the new 'water feature'...aka 'fountain in a washtub.' ;)

As I'm typing this up, I'm hearing Joe Mulcahy and Mary Murphy arguing in my head. So happy to have finished their story and have it "in the chute" waiting on edits to upload the final copy along with the cover for my first Christmas Novella: Christmas Comes to Apple Grove. They deserve their happily ever after! Love doesn't care how old you are ;)

Next up and waiting for the link to preview the PDF of my January 2020 reissue of the first book in my Small Town USA series: A Wedding in Apple Grove. So delighted to have a cover that I LOVE!! It actually ties in to Meg and Dan's story...not always the case when you have publishers involved with a different vision. This cover speaks to me, makes me cry, and has me singing another Joe Diffie song in my head: In John Deere Green https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0387lIpG7Q 

After my computer crashed--mid-edit--on Monday afternoon, it was chaos here! But by Wednesday I had a new laptop which didn't have all of my programs on it...or quick links, websites, etc. YIKES...so it's been a chaotic but in the end productive week around here. I finished my proofing my edits for A Wedding in Apple Grove and uploaded them yesterday, need to check to see if they've been approved yet.

Today I spent writing a book proposal that I can't talk about yet...but if things work out as planned, will be seriously exciting. Now to write the first chapter and send it off tonight, fingers crossed ;)

Cherish your loved ones and hold them close to your heart. Family First! With my heart centered, I can stand at that fork in the road and make a decision knowing my family has my back. Now midnight at the Crossroads is a whole other story for another time...

I'm giving away a free e-book copy of my first book...The Marshal's Destiny. The first book in my Irish Western Series...to enter leave a comment answering the question: What centers you and keeps you sane in this sometimes crazy life?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've been reading C.H. Admirand's stories for years and she never fails to make me laugh, smile or cry. Love her creative voice and wonderful tales steeped in Family and traditions. What centers me and keeps me sane? Friends and family (and the occasional glass of wine)

    1. Sending you a BIG hug from down the mountain, my friend ;) Thank you...Friends and family...they either center you--or make you crazy! ;)

  2. I just love your story today and I love Joe Diffy not many do buy I thought he was so good when he started your books also look wonderful and thank you for post today! peggy clayton

    1. Thanks so much, Peggy! We saw him with Alabama way back in 1980 something ;) I think it was at the Orange County Fair in NY State...can't really remember though. Thank you for the kind words, Peggy and for stopping by ;)

  3. My family and pets keep me balanced... books, music and movies calm me...

    1. OMGoodness, Colleen! Yes, exactly! I'd be lost without our two rescue dogs: Jameson and Reilly ;)

  4. Replies
    1. They really are the glue, aren't they BN? ;) Thanks for stopping by!
